1 Thulsa Doom 00:11
2 "Hour of Slack" echo ld 00:09
3 what are you? 00:18
4 KPFA3-24-01-SaveStang open 01:16
5 ESO 5-3-02 -Stang Thumbin Nose Open 01:05
6 LeMur: bd_bloodThickens2 00:07
7 Minute of Slack 5 "Time Running Out" 01:13
8 KPFA OverMan Radio; Cosmic Life Evolution 03:57
9 Media Barrage 5 Glassmadness "BadBob-GoodBob" 00:23
10 Collage: Boblines 00:42
11 MB 5: WotF Collage Wotan 01:21
12 Okay America 00:16
13 ESO41902-- War on Canadians 01:33
14 Keith Richards "999" pt 2 02:27
15 God Bless America 00:16
16 ESO 4 19 02 d - War-With Us or Against Us 01:49
17 "Rainmaker" by Rainmakers 04:18
18 ESO 4 19 02 -War-w-Canada 00:46
19 "In The Hot Tub, Again" Firesign Theater 01:45
20 credits 01:17
21 ESO 4 19 02 - Legume, Anti-Canada- Buy American
Hemp 03:52
22 forbin- war is wasteful 00:11
23 MB 5 "Bob Dobbs Can't U HelpMe?" Glassmadness 01:51
24 Huey @ 4XDay - war 00:11
25 ESO 4-19-02g - Canada, Our Enemy --Legume 04:04
26 GodBlessAmerica 00:26
27 "Other Side of the World" -Rainmakers 04:09
28 KPFA 3 4 01 - Stupid Minds 00:59
29 LeMure: bd_intellectuals 00:35
30 ESO 5-3-02 Amish Spaceships, Drugs 02:37
31 MB5 Stang "U Think Jesus Had it Bad?" 02:02
32 Laibach Girls "Sympathy 4 Devil" 01:25
33 ESO 5 3 02n-Amish Nuclear Hexes 02:13
34 KPFA 3 24 01- Rich SubGenii, Slow Dance 03:06
35 MB 5 Blob, Too Many SFX 00:30
36 ESO 5-3-02 -Mennonite Mafia, Put Out the Dave Face 00:48
37 You are not_a_cat 00:14
38 KPFA 3-24-01 Monsters & Doctors 01:56
39 NEW po Box 2 -end 00:50
1 "0 Thulsa Doom 00:11
2 "Hour of Slack" echo ld 00:09
3 0 what are you? 00:18
4 00 KPFA32401-SaveStang open 01:16
5 000ESO532h-StangThumbinNoseOpen 01:05
6 1bd_bloodThickens2.mp3.aif 00:07
7 1MoS 5 Time Running Out 01:13
8 2KPFA127aOverManRadio;CosmicLif 03:57
9 37-BadBob-GoodBob 00:23
10 38Boblines 00:42
11 45-WotFCollageWotan 01:21
12 46Okay America.aif 00:16
13 aESO41902aWarCanadians 01:33
14 bKeithRichards 999 pt 2 02:27
15 cGodBless America 1 00:16
16 dESO41902d-War-AgainUs-Rainmak 01:49
17 dRainmaker 04:18
18 eESO41902e-War-w-Canada 00:46
19 eIn The Hot Tub, Again.aif 01:45
20 em-credits 01:17
21 fESO41902f-Anti-Canada-BuyAmer 03:52
22 forbin- war is wasteful 00:11
23 g53-BobDobbsCan'tUHelpMe?Glass 01:51
24 gaHuey 4XDay-war 00:11
25 gESO41902g-CanadaEnemyLeghum 04:04
26 gGodBlessAmerica 00:26
27 gOther Side of the World-Rainm 04:09
28 hKPFA3-3401-StupidMinds 00:59
29 nbd_intellectuals.mp3.aif 00:35
30 nESO532l-AmishSpaceships,Drugs 02:37
31 o48-UThinkJesusHaditBad? 02:02
32 oaLaibach Girls Sympathy4Devil 01:25
33 oESO532n-AmishNuclearHexes copy 02:13
34 tKPFA32401-RichSubG,SlowDance 03:06
35 u51-Blob,TooManySFX copy 00:30
36 vESO532o-MennonitMafia,DaveFace 00:48
37 vf not_a_cat.mp3.aif 00:14
38 vKPFA 3-24-01 Monsters&Doctors 01:56
39 zzzzNEWpoBox2-end 00:50
Original file name: HoS 837 War - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters