Hour of Slack 841 Pre-5X-Day 2

1 Hour of Slack Title Mix - El Queso 00:52
2 Stang re: Mail screw-up 02:55
3 MB 11 Voice of Book: July 5 1998 00:15
4 Maury Povich on Slack, X-day 00:38
5 Aliens Collage from HoS 534-XDay (w/ MB11) 01:31
6 Credit 00:25
7 Pater Nistril Collage #4: Legume @ Austin, Robyn Hitchcock "Uncorrected Personality Traits", Arthur Brown "Fire," Stang @ Austin, Rainbow Bridge clips, Killing Joke "Millenium," Terry Jones soundbites, Rowan Atkinson Hell. 16:43
8 ESO: "EARTH FIRST/Who Speeks 4 Earth" 01:44
9 Stang, ESO at XX-Day '99: "Sex Day" 02:09
10 "Planet X or bust" - The El Queso All Stars 04:11
11 CREDITS 01:51
12 Chas Edit: Prophecy 00:47
13 St.N & Hellena Handbasket: "It's the End of the World" 03:59
14 Credits 00:37
15 ESO Swamp Radio 6-7-02 - "Glory Hole Confessional" 00:29
16 Disgusting The Way We Treat Humans 00:04
17 ESO loop: "Earth We Must Get Off" 00:16
18 ESO Swamp Radio 6-7-02 - "Brushwood- Evacuate or Vacate" 00:46
19 Pope Phred @ XX_Day: "Bob" Down in the Saucers-O" 00:48
20 Credits 00:21
21 Media Barrage 5: Huey Collage -scanned - Take Earth 01:14
22 Minute of Slack #12 - "Hell Has No Slack" 01:12
23 credit 00:27
24 Philo Drummond Vs.Alien - Negativ Art 00:49
25 X-DayPopsongs collage 1 01:32
26 X-Day Popsongs collage 2 01:41
27 "I Wanna Get Off w/ You" 01:26
28 X-Day Popsongs 3: Gwar-Hendrix 02:44
29 ESO Swamp Radio 6-7-02 - "1893 WildWest X-day -- Get Along Doggies 01:54
30 "We're All Extra-Terrestrials" - via Bob Diddly? 00:44
31 ESO @ XX-Day/radio: "SUBG LULLABY" 02:28
32 New P.O. Box - Modemac-KoFeedback 00:30
33 Turtles "Eve-o-destruction" 00:52
34 CraigMix2.aiff 00:18
35 MorlocksLoop 00:10

1 0 HourofSlackMix -ElQueso-Ent 00:52
2 0 Mailscrew-up-credits 02:55
3 0000032 July5 00:15
4 0027MauryPovich onSlack 00:38
5 003H534-XD(w/MB11) 01:31
6 004Credit 00:25
7 1PN4-LegumeX-day 16:43
8 28EARTH FIRST/WhoSpeeks4Earth 01:44
9 3stang-XXSexDay 02:09
10 4Planet X or bust!.aif 04:11
11 5CREDITS 01:51
12 6ChasEditProphecy 00:47
13 8St.N End of the World As 03:59
14 9Credits 00:37
15 9ESO6702f-GloryHoleConfession 00:29
16 aDisgusting Treat Humans1 00:04
17 aEarthWeMustGetOff 00:16
18 bESO6702g-BrushwoodEvacuateVaca 00:46
19 bPhred-Bob-SaucersO 00:48
20 cCredits 00:21
21 mb57-HueyColl-scanned-TakeEarth 01:14
22 MoS 12 Hell Has No Slack 01:12
23 ocredit 00:27
24 PhiloVs.Alien-NegativArt 00:49
25 s1-X-DayPopsongs1 01:32
26 s1X-Day Popsongs Mojo 01:41
27 sI Wanna Get Off w/ You 01:26
28 sPopsongGwar-Hendrix 02:44
29 tESO6702k1893WildWestX-dayDoggi 01:54
30 tXtra-Terrestrials - BobDidd;y? 00:44
31 xESO11-9-00SUBGLULLABY,END 02:28
32 zNewP.OBox-Modemac-KoFeedback 00:30
33 zxEve-o-destruction 00:52
34 zzmCraigMix2.aiff 00:18
35 zzmorlocksloop 00:10

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Original file name: HoS 841 Pre-5X-Day - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47

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