1 Speedytitle 00:36
2 ap_human 00:17
3 "SilverBells" - GrassyKnol 01:47
4 Xmas Title 00:30
5 Ah! Over There!.aif 00:11
6 Craig's Xmas 1 01:47
7 "Barbie Has it All" - Obtuse 02:29
8 "Ave Maria" 2 01:05
9 Brother Theodore_fishyell 00:28
10 "Chestnuts" - orporal Blossom 03:06
11 "Chicken Stealin' "Bob" -Gary G'Broagfran 02:57
12 Obtuse - "Lunatic Xmas" end 00:32
13 Credits 01:50
14 Craig's "Deck the Halls" 02:34
15 "Sugar Plum Unscrewed" - Obtuse 01:01
16 dirksenmonitors1.WARPED 00:36
17 Jethros - "Holly Golly Xmas" 01:25
18 "Shop as Usual" - Obtuse 00:59
19 "Xmas is Almost Here" 00:34
20 Credit 00:35
21 "Frosty Medusa" - James Kochalka 00:31
22 "Frosty the Snowman" Lovecraft Technology 02:24
23 "God Rest Ye"- Craigs 01:35
24 hr_pain.wav 00:12
25 "Drunken Xmas" 01:50
26 "Manic Depression" - Retaliation 03:06
27 "Interlude" - Obtuse 00:31
28 Credit 00:55
29 "Jesus at the Hardware Store" - Shari Elf 04:10
30 Credits 00:54
31 Rev. Sheldon Der Wehr - "Jesus Wuvs Me" 00:25
32 Jethros - "Frosty the Snoplow 01:04
33 Monitors 1.warp 00:24
34 "I Want a Blow Up Doll for Xmas" 02:08
35 wiz_oz" Hes Rusted Again 00:02
36 The Monitors clip 2. 00:15
37 Dolemite Xams clip 01:10
38 "Santa Is Coming to Rape Your Wife" - Toilet
Suck 01:37
39 " Oh Xmas Tree" -Advanced Dogmatic Studies
/ electric elf 01:23
40 Credit 00:27
41 Old HoS mix "The Judement/Frosty" 01:00
42 preacher The Monitors 00:43
43 "Santa Claus Is Comin 2 Tayown" - Corporal
Blossom 01:19
44 Old HoS "Dobbstown Kids" 00:47
45 Jethros - "Wreck the Halls" 00:30
46 Bleepo "Multinationals" 01:53
47 Credits 01:39
48 Jethros End 00:10
49 wiz_oz_Witch Cackle 00:03
50 Jethros End 02:07
1 0002Speedytitle 00:36
2 0003ap_human.wav (Converted.aif 00:17
3 000SCARY!SilverBells-GrassyKnol 01:47
4 001XmasTitle 00:30
5 0Ah! Over There!.aif 00:11
6 0Craig's Xmas 1 01:47
7 Barbie Has it All - Obtuse 02:29
8 bAveMaria2 01:05
9 btheodore_fishyell 00:28
10 Chestnuts-Corporal Blossom 03:06
11 ChickenStealinBob-GaryG'Bo 02:57
12 cObtuse Lunatic Xmas end 00:32
13 cpCredits 01:50
14 Craig's Deck the Halls 02:34
15 cSugarPlumUnscrewed-Obtuse 01:01
16 dirksenmonitors1.WARPED 00:36
17 dJethros - Holly Golly Xmas 01:25
18 espShop as Usual - Obtuse 00:59
19 eXmas is Almost Here 00:34
20 fCredit 00:35
21 Frosty Medusa - James Kochalka 00:31
22 FrostytheSnowman-lovecraftTechn 02:24
23 GodRestYe- Craigs 01:35
24 hr_pain.wav 00:12
25 iDrunken Xmas 01:50
26 iManic Depression-Retaliation 03:06
27 Interlude-Obtuse 00:31
28 jCredit 00:55
29 Jesus@HardwareStore-ShariElf 04:10
30 jx-Credits 00:54
31 Jx-Lil - Jesus Wuvs Me 00:25
32 kJethros - Frosty the Snoplow 01:04
33 ma-monitor1.warp 00:24
34 mBlow Up Doll for Xmas 02:08
35 md-wiz_ozHesRustedAgain (Mono) 00:02
36 monitor2.mp3.aif 00:15
37 mXmas10 Dolemite 01:10
38 nXmas08SanataComing Rape YrWife 01:37
39 O-Xmas Tree-AdvanDogmaticStud 01:23
40 oCredit 00:27
41 oXmas14 The JudementFrosty 01:00
42 preachermonitor1.mp3.aif 00:43
43 SantaClausIsComin2Tayown-CorpBl 01:19
44 sXmas15DobstonKids 00:47
45 tJethros - Wreck the Halls 00:30
46 zaXmas13 Bleepo Multinationals 01:53
47 zCredits 01:39
48 zzzzJethros End 00:10
49 wiz_oz_WitchCackle (Mono) 00:03
50 zzzzJethros End 02:07
Original file name: HoS 815 Xmas 2 - converted on Friday, 21 December 2001, 20:42
This page was created using TextToHTML. TextToHTML is a free software for Macintosh and is (c) 1995,1996 by Kris Coppieters