Dug into the stash of badfilm clip-collections from Artemia Salina and Nu-Monet, along with the olde KPFA subshow Gulf War/DUNE series with Papa Joe Mama, Dr. Howll, Puzzling Evidence, Gary G'broagfran
1 0000YouDotheShow (?- off PuzEv 8-17-01 KPFA) 00:15
2 clip: World Coming 2 End - Get Smashed 00:11
3 Pirate Radio School 1 Title 01:10
4 WMMS Cleveland dj on Stang -Disciple Named Dopey 00:26
5 Pirate Radio School 2 (?- off PuzEv 8-17-01 KPFA) 00:13
6 bob wants your brain -ASalina 00:30
7 REN & STIMPY HoS ID 00:22
8 last days-magic rainbow clip 00:18
9 War Anxiety -- Billey West & Bleepo Abernathy 03:11
10 Bob-Killin' Collage 00:49
11 Polished Ears of the Modernist! 00:32
12 Phineas Narco "Here to Go/George Carlin"
-National Cynical Network 05:34
13 Credits 01:33
14 "The Geek Shall Inherit Nothing" -Frank
Zappa 03:02
15 "The Story of Mankind" :Bob Will Speak
4 Earth 00:33
16 Robocop Bob Quotes 01:01
17 KPFA "Attack on Dobbstown" 01:05
18 "Floppy Boot Stomp" - Captain Beefheart 03:47
19 credits 00:23
20 KPFA 1-11-91 - Papa Joe does Pat Robertson! 02:54
21 Falwell & Robertson on WTC attack 01:06
22 Frank Zappa "?" Preacher song, Us Vs. Them 03:48
23 ESO 9-14-01- "Go Back 2 the Tit" w/ Legume 02:36
24 Gun Good, Penis Evil 00:20
25 Trouble On Mars? How Nice 00:04
26 ESO 9-6-01 "Relax, MrPresident!" 00:45
27 KPFA Dune Gulf War 2 02:55
28 1st OompaLoompa song 00:53
29 branetrouble- A.Salina clips 00:28
30 ESO 9-14-01-14- Tittied End 00:46
31 KPFA War3 - Monster Island! 01:50
32 Gamera -Vs. Guiron EotW clips 00:32
33 Radio Hanoi To New Troops 00:53
34 "People Are Scum" -The Rudy Schwartz Project 03:05
35 Credits 00:37
36 The Great Groovy Neptune rant (bonus on Demolitious) 02:17
37 Credit 00:30
38 The 2nd OompaLoompa song 00:53
39 For What It's Worth clip 00:33
40 KPFA w/ Philo PO Box-nuclearAfterma! 01:52
41 Credit SubSITE 00:17
42 Toon- Muhhahahaha 00:08
43 Gamblin' Dave 00:31
44 "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Crying" - Roger
McGuinn 02:49
45 "Waltzing Matilda" (end of "ON THE
BEACH") 00:32
1 0000YouDotheShow (Mono) 00:15
2 0001WorldComing2End-GetSmashed 00:11
3 000RadioSchool1Title 01:10
4 000WMMS en-DiscleNamedDopey 00:26
5 000xRadioSchool2 00:13
6 000zbobwants-AS.mp3.aif 00:30
7 000zREN&STIMPY HoS ID 00:22
8 001alastday-magicrainbow 00:18
9 001War Anxiety 03:11
10 002 Bob-Killin' Collage 00:49
11 01Polished EarsofModernist! 00:32
12 01rHere2GoGeo Carlin-NatCynica 05:34
13 01sCredits 01:33
14 01TheGeekShall Inherit-Zappa 03:02
15 02aStoryOMan2BobWillSpeak4Earth 00:33
16 02RobocopBobQuotes 01:01
17 02xKPFA Dobbstown 01:05
18 03FloppyBootStomp - CaptBeefh 03:47
19 04credits 00:23
20 05aKPFA1-11-91dPat Robertson! 02:54
21 05bfalwell & Robertson 01:06
22 05bZappa Preacher song 03:48
23 06ESO91401-11-GoBack2theTit 02:36
24 06GunGood,PenisEvil 00:20
25 07TroubleOnMars?HowNice (Mono) 00:04
26 08ESO9601N-RelaxMrPres! 00:45
27 09KPFA War 2 02:55
28 1stOompasong (Mono) 00:53
29 branetrouble-AS.mp3.aif 00:28
30 ESO91401-14-TittiedEnd 00:46
31 KPFA War3-Monsters! 01:50
32 Lgamera-gamvsguiron.aif 00:32
33 oRadioHanoiToNewTroops 00:53
34 People Are Scum -Rudy Schwartz 03:05
35 rCredits 00:37
36 tGreatGroovyNeptune rant 02:17
37 thCredit 00:30
38 The2ndOompasong (Mono) 00:53
39 yForWhatIt'sWorth 00:33
40 zKPFA30 PO Box-nuclearAfterma! 01:52
41 zmCredit SubSITE 00:17
42 zToon- Muhhahahaha 00:08
43 zz-GamblinDave 00:31
44 zzIt's Alright Ma 02:49
45 zzzWaltzingMatilda 00:32
COLLAGE parts:
10 002Fort Dobbs 00:08
11 003Doin'Great-AAARGH 00:05
12 01aBobcame 00:05
13 01aCartoon- He's a Maniac! 00:10
14 01akill.aif 00:02
15 01aTexAv-law.aif 00:05
16 01cTexAv-hitme.aif 00:02
17 01DropEmPants.aif 00:01
18 01dTexAv-buzzard 00:01
19 01ecutitout.aif 00:01
20 01fMyEquilibrium-Destabilized! 00:06
Original file name: HoS 804-war 2 - converted on Tuesday, 25 September 2001, 13:18
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