1 000 WhatAboutBobTrans.aiff 00:06
2 001 KPFA9-15-00 01:30
3 00BleepoOrigTitle-tohost 00:16
4 00Intro Montage 01:12
5 00jSlack Is-BuzzLux 00:23
6 00meetfeebles-microwm-mnstr 00:54
7 All the Stupid People.aif 02:03
8 almcredits 01:47
9 an10 RulesOChurch copy 01:29
10 aUncleOxygen copy 03:42
11 b18 Menory Editing 00:36
12 bCredit 01:03
13 cESO11201-05-WHAT IS DOBBSTOWN? 10:53
14 cSlack mont. 00:39
15 ctbalwmen-caronosaur-carsatcopy 02:05
16 daCredits 00:13
17 dTampa-Susie copy 07:18
18 dtConnieVsConnie 00:14
19 eCoNF 8 Lust4Murder 01:19
20 edCredits 00:34
21 eflashgordon-8drunkards-ab.aif 00:27
22 ESO11201-08-Freedom Vs. CFR! 02:19
23 g06 Bob Not Man to Cop 01:26
24 gShut Up Like Hell 00:13
25 h Batman ja Ryydman-Lentava2 02:41
26 h23 RULES cont copy 01:27
27 hKFJC spot - Casey - I Suck.aif 00:27
28 lESO11201-12BackInTimeHitler 02:05
29 lgisamurai-godzwutang-greens 00:34
30 lKPFA Plastic Soldiers 02:00
31 mgamera-gamvsguiron.aif 00:32
32 nBob's a Salesman-Meyer 00:45
33 oaliendead-alienprey-babes copy 01:08
34 pESO 1-5-00 sexy 01:56
35 z-6Bobcame copy 00:05
36 zz08 KPFA END of SHOW-xZ 01:36
37 zzEnd Credits, PO 01:04
38 zzzDoug's Right, Virgil 00:27
39 zzzz-gwee 00:12
Original file name: HoS 769 - converted on Saturday, 10 March 2001, 21:59
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters