Hour of Slack 831 - War-Beachland-Winterstar

Live recordings from the Beachland Ballroom Devival (3-15-02) and Winterstar 2002, with Ivan Stang and Einstein's Secret Orchestra -- mainly the war oriented material in this show. Also, some great semi-rare Firesign Theater.

1 prayer warriors Loop 00:04
2 I Gotta Have Some Slack 00:02
3 Lay Your Hands On Radio 00:05
4 I Got A Shock 00:13
5 Have Gun Will Travel-HoS 00:34
6 After The Jackals 00:08
7 LeMur: itsGreat3 00:11
8 Series Of Sensory Impulses 00:12
9 swooshes 00:09
10 Credits 01:28
11 Conspiracy Zone TV appearance by Hal Robins 02:58
12 One Purpose In Life 00:22
13 ES0 Radio 3-28-02 Genie Britney Conwar 02:06
14 Something Goes Wrong 00:06
15 LeMur: Nuze113afghan 00:47
16 In The War Zone-The Firesign Theater 01:48
17 Credits 01:01
18 Not Just For Republicans 00:16
19 The Lawless Are On The Loose 00:06
20 LeMur: Nuze07a 00:36
21 zardoz 00:39
22 Beachland Ballroom Devival: President-Dave Monolog 00:21
23 The Faster You Run 00:08
24 Beachland Ballroom Devival: "Afraid of Americans" ESO clip1 00:39
25 " Intro Tactical Airborn Sybian Rocket Rangers 00:21
26 "Osama Dave 1 -- Cave Lounge Act 02:27
27 "Osama Dave 2 03:16
28 "Osama Dave 3 + "Beat Me To A Pulpit" 02:08
29 Beachland Ballroom Devival: "I Wanna Be A Drill Instructor" ESO clip 01:09
30 Credits 00:42
31 "Oh, Afghanistan" -The Firesign Theater, FightingClowns 03:56
32 Stang rant, Winterstar 2002-2a: This War Thing 09:05
33 Beachland Devival: Dave Monolog 01:13
34 " ESO: intro~ 01:09
35 Beachland Devival: "The President's On The Phone" -- ESO 03:34
36 Stang Winterstar 2002-2b war rant continued 03:47
37 Intriguing 00:22
38 Beachland Ballroom Devival: ESO "God Is An American" 01:07
39 Steel Claws Like Monkey 00:04
40 Xfiles 00:37
41 Conspiracy Zone continued- Bible Lady quizes Howll 00:48
42 ESO Radio 3-7-02c- World Ending from Shrinking Oil Economy 02:03
43 Or We Blow Up 00:09
44 indy_devival_commercial 00:59
45 One Look At Them Will tell You More 00:07
46 His Bones R Still Moist 00:02
47 ESORadio 11-2-00-7 Smell o Filth 00:48
48 Credits 01:08
49 "moaneater" -- stallio 02:11
50 LoneCowDave (evangela) 00:04
51 Doubly Shocking 00:12
52 sobbing end 00:25

1 00 prayerwarriorsLoop 00:04
2 00 I GottaHaveSomeSlack 00:02
3 0000LayYourHandsOnRadio 00:05
4 000I Got A Shock 00:13
5 000iHave Gun Will Travel-HoS 00:34
6 00After The Jackals 00:08
7 00bd_itsGreat3.mp3 00:11
8 00Series Of Sensory Impulses 00:12
9 00swooshes 00:09
10 0a cCredits 01:28
11 0a Conspiracy Zone 1- Hal 02:58
12 aa One Purpose In Life 00:22
13 aa ES32802GenieBritneyConwar 02:06
14 aa Something Goes Wrong 00:06
15 aabd_Nuze113afghan 00:47
16 aaIn The War Zone-TFT 01:48
17 abCredits 01:01
18 abNot Just For Republicans 00:16
19 accThe Lawless Are On The Loos 00:06
20 adbd_Nuze07a 00:36
21 am zardoz.mp3 00:39
22 am President-Dave Monolog 00:21
23 am The Faster You Run 00:08
24 amAfraid of Americans ESO clip1 00:39
25 ao Intro TactAirbornSybRockR 00:21
26 aOsama Dave1 02:27
27 aOsamaDave 2 03:16
28 aOsamaDave 3 Beat Me 2 Pulpit 02:08
29 apDrill Instructor clip 01:09
30 apfCredits 00:42
31 apOh, Afghanistn-TFTFightingClo 03:56
32 aStang Winterstar 2002-2a 09:05
33 au1DaveMonologB-x 01:13
34 av Open2President-~ 01:09
35 av1President'sOnThePhone-x 03:34
36 awStangWinterstar2002-2b 03:47
37 ax-Intriguing 00:22
38 axGod Is An American 01:07
39 axradiationSteelClawsLikeMonkey 00:04
40 axxXfiles 00:37
41 cConspiracy Zone - Bible Lady 00:48
42 ESO3702c-EotW from ShrinkingOil 02:03
43 esOr We Blow Up 00:09
44 indy_devival_commercial 00:59
45 inOne Look At Them Will tell 00:07
46 iradiationHisBonesRStillMoist 00:02
47 mESO11-2-00-7 Smell o Filth 00:48
48 mfCredits 01:08
49 moaneater-- stallio 02:11
50 zzzLoneCowDave(evangela) 00:04
51 zzzzzDoubly Shocking 00:12
52 zzzzzz sobbing end 00:25

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