1 Crazy Honey 00:03
2 StretcherBleepo1fu 00:21
3 radiation01 00:11
4 Media Barrage 5 - PreescriptureStang 00:24
5 All God's Children-bad 00:09
6 he shoulda been dead 00:12
7 Media Barrage 5 - Huey Montage -Crucify 00:46
8 Onanian Stangrant 00:37
9 ESO Radio 2-15-02 WhatWhitesListen2 00:43
10 "Mentally Deranged" - Phineas Narco 02:21
11 MentallyDeranged credit 00:30
12 Fingertips (5)~.8 00:06
13 bob ain't that a bitch 00:04
14 "Beware the Blonde" 00:43
15 chum 00:19
16 Media Barrage 5 - Bob and FightinJesus 00:30
17 radiation-he should live? 00:08
18 credits 00:50
19 ESO Radio 2-15-02 "Whats Wrong W/America" 02:11
20 find me a whore 00:14
21 grampa bought a rubber! 00:02
22 "Going to Dobbstown" -- HeartIgnit 00:37
23 credit-rant 00:48
24 ESO Radio 2-15-02 "War on Drug Terror" 01:13
25 Huey-1 00:29
26 KPFA-Jesus 02:16
27 Media Barrage 5 - A Mutant 00:32
28 "kuhm buy yah" 00:21
29 radiation12 00:13
30 Let's Order A Pizza 00:31
31 Media Barrage 5 - They Like Bob - LIES 00:17
32 MB 5 $ - Who U No, Bill o Goods 00:32
33 MB 5 Stang-BobBeaFoolAgain! 00:38
34 MB 5 ESO2152-F-BootCampDrugTerro 04:44
35 MB 5 HeatDegradation-LIES 00:18
36 MB 5 GetDownPhilo 00:20
37 MB 5 Explan& RANT! 02:37
38 "The Pussy Cat Song" 02:34
39 Hellpope Huey at X-Day-2 01:11
40 Onanian Rant - Stang 01:11
41 "Let My People Go" - Rainmakers 03:36
42 Rainmakers Credit2 00:29
43 Remington Electric Razor ad by Frank zappa 00:53
44 ESO Radio 2-15-02 "Draft, Canada TX, Brains 08:04
45 radiation-Many of Us-Strong 00:21
46 Stang PO Box 01:34
47 WMMS "Disciple Named Dopey" 00:26
48 radiationEnd, crying 00:25
49 "Thought Virus" mix 03:45
50 ThoughtVirus-KillEmAll cred 00:23
51 "Kill em all" -- Codini 00:46
52 "Used Slack" -- Bill T. Miller (billtmiller.com) 02:42
53 credits 00:56
54 ESO 2-15-02 END 01:54
1 Crazy Honey 00:03
2 StretcherBleepo1fu 00:21
3 radiation01 00:11
4 PreescriptureStang 00:24
5 All God's Children-bad 00:09
6 22-he shoulda been dead 00:12
7 26-HueyMontage-Crucify 00:46
8 2OnanianStangrant 00:37
9 3ESO2152-B-WhatWhitesListen2 00:43
10 7Mentally Deranged- Phineas 02:21
11 7MentallyDeranged credit 00:30
12 8_Fingertips (5)~.8 00:06
13 9 bob ain't that a bitch 00:04
14 beware the blonde-PN 00:43
15 chum2715 00:19
16 dMB27-Bob and FightinJesus 00:30
17 dradiation-he should live? 00:08
18 eMB5,ESO,Godex&LemurCred 00:50
19 ESO2151-D-WhatsWrongW/America 02:11
20 find me a whore 00:14
21 fx-grampa bought a rubber! 00:02
22 Going2Dobbstown-HeartIgnit 00:37
23 GoingtoDobbstownCred;Rant 00:48
24 hESO2152-E-WaronDrugTerror 01:13
25 Huey-1 00:29
26 KPFA-Jesus 02:16
27 kpMB15-A Mutant 00:32
28 kuhm buy yah 00:21
29 m-radiation12 00:13
30 m-zLet's Order A Pizza 00:31
31 MB16-TheyLikeBob-LIES 00:17
32 MB20-$-WhoUNo,BilloGoods 00:32
33 MB23-Stang-BobBeaFoolAgain! 00:38
34 mb23ESO2152-F-BootCampDrugTerro 04:44
35 MB24-HeatDegradation-LIES 00:18
36 MB25-GetDownPhilo 00:20
37 MB5 Explan& RANT! 02:37
38 mThe Pussy Cat Song 02:34
39 nHuey-2 01:11
40 OnanRant-Stang2 01:11
41 r-Let My People Go - Rainmakers 03:36
42 Rainmakers Credit2 00:29
43 Remington Electric Razor 00:53
44 rESO2152-GHI-Draft,CanadaTX,Bra 08:04
45 s-radiation-ManyofUs-Strong 00:21
46 Stang PO Box 01:34
47 sWMMS en-DiscleNamedDopey 00:26
48 sx-radiationEnd, crying 00:25
49 Thought_Virusmix 03:45
50 thThoughtVirus-KillEmAll cred 00:23
51 tia Kill em all-Codini-1 00:46
52 Used Slack 02:42
53 Used Slack, Godex&Lemur 00:56
54 zESO2152-J-END 01:54
Original file name: HoS 826 - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
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