Hour of Slack 842 Post X-Day/ War

1 "Radiation- Well, It Bothers Me"- frm Tesla 00:09
2 Stang Yawn HourofSlack1-title 00:08
3 LeMur - Wuts Important 2 00:08
4 LeMur - Gold Bond 5 00:12
5 "I Think I Love You" - ISM 02:04
6 CREDITS 00:20
7 The Electric Amish - "Amish Man" 00:53
8 credit 01:01
9 ESO Radio 6-7-02 - "Chas is God; The Dave BrainWAR" 02:29
10 Phineas Narco - Bush's Rape of the Union Address 05:20
11 Credits 01:00
12 The Bishop SubGAudio #4 - war 03:43
13 credits 00:40
14 LSD evil 00:35
15 Nuclear Peace 00:15
16 That IS logical -- Lil 00:02
17 "Air_Cav" Collage - Codini 01:58
18 Credits 00:21
19 "UNDERDOG" TV theme 00:54
20 Cred 00:10
21 ESO Radio 6-14-02 - "Do Others Laff @ X-Day Failure?" 04:06
22 credits 00:38
23 HoS 693 -GREAT pre-X-Day ESO radio 06:22
24 You're Forgetting -- What If? 00:18
25 XXX-Day COUNTDOWN 01:34
26 mb5 - "The Xists have landed" -Buck Naked 00:28
27 Alien Montage 01:01
28 ESO '96 - Stang & Dave Aboard the Escape Vessel 08:20
29 Stang @ Indivival "X is a fallen cross" 01:25
30 ESO - Chas on ATLANTIS! 01:50
31 A Few Holes In Your Ceiling, Lord 00:10
32 mb5 Palmer/Corpses; Swaggart/Wotan 01:15
33 popcorn short-reverse 00:07
34 "circus duh" -- Lil 00:20
35 "immaculata - illuminatus" 00:30
36 "Bitten 2 Death by Rats" -- James Kochalka 00:37
37 "the_list" -- IMBJR 00:31
38 "dial_13013" -- IMBJR 00:11
39 R. Crumb "Fine aAtiste Blues" 02:35
40 The Electric Amish - "Big Buggy" 00:55
41 Credits 00:56
42 Ultrabass Sounds-xiHya (Mono) 00:16
43 Radiation? Well, It Bothers Me - TeslaCoil 00:09
44 New P.O. Box - Modemac/KoFeedba 00:29
45 The Electric Amish - "Hayride" 01:13
46 xx Scarecrow Cum, Codini end 00:29

1 " Well, It Bothers Me- Tesla 00:09
2 0 HourofSlack1 00:08
3 01abd_wutsImportant2 00:08
4 01bd_goldBond5 00:12
5 01I Think I Love You - ISM 02:04
6 01jCREDITS 00:20
7 01m-amishman.aif 00:53
8 01m-credit 01:01
9 01nESO6702cChasGod;DaveBrainWAR 02:29
10 01oPhineas-Bush Rape ofUnion 05:20
11 01orCredits 01:00
12 01oTheBishop SubGAudio4-war 03:43
13 01q credits 00:40
14 01q LSD evil 00:35
15 01rNuclear Peace.aif 00:15
16 01sThat IS logical.aif 00:02
17 02Air_Cav-codini xx 01:58
18 02b Credits 00:21
19 02bUNDERDOG 00:54
20 02c Cred 00:10
21 02ESO61402a-X-DayFailure 04:06
22 02f credits 00:38
23 02HoS693-GREATpre-X-DayESO 06:22
24 03You'reForgetting -- What If? 00:18
25 04XXX-Day COUNTDOWN 01:34
26 05mbXists have landed-Buc(54.5) 00:28
27 06nAlienMontage 01:01
28 07 ESO96 2bAboardEscapeVessel 08:20
29 08 Stang Indivival X-fallenXX 01:25
30 09ESO-ATLANTIS! 01:50
31 10 A Few Holes In Your Ceiling 00:10
32 11mb61-Palmer/CorpseSwagrtWotan 01:15
33 12popcorn short-reverse 00:07
34 13circus duh.aif 00:20
35 19immaculata - illuminatus 00:30
36 21Bitten2Death by Rats-JKochal 00:37
37 21the_list 00:31
38 24dial_13013-imb 00:11
39 25rcrumbcss_fine artiste blue 02:35
40 27 Bigbuggy.aif 00:55
41 tCredits 00:56
42 Ultrabass Sounds-xiHya (Mono) 00:16
43 Well, It Bothers Me- TeslaCoil 00:09
44 zNewP.OBox-Modemac-KoFeedba.aif 00:29
45 zz hayride.aif 01:13
46 zzzz-xx Scarecrow Cum 00:29

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Original file name: HoS 842 Post-X-Day/War - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47

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