It was gonna be a LOVE show, but we were distracted.
1 Mark Mothersbaugh: BobFugue in D Minor 00:12
2 HOS 4 promo "Dobbsoidianisms" - El Queso
All Stars 00:36
3 The Bran Flakes - "Susie Moppet Singalong" 01:10
4 credits 00:47
5 ESO Swamp Radio 8-15-02-"World Burning" 01:07
6 "The Shape of Things To Come" -Max Frost
and the Troopers 01:51
7 Consortium of Genius -"Bow to Me" 03:16
8 Credit 00:32
9 ESO Swamp Radio 9-13-02d "Kook War Madness!" 02:22
10 The Bran Flakes - "In The Final Hours" 03:01
11 Credit 00:31
12 LeMur: The Lord's Buffet 02:12
13 LeMur: Executive Order 13013 00:15
14 ESO Radio 9-6-02k- "War Death-TV EotW" 04:22
15 Rainmakers "Good Sons & Daughters"
16 credit 00:07
17 LeMur: bookBanTV.aif 00:18
18 LeMur: SpaceAliens2 01:42
19 ESO Radio 9-6-02f- "War Is Good" song 01:17
20 Brag of the Subgenius- 2 - tweaked by Philo 00:50
21 Consortium of Genius -"Death to the Angel of
Death" 02:51
22 The Bran Flakes - "Trash Can Fun" 02:56
23 Credit 00:37
24 ESO Swamp Radio 9-13-02 Elvis in the Army; Hat Paranoia 01:19
25 LeMur: War Guniea Pigs 00:50
26 Credit 00:03
27 ESO 8-15-02f- "Drop Out & Evolve" 02:32
28 The Bran Flakes -"No More Free Will" 02:19
29 Credits 00:06
30 ESO Swamp Radio 9-13-02h-"WAR! to end" 13:22
31 PO Box 00:39
32 IMBJR - "Body Burial" 00:29
Consortium of Genius:
The Bran Flakes: PO Box 21104, Seattle WA 98111 New album: "BOUNCES"
1 BobFugue in D Minor 00:12
2 HOS 4promoDobbsoidianisms 00:36
3 0BranFlakes- Susie MoppetSingal 01:10
4 1 credit 00:47
5 3ESO81502-WorldBurning 01:07
6 3ShapeofThings2Come-MaxFrost 01:51
7 4COG-Bow to Me 03:16
8 4Credit 00:32
9 5 ESO91302d Kook War Madness! 02:22
10 5BranFlakes-InTheFinalHours 03:01
11 6 Credit 00:31
12 6bd_LordsBuffet.aif 02:12
13 7 bd_ExecutiveOrder13013a.aif 00:15
14 7 ESO9602k-WarDeath-TV EotW 04:22
15 8Rainmakers GoodSons&Daughters 04:53
16 9 credit 00:07
17 bd_bookBanTV.aif 00:18
18 bd_bSpaceAliens2.aif 01:42
19 bESO9602f-WarIsGood song 01:17
20 Brag of the Subgenius- 00:50
21 COG - Death 2 Angel of Death 02:51
22 dBranFlakes - TrashCanFun 02:56
23 dCredit 00:37
24 Elvis in the Army; Hat Paranoia 01:19
25 fbd_WarGunieaPigs.aif 00:50
26 gCredByFernLeMur 00:03
27 mESO81502f-Drop-Out&Evolve 02:32
28 rBranFlakes-NoMoreFreeWill 02:19
29 xCred 00:06
30 zESO91302h-WAR!2end! 13:22
31 zPO Box 00:39
32 zzIMBJR - Body Burial 00:29
Original file name: HoS 855 War - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
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