Hour Of Slack 845 -- Amsterdam

Footage from the Amsterdam Devival of March 2001 and from Lord Yeti's Radio Patapoe. This devival special comes a year or so late because I didn't record anything in Holland myself... took a while to get the tapes dubbed and transfered and etc. Little Fyodor, who performed at the Devival isn't in this show for the simple reason that the one recordist ran out of tape halfway through!

The live radio tapes took quite a bit of volume adjustment.

1 Hour of Slack Mix -El Queso 00:52
2 HoS 106 open hypnosis 01:26
3 let's make a stang 00:10
4 "Raised_in An Environment of "Bob" -The El Queso All Stars 01:40
5 El Queso Credit, Address 00:26
6 ESO Radio 4-06-01- Sex & Amsterdam 03:12
7 Amsterdam song clip, (Van Halen) 00:21
8 Radio Patapoe - "Find Bob; DevivalAd 02:53
9 Lord Yeti & Pope Black Devival Intro 01:59
10 Stang devival re: "Bob"-Slack-Con 01:01
11 HoS 106 - Willem DeRidder & Rev. Yoyopro -- Pyrolatulation" -- from deRidder's Dutch radio show, 1985 01:59
12 Radio Patapoe - "Forbidden Names" 01:01
13 Stang devival re: "Bob" 01:12
14 Radio Patapoe - "Pope Black Preaches! 02:11
15 van Halen clip 00:11
16 Stang devival re: Lucky Than Good 00:15
17 Duke of Uke "I Wanna Be Sedated" clip 00:26
18 Rev. Crawford Smith - "Yeti Airlines" 06:24
19 Shut Up Like Hell 00:13
20 Stang devival re: Jeroen- Hell out of Burger" 01:24
21 Radio Patapoe - "Heaven, H'selleck" 02:57
22 van halen clip 00:31
23 Stang 6 "Hate 'em -- Look @ His Face & SEE!" 00:41
24 Light Up- BusterBailey'sOrch. 00:13
25 Rev. Oilslide (?) - Bob's Everywhere 00:37
26 Radio Patapoe - "Jesus, Pope Black" 02:27
27 Pope Phil Monty 01:21
28 Stang devival - the Con & End o World 00:39
29 Pope Phil Monty - Lickin' the Finger 00:46
30 Stang 8 America A Cult - Build Your Own Amsterdam" 00:48
31 "Build Yr Own A-Dam" - Bliss America 00:45
32 Stang- "U Have 2 Fuck More" 00:19
33 Radio Patapoe - "Donate Sex or Secrets 00:31
34 Passing the mask for $ 00:20
35 Duke of Uke - "Communication Breakdown" clip 00:29
36 Stang "Not working 4 Devil; Too Much 00:47
37 Jeroen van Braam: Shut Up Like Hell 00:13
38 Van halen clip 00:05
39 Radio Patapoe - "BlackYeti" 00:36
40 Stang - SubG Nerds R Fuckt Up 00:43
41 Rev. Crawford Smith - "Abnormality Potential" 02:20
42 "All Your BAse" original song 03:15
43 Stang devival end 00:34
44 Duke of Uke intro- "Anarchy In UK" clip 00:39
45 The FC SubG Football Supporters Theme Song 01:18
46 "all your base" - net poet & Xenon 03:10
47 Radio Patapoe - "End1-Cyber 00:51 48 zWah-WahBob 00:03
49 "Thank Ya Bob" - Buck Naked 01:20 50 zz4BuckCred 00:10
51 New P.OBox-Modemac-KoFeedback 00:29
52 Radio Patapoe - "Pope Phil Monty sign-off 00:22
53 And Remember WWW.-SubG-COM 00:12
54 Lets Make a Stang end 00:15 55 Stang!Chanting 00:10

1 0 HourofSlackMix -ElQueso-Ent 00:52
2 0 mHoS 106 open 01:26
3 000let's make a stang.aif 00:10
4 000Raised_inEnvironoBob-ElQue 01:40
5 0ElQuesoCreditAddress 00:26
6 0ESO4-06-01- Sex&A-Dam 03:12
7 0xAmsterdam song 00:21
8 1Patapoe01 Find Bob;DevivalAd 02:53
9 1qJitse & Pope Black Intro 01:59
10 1Stang 1-BobSlack&Con 01:01
11 2 HoS106-WillemFarting 01:59
12 2 Patapoe13 Forbidden Names 01:01
13 2Stang 2"Bob" x 01:12
14 3 Patapoe18 Pope Black Preaches 02:11
15 3Adam song 00:11
16 4Stang 3 Lucky Than Good 00:15
17 4xDuke-Sedated clip 00:26
18 5RevCrawford1-YetiAir 06:24
19 5Shut Up Like Hell 00:13
20 6Stang 5 Jeroen-Burger 01:24
21 6xPatapoe0 Heaven, Hselleck 02:57
22 7 Amdam song 1 00:31
23 7 Stang 6 Hate 'em -- SEE! 00:41
24 7Light Up- BusterBailey'sOrch. 00:13
25 7MickeyFinn - Bob 00:37
26 7Patapoe20 Jesus,PopeBlack 02:27
27 7PopePhilMonty 01:21
28 7Stang 7 1 Con- EoTW 00:39
29 8PopEPhilMonty-Likin'theFinger 00:46
30 9Stang 8 AmerACult-BuildOwnAdam 00:48
31 BuildYrOwnA-Dam BlissAmerica 00:45
32 bzStang-U Have2FuckMore-xx 00:19
33 cPa-tapoe21 DonateSexorSecrets 00:31
34 cPassing the mask for $ 00:20
35 Duke-CommunicationBreakdown 00:29
36 Stang 9Not working4Devil;TooMu 00:47
37 Sthut Up Like Hell 00:13
38 tAmsterdam song2 00:05
39 uPatapoe26 BlackYeti 00:36
40 uStang10-SubGNerdRFucktUp 00:43
41 vRevCrawford-Abnorm.Potential 02:20
42 vsAllYourBAse song 03:15
43 vStang11endDukeFuckMchant 00:34
44 vtDukeintro-AnarchyInUK 00:39
45 wThe FC SubG FootballSupporters 01:18
46 xallyourbase-netpoet&Xenon 03:10
47 xPatapoe25 End1-Cyber 00:51
48 zWah-WahBob 00:03
49 zz44-ThankYaBob-BuckN 01:20
50 zz4BuckCred 00:10
51 zzNewP.OBox-ModemacKoFeedba.aif 00:29
52 zzz PataPopeMonty sign-off 00:22
53 zzzAndRememberWWW.-SubG-COM.aif 00:12
54 zzzLets Make a Stangend 00:15
55 zzzzzStang!Chanting 00:10

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Original file name: HoS 846 Amsterdam - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47

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