Intro Barrage from HoS 292 & 443
Beautiful People "Feel the Heat" "Jimi & Stang Intro"
Media Barrage 3 Collage Remix from 292
HUGE VOODOO (with Dominique) -- "Burn It Down"
Shaun Partridge: "I'm a Man (Sometimes I Hate)" from HATESVILLE
HUGE VOODOO with Dominique: "If I Were a Man"
Boyd Rice: "Love Will Change the World" from Hatesville
StangMix of Abstinence Preacher, Rev. Dawson McAllister, with WOMEN OF SODOM "Nightmare on Dyke Street, Tipper Gore Edit"
Creepy Stang on Reagan's Polyp
REAGAN'S POLYP: "The Bathtub Samba" (extremely disturbing rant/composition), "Develop Revoluitionary Consciousness," "Diaper"
Credits, addresses, PO Box
JHVH HATES PHRED: "Herve Villachez A Dead Little Midget"
Kissing Jesus prank call to Xian station
Original file name: HoS 564
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