Hour of Slack 834

1 Gotta find the CD! 00:04
2 I'd Like To Teach The World 00:19
3 Title-StangEcho 00:12
4 Everything They Touch 00:09
5 Minute of Slack 3: "A World of Jerks" 01:10
6 "Fool's Gold" -- Rainmakers 04:36
7 credit 00:56
8 Eso Swamp Radio 4-5-02 "Ffuzzy show" 02:57
9 Stang- "The 10 Priorities in Life" (Beachland Devival) 06:01
10 nosey computer wants to help 00:10
11 "Pipeline" clip 00:33
12 KPFA Puzzling Evidence w/ Lies, G'Broagfran: "Let's Build Spaceship!" 00:55
13 Puzzling Evidence -Lee Oswald has been shot 00:40
14 ESO 3-28-02 "Britny Wrestling; the FATNESS gene 03:50
15 "Renaissance Man"- The Rainmakers 04:01
16 credits 00:10
17 Stang devival ranrt con't: ""Bob's" 5 Keys to Magickke 01:58
18 "The Pirates Theme" -stAllio 04:47
19 credits 00:36
20 ESO 3-7-02 "Ghosts, Bozo Crucifixion 02:58
21 Sound_of_new_Arrows 00:31
22 ESO 4-12-02 uncut rants 12:06
23 PO Box & credits 01:36
24 ESO 4-5-02--"nude Xday," end 03:11
25 credit 00:44
26 "Dropping the Log" -- The Kirkendahl Void 03:52

1 0 Gotta find the CD 00:04
2 0 Like To Teach The World.aif 00:19
3 0 Title-StangEcho 00:12
4 01 Everything They Touch.aif 00:09
5 01 MoS 3 World of Jerks 01:10
6 01Fool's Gold -- Rainmakers 04:36
7 02credit 00:56
8 02Eso4502a-fuzzyshowtoScientolo 02:57
9 6-3 Stang- 10 Priorities 06:01
10 7 nosey_computer.mp3.aif 00:10
11 aaaPipeline1 00:33
12 aaKPFA Let's Build Spaceship 00:55
13 abMB0-Lee Oswald has shot 00:40
14 acESO32802bBritnyWres-FATNESSg 03:50
15 bRenaissance man - Rainmakers 04:01
16 c-credits 00:10
17 eStang-Bob's5 Keys2Magic(Beac 01:58
18 pirates theme-stAllio.aif 04:47
19 r credits 00:36
20 rESO3-7-02d-Ghosts,BozoCruc 02:58
21 Sound_of_new_Arrows.mp3.aif 00:31
22 zESO 4-12-02 uncut 12:06
23 zPOcredits 01:36
24 zzESO4502-nudeXday,end 03:11
25 zzzcredit 00:44
26 zzzDroppingdeLog-KirkendahlVoid 03:52

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