Hour of Slack 850 - Great Songs

1 (sip)Ahh, Slack 00:06
2 Blast-off Aiii 00:10
3 Hour of Slack Mix - El Queso - Ent 00:51
4 Mothersbaugh "Racetrack BobLuvsU" 00:12
5 Minute of Slack #14 "Legalize Porn, Ban Work" 01:17
6 Worst Crazy Sect Ive Been In 00:05
7 Dr. Onan's Wotan Band: "B.O.B. Remix 1" 05:50
8 Credits, rant 03:15
9 "Develop Revolutionary Consciousness" - Reagan's Polyp 04:37
10 Credits, Reagan's Polyp contact info 01:07
11 The Highwayman -- "Highwayman" 02:59
12 futurama: Can't Count on God 00:04
13 "Luck Be A Lady" - BobAlda, Guys n Dolls 02:55
14 Credits 00:16
15 fx: SpinScream 00:05
16 "Bob" Squad" - The Great Groovy Neptune 01:01
17 Credits 00:44
18 "Auto-Mow Down" - Occupant 03:04
19 Credits 00:24
20 "Goon Squad" Elsvis Costello 03:11
21 futurama: Must Hope for the Hopeless 00:07
22 "Moonlight on Vermont" -- Captain beefheart 01:25
23 "Nobody Wants to Play With Me" -Little Fyodor 03:15
24 Credit, contact info: Fydor & The Amino Acids 01:24
25 "The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes" Elvis Costello 02:37
26 "Super Heavy Ya-Yas" - The Great Groovy Neptune 04:07
27 Credits Neptune 00:44
28 "Think o' "Bob"" - Onan's Wotan Band 04:12
29 Mothersbaugh "No, I'm Bob" 00:13
30 Time for a Religious Donation 00:11
31 Victoria Ganger & Revelry - "Goin' Online for Charlie" 03:00
32 credits; Revelry 00:55
33 "Wanted Man" Johnny Cash 02:49
34 PO boxes, Address 01:00
35 LeMur: uh_uh2 00:51
36 Eons of Loneliness 00:08

ONANE! O-o-o-ONANE! Yes, that WAS a total remix of B.O.B., the song by Onan's Wotan Band that everyone always thought was DEVO. For not-bad reason, as you'll soon see as we progress into


This and the next couple of shows will be MOSTLY MUSIC -- almost like REAL radio shows! But WAIT until you hear what has crammed its FULL LENGTH into the Church of the SubGenius. Indeed friends, all the cramming made this particular show LATE, and I don't apologize. During the last few weeks we, that is, yours truly Rev. Ivan Stang, have spoute and spewed our way through a SubGenius devival in Indianapolis, and then the week long 5X-Day, and then the week-long pagan hippie event STARWOOD, then the WEDDING at Ground Zero in NYC of The Sexicutioner from GWAR and his lovely bride, Andrea, THEN, the DEVOtional or DEVO convention in Cleveland, last Saturday, and last Sunday, another Devival, by some accounts the greatest yet, in Akron, crucible of mutation. AND, at EACH of those SuBGenius events, about a dozen people each handed me CDs to play on this show. AND I downloaded some of my all time old-timey music favorites from Blobster, all manner of songs and slongs that I couldn't afford when they were LPs but NOW CAN in their illegal MP3 bootleg form from alt.binaries.sounds.mp3

AND SO, tonight, and coming up, we have: new and old from: Occupant -- Little Fyodor -- The Great Groovy neptune -- Johnny Cash -- Mark Mothersbaugh -- Captain beefheart -- Onan's Wotan Band -- Sister Melodious Chops - Elvis Cpstello -- the original cast of Guys and Dolls -- and, perhaps most starling and X-rated of all, a NEW ALBUM -- actually a two disc set -- from REAGAN'S POLYP, called LOVE OVERDRIVE.

Before I play this Reagan's Polyp song, I should mention that this is a REAL album available on Amazon.com, with slick packaging, including LINER NOTES by none other than me, and, the famous folk singer Bob Dylan. Very strange, but, so is Reagan's Polyp. This song is called, "Develop Revolutionary Consciousness"

Reagan's Polyp: Trashfish Ent. PO Box 56497 Little Rock AR 72215 www.trashfish.com

The Great Groovy Neptune: www.neptune.itgo.com

Little Fyodor: 3277 RaleighSt. Denver CO 80212

Occupant: onan@subgenius.com; www.mp3.com/occupant

Victoria Ganger & Revelry: www.revelrychicks.com

1 (sip)Ahh,Slack 00:06
2 0 0BlastoffAiii 00:10
3 0 HourofSlackMix -ElQueso-Ent 00:51
4 0 Racetrack BobLuvsU) 00:12
5 aMoS 14 Legalize Porn, ban Work 01:17
6 aWorstCrazySectIveBeenIn 00:05
7 B.O.B. Remix 1 05:50
8 bCredit-rant 03:15
9 DevelopRevoConsci-ReagansPolyp 04:37
10 dmCredit 01:07
11 dThe Highwayman.mp3.aif 02:59
12 fCan'tCountonGod 00:04
13 fLuck Be A Lady-BobAlda 02:55
14 fmCredits 00:16
15 fxSpinScream 00:05
16 g"Bob"Squad-GreatGroovyNeptun 01:01
17 gaCredit 00:44
18 gAuto-MowDown - Occupant 03:04
19 gCredit 00:24
20 Goon Squad.aif 03:11
21 Must Hope for the Hopeless 00:07
22 nMoonlight in Vermont 01:25
23 Nobody Wants to PlayWMe-LilFydo 03:15
24 oCreditFydor-amino 01:24
25 sThe AngelsWannaWearMyRedShoe 02:37
26 SuperHeavyya-Yas-GreatGroovyNep 04:07
27 sxCredit-Neptune 00:44
28 Think o Bob - Onan's Wotan Band 04:12
29 uNo, I'm Bob 00:13
30 uT ime for a Religious Donation 00:11
31 VicGanger-GoinOnline4Charlie 03:00
32 vt Cred-Revelry 2 Cash 00:55
33 Wanted Man.aif 02:49
34 yPO boxes, Address 01:00
35 zbd_uh_uh2 00:51
36 zzzEons of Lonliness 00:08

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