Hour of Slack 805 -- WAR 3 9-21-01

Half of this show is from an ESO Radio broadcast from 9-21-01, entirely concerned with The Troubles. I hardly trimmed it at all. But it also has two new non-war, non-"Bob" "songs" from The Bishop and from The Great Groovy Neptune..

1 Atomic Cafe3 - soldier and A-bomb test 00:52
2 HoS 51 Titles new recut 00:49
3 Story Of Man 1 (old movie s/t) Angels and Super H-Bomb 00:45
4 ESO Swamp Radio 9-21-01-1 06:30
5 01ESO92101-12 07:52
6 01ESO92101-13 05:54
7 01ESO92101-14 04:10
8 Story Of Man 3- Now We Judge Man 00:56
9 Story Of Man 4- Man Is Evil 00:29
10 ESO92101-16 03:00
11 KPFA 1--11-91 Wellman Selling Street Weapons to Papa Joe
12 ESO92101-3 02:36
13 "The Past Sure Is Tense" -Capt. Beefheart 03:21 03:21
14 credit 00:48
15 KPFA 1-11-91 Aunt Bertha in war; "Stubs" 04:26
16 "Dog" - The Great Groovy Neptune (neptune.itgo.com) 03:42
17 "Homer Meets Hal" - The Bishop (www.mp3.com/Kevin) 03:39
18 credits 02:11
19 KPFA - Gary G'broagfran and Puz-Ev on "listening to this show" 02:28
20 POBox w/ MC KevRock 00:42
21 "Machine Gun" Jimi Hendrix (standard live Band of Gypsies version (Filmore, New Years '69-70), beginning and end clipped. 09:24

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