1 "Revolution Imediatly" FEDCOMS 00:19
2 Green Cheese Titles 00:43
3 arnold1 gator prank call 00:42
4 arnold2 cottons prank call 00:42
5 SubGenius Kids BobBobBobBob 00:05
6 Bleepo On "Bob" w/ Stang 00:51
7 Credit 00:24
8 wiz_oz Scary 00:05
9 DJ Vadim and Sarah Jones "The Revolution Will
Not Be Between These Thighs" 04:16
10 Credits 00:26
11 James Kochalka - "Talk 2 the Wookie" 01:54
12 Sexy clip- "That Tickles" 00:14
13 Credits 00:35
14 The Countess - "Interlude1" contracts 00:54
15 "Shooting Star" - The Countess2 03:27
16 Shooting Star Interlude3 01:03
17 LTO - Surface Noise-fuck@e copy 08:17
18 Credits 01:23
19 KPFA 8-17-01 Dr. Howll "TARANTISM and Spiders
Lesson" 04:22
20 wiz_oz_Got to see Wizard 00:06
21 "coagulated_bob" IMBJR 00:05
22 "Peanuts 2" Stang 01:06
23 Credits 00:22
24 Stop Children "Another Brick In the Wall" 01:11
25 wiz_oz_ Fly! 00:08
26 Time Zone - "World Destruction" 02:35
27 ESO Swamp Radio 12-7-01 "Civil Defense Alert" 04:29
28 Destroy them? Too Much Smoke (Mr.Sister) 00:11
29 "ginsu 1"- Artemia Salina 00:51
30 KPFA 8-17-01 Puzzling Ebidence & Dr. Howll "Things
2 Come 2"! 01:15
31 "arrest 4" -nu-monet. 00:55
32 wiz_oz Lions Tiger sBears 00:08
33 "The Xperiment" FEDCOMS 03:05
34 ESO "Use Yr Hate" 00:28
35 wiz_oz _ Silence, Whippersnapper 00:03
36 Credits 01:22
37 KPFA 8-17-01- End of the World, St. Stupid, end 02:40
38 ESO 12-7-01 end 05:21
39 PO Box DK 00:34
40 WWW.SUBGENIUS.com 00:17
41 Brick In Wall End 00:19
42 Kids Bob Cheerleading 00:15
43 wiz_oz_ I'm Melting 00:29
The Countess: http://drawbridge.com/countess
or www.triagemusic.com
James Kochalka: www.triagemusic.com
FEDCOMS: digimind.tripod.com/FEDCOMS
Surface Noise: urania235@mediaone.net
Stop The Children: dictionarakoke.org
Hour of Slack 817
1 RevolutionImediatlyFEDCOM 00:19
2 Green Cheese Titles 00:43
3 arnold1gator.aif 00:42
4 arnold2cottons.aif 00:42
5 Kids BobBobBobBob 00:05
6 BleepoOnBobw/Stang 00:51
7 Credit 00:24
8 wiz_ozScary 00:05
9 DJ Vadim SarhJonesRevNotTwnTh 04:16
10 Credits 00:26
11 Kochalka-Talk2theWookie 01:54
12 Sexyclip-ThatTickles 00:14
13 Credits 00:35
14 Countess-Interlude1contracts 00:54
15 ShootingStar-Countess2 03:27
16 ShootingStarInterlude3 01:03
17 LTO-Surface Noise-fuck@e copy 08:17
18 Credits 01:23
19 KPFA 8-17-01TARANTISM Spiders 04:22
20 wiz_oz_Got to see Wizard 00:06
21 coagulaed_bob IMBJR 00:05
22 Peanuts2 01:06
23 Credits 00:22
24 StopChildren-another_bri.aif 01:11
25 wiz_oz_Fly! 00:08
26 maaTimeZone-WorldDestruction 02:35
27 maESo12701d-CivilDefenselert 04:29
28 maeToo Much Smoke.aif 00:11
29 majt-ginsu1- alina 00:51
30 maKPFA 8-17-01 Things 2 Come 2! 01:15
31 mf-arrest4-nu-monet.aif 00:55
32 mgwiz_ozLionsTigersBears (Mono) 00:08
33 mhTheXperiment.wav copy 03:05
34 miESO Use Yr Hate 00:28
35 twiz_oz_Silence,Whippersnapper 00:03
36 txCredits 01:22
37 u KPFA 8-17-01-eotw,StStupid,en 02:40
38 xESO12-7-01 05:21
39 zPO Box DK 00:34
40 zWWW.SUBGENIUS.com 00:17
41 zzBrickInWallEnd 00:19
42 zzKids Bob Cheerleading 00:15
43 zzzwiz_oz_I'm Melting 00:29
Original file name: HoS 817 - converted on Friday, 21 December 2001, 20:42
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters