Hour Of Slack 827 -- Show of TV Themes in Metal

((special thanks to Pater Nostril for the metal TV themes))

1 This Won't Make Too Much Sense 00:03
2 Able To Trace Porno to HoS Title 00:19
3 Minute of Slack 2 "Facts" 01:07
4 "Hee Haw" -- Butt Trumpet 01:29
5 "Looking For Slack" -- LeMur 00:24
6 "Road Runner" -- Boris the Sprinkler 00:45
7 Breast Milk ad 00:05
8 "Disgusting" -- Byron Gosh Group 00:24
9 Media Barrage 5 -- "Festival O Fools" -Puzzling Evidence 00:59
10 "Johnny Quest" -- Horton Heat 01:45
11 "Monkeeys" -- FuriousGeorge 00:42
12 "MissionImpossible" -- TheMeatmen 00:50
13 "GetSmart" -- AgentOrange 00:31
14 "Hawaii5-0" -- FU 01:37
15 "Bewitched" -- Brutal Juice 01:05
16 "Munsters" -- NoUse for aName 00:21
17 credits 02:29
18 exactly_what_this_country 00:17
19 "LSD is the Bomb" -- Inclitorotti 02:28
20 ESO 3-01-02-2- War on Terror Drugs 2 00:49
21 MB 5 - "Little People, Great Divide" -- PE 01:23
22 Credits 00:32
23 disinformation 00:14
24 "ashcoft acid mix" -- GoDrex 01:16
25 "Concentration Moon" -- Zappa 02:21
26 MB 5 --1World Govt; Strange Gods - Glassmadness "Am I SubGenius"? 00:45
27 "Goverment Cheese" -- Rainmakers 02:48
28 "Rainmakers Credit2 00:29
29 N-N-N-Nattering Nabobs of Negativism 00:14
30 Pervasive Policy 00:05
31 MB 5 -Stang MightyStupidity&Hate 01:55
32 Professional Pessimist 00:10
33 "Same Old Routine" -- JackWebb 00:25
34 ESO 3-01-02-1 22:32
35 indy_devival_commercial 00:59
36 radiationI Like ItOutThere 00:12
37 "GodIsTheProblemHere" -- TheBishop 03:05
38 CREDITS 01:28
39 bd_goodbye2 00:11
40 radiation End Music 00:10

1 00034-ThisWon'tMakeTooMuchSense 00:03
2 000Able To Trace 00:19
3 000MoS 2 Facts 01:07
4 001 Hee Haw-Butt Trumpet 01:29
5 001bd_lookingForSlack2 00:24
6 001RoadRunner-BoristheSprinkler 00:45
7 001sBreast Milk 00:05
8 001tDisgusting-ByronGoshGroup 00:24
9 002be29-FestivalOFools-PuzEv 00:59
10 002JohnnyQuest-HortonHeat 01:45
11 003Monkeeys-FuriousGeorge 00:42
12 004MissionImpossible-TheMeatmen 00:50
13 005GetSmart-AgentOrange 00:31
14 006Hawaii5-0 FU 01:37
15 008Bewitched --Brutal Juice 01:05
16 011Munsters-NoUse for aName 00:21
17 1credits 02:29
18 aaexactly_what_this_country 00:17
19 aaLSD is the Bomb-Inclitorotti 02:28
20 abESO3-01-02-2-War,Dev 00:49
21 ad33-LittlePeopleGreatDivide-PE 01:23
22 ad4Credits 00:32
23 adisinformation 00:14
24 ashcoft acid mix-GoDrex 01:16
25 b concentration moon!!Zappa 02:21
26 b32-1WorldGovt;StrngGods-AmISG 00:45
27 bGoverment Cheese-Rainmakers 02:48
28 bgovRainmakers Credit2 00:29
29 bN-N-N-Nattering 00:14
30 bPervasive Policy 00:05
31 br31-StangMightyStupidity&Hate 01:55
32 brProfessional Pessimist 00:10
33 bSame Old Routine-JackWebb 00:25
34 h-ESO3-01-02-1 22:32
35 indy_devival_commercial 00:59
36 iradiationI Like ItOutThere 00:12
37 tGodIsTheProblemHere-TheBishop 03:05
38 uCREDITS 01:28
39 zzbd_goodbye2 00:11
40 zzradiationEndMusic 00:10

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