Hour of Slack 816 Xmas 3

1 "Bob Nice Beaver" 00:16
2 'but_now_at_the_beginning' - Hal Lindsay 00:47
3 Title-Doug Smith Cheese 00:32
4 "3 Stooges embalmed!" - Johnny Wishbone 00:03
5 ESO 11-30-01a "Last Year was bad sf novel/Mars War" 01:56
6 "bob6" J Wishbone-"Make My Bob" 00:04
7 "kpt_vortex" IMBJR 00:05
8 jima - "Anarchy_in_the_UK" dictionarakoe 03:05
9 "spiral" IMBJR 00:06
10 Credits 03:06
11 'Bob Toy Ad!' 00:47
12 "Something That Does't Exist'-Obtuse 02:12
13 Wiz_oz_'Can I Have My Dog?' 00:03
14 'Slinky" - Obtuse 00:08
15 ESO11-23-00 "Xmas Toys" 01:32
16 wiz_oz_ You're Wasting My Time 00:03
17 "All That Santa Crap"- Obtuse 01:20
18 ESO 12-00 "Devil Nazi Xmas" 02:21
19 "bob3" Johnny Wishbone 00:06
20 "Peanuts 1" Stang 00:33
21 Credits 01:15
22 "Puttybutt" - Gary G'Broagfran 02:32
23 Credit 00:10
24 "It's A Wizzleteats Kind Of Xmas" False Ren & Stimpy 01:21
25 "It's Turnover" - Buck; Stang Xmas Ads 00:49
26 "Jesus' Brother Bob" - The Arrogant Worms 03:40
27 ESO12-00 "XmasWitch" 02:27
28 Nina Hagen "Xmas" 03:17
29 Credits 01:18
30 ESO Intro Santa's Big Red Sack 00:17
31 Iron Liver (Brother Cleve) - "Santa's Big Red Sak" 02:54
32 Hal Lindsay - "strange_signs_in Air" 00:20
33 ESO 12-00 "Weird Merry Xmas" 00:43
34 "Bobble Bells" - Yukon Jack 00:45
35 'Ringing of Bells' 01:45
36 Xmas 03 - "Xmas Bob Ads" 01:39
37 Gloria 2 00:57
38 Lord Buckley - "The Nazz" 09:51
39 Xmas Craig girls short 00:56
40 Credits 00:59
41 Xmas17 "White Xmas" dylantones 00:37
42 "hos-promo".- Modemac 00:41
43 ESO 12-00 Xmas End 00:49
44 KIDS "Bob Merry Xmas Chee" 00:03
45 450th_Anniv_of the Reformation 00:06
46 "Get Pissed Destroy" 00:05
47 LoneCow Dave (evangela) 00:04

1 0000JohnnyWishbone-NiceBeaver 00:16
2 001-but_now_at_the_beginning 00:47
3 001HoS52a Title-DougSmithCheese 00:32
4 003es-JohnnyWishbon (Converted) 00:03
5 01 ESO113001a-NewYear-Mars War 01:56
6 01bob6JWishbone-MakeMyBob 00:04
7 02kpt_vortex IMBJR 00:05
8 cjima-anarchy_in_the_uk.mp3.aif 03:05
9 cspiral IMBJR 00:06
10 ctCredits 03:06
11 cxBob Toy Ad! 00:47
12 daSomethn ThatDoes'tExist-Obtus 02:12
13 daWiz_oz_CanIHaveMyDog? 00:03
14 dbSlinky-Obtuse 00:08
15 dESO11-23-0-02XmasToys 01:32
16 e-wiz_oz_YourWastingMyTime 00:03
17 fAll That Santa Crap- Obtuse 01:20
18 fESO12-00 DevilNaziXmas 02:21
19 g-bob3 JohnnyWishbone 00:06
20 gPeanuts1 copy 00:33
21 hCredits 01:15
22 hPuttybutt-GaryG'Bo 02:32
23 iCredit 00:10
24 It's A Wizzleteats Kind Of .aif 01:21
25 It's Turnover - Buck & Xmas Ads 00:49
26 Jesus'BrotherBobThArrogantWorms 03:40
27 k-ESO12-00XmasWitch 02:27
28 kNina Hagen Xmas 03:17
29 nCredits 01:18
30 nESOIntroSanta'sBigRedSack 00:17
31 nXmas01-Santa'sBigRedSak 02:54
32 nxxLindsay-strange_signs_inAir 00:20
33 oESO12-00WeirdMerryXmas 00:43
34 rBobble Bells - Yukon Jack 00:45
35 Ringing of Bells 01:45
36 rXmas03 - Xmas Bob Ads 01:39
37 tGloria 2 00:57
38 xLordBuckley~1.MP3.aif 09:51
39 Xmas Craig girls short 00:56
40 XmCredits 00:59
41 xxXmas17 White Xmas dylantones 00:37
42 zhos-promo.aif copy 00:41
43 zzESO12-00 Xmas End 00:49
44 zzKIDSBob Merry Xmas Chee 00:03
45 zzz450th_anniv_ofReformatn 00:06
46 zzzzzGetPissed Destroy 00:05
47 zzzzzLoneCowDave(evangela) 00:04

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Original file name: HoS 816 - Xmas 3 - converted on Friday, 21 December 2001, 20:42

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