Hour of Slack 828 TV Themes 2

1 I Decide Who Eats 00:16
2 Faith Healer Warp Title 00:25
3 Woman Like You -- I Can't Stand You 00:06
4 "Different Strokes" - Todd Bridges 00:51
5 ESO Swamp radio 02-15-02- "Dog Talking Sage" 01:04
6 LeMur: "Dont Tell Bob - Beverly Pillbillies" cut 00:57
7 ESO Swamp Radio 3-01-02 -- "Bulldada Voice of the Undermook" 03:00
8 This Won't Make Too Much Sense 00:03
9 credits 01:12
10 LeMur: the weather 03_24 00:36
11 I need meat 00:17
12 "Green Acres" - The Meatmen 01:00
13 ESO Radio 2-08-02- Tarzan & Yetis 01:16
14 "Information" -- The Rainmakers 04:38
15 ESO Swamp Radio 3-01-02 -- "Chas's Testicmonial" 05:59
16 ESO Swamp Radio 3-01-02 -- "Devival & Slack" 01:52
17 "Surf Music" clip, Hendrix 3rdS tone 00:31
18 Credits 00:49
19 Fire Eater Named Philo 00:14
20 schultz I Know Nothing 00:02
21 Philo's Ass 00:17
22 "Stone Oh Oh Oh" - Dr. Philo Drummond 01:45
23 Norwegian Wood 00:40
24 "Fuk-Em-If-They-Can't-Take-A-Joke" -- Heart Ignition 00:35
25 credit 00:14
26 "Cocktails, Darling?" - -Gordo -Frolic Diner 02:08
27 Credits 02:02
28 Stang w/ Broken Circle Gospel Deluxe, Jesus rant 03:56
29 credit 00:18
30 Thank Goodness. 00:03
31 Stang: The SubG Agenda, 00:17
32 "The Jeffersons" - Latex Generation 00:51
33 "Where's Flo?" - Don Lucas, Frolic Diner 02:19
34 TimothyLeary's Dead-Walls oGeni 03:24
35 Credits 01:10
36 "Welcome Back Kotter" - Squirtgun 01:40
37 Media Barrage 5 Huey cut: We're Rednecks - Did You Grow Wiser? 00:24
38 Stang: Dobbs was First to Address 00:28
39 "Disgusting" -- ByronGoshGroup 00:10
40 KPFA SubShow -- Puzzling Evidence & Philo - end 04:34
42 ESO 1-18-02- "Shut Up Like Hell, END 04:55
43 Insert Transition Here 00:03
44 He Had It Comin - He Was Crazy 00:05
45 SurfMusic 00:14
46 Disgusting 00:34

1 0000radiation-I decideWhoEats 00:16
2 000FaithHealerWarpTitle 00:25
3 00radiationWoman-Can'tStandYou 00:06
4 aDifferentStrokes-Todd Bridges 00:51
5 aESO2152-C-DogTalkingSage 01:04
6 bd_dontTellBob-BevHillbil 00:57
7 ESO3-01-02-6BulldadaUndermook 03:00
8 eThisWon'tMakeTooMuchSense 00:03
9 f credits 01:12
10 fbd_weather03_24.mp3.aif 00:36
11 g-radiationI need meat 00:17
12 Green Acres - The Meatmen 01:00
13 hESO282-NewGorillaYeti 01:16
14 Information 04:38
15 jESO3-01-02-3ChasTesticmonial 05:59
16 kESO3-01-02-4-Devival&Slack 01:52
17 lSurfMusic-3rdStone 00:31
18 mCredits 00:49
19 mFireEaterNamedPhilo 00:14
20 mschultz.mp3.aif 00:02
21 msdPhilo's Ass 00:17
22 mStone Oh Oh Oh - Philo 01:45
23 Norwegian Wood.mp3.aif 00:40
24 oFuk-Em-If-They-Can't-Take-A 00:35
25 pFuckEmHeart Ignit. credit 00:14
26 sCocktailsDarling-Gordo-FrolicD 02:08
27 SCredits 02:02
28 Stang w/ BCGD 03:56
29 Stangw/BCGD credit 00:18
30 thankGoodness.mp3.aif 00:03
31 The SubG Agenda, to Address- 00:17
32 TheJeffersons-LatexGeneratio 00:51
33 thiiWhere'sFlo?-DonLucas-Frolic 02:19
34 TimothyLeary's Dead-Walls oGeni 03:24
35 tTimothy Dead-Walls credit 00:18
36 uCredits 01:10
37 WelcomeBackKotter-Squirtgun 01:40
38 x28-Rednecks-GrowWiser? 00:24
39 xDobbsFirsttoAddress 00:28
40 zDisgusting- ByronGoshGroup 00:10
41 zKPFA-end 04:34
43 zzESO1-18-02-ShutUpHell,END 04:55
44 zzzzInsertTransitionHere 00:03
45 zzradiationHadItComin-HeWasCraz 00:05
46 zzzSurfMusic 00:14
47 zzzzzDisgusting 00:34

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