1 RadioSchool Title 01:10
2 sftheater- saucer1-intro 01:06
3 Media Barrage 5 Ch.4News - "Bob" Song
Montage 00:47
4 ESO 1-25-02 -- Thoughts Vs. Truth 02:20
5 Susie the Floozie collage: Pony, Reagan 03:24
6 "Bad Times" song 02:36
7 TwoBeans "Transreality" 00:07
8 KPFA- Wellman & Philo: "Webvan & The
Future" 01:46
9 MB 5 -- Mark of the Beast 00:13
10 Midnight VoiceJail -"ChapIntheHood" 04:41
11 Credits 02:03
12 MB 5 "I LoveThat Area," JR 00:17
13 Human to CHOOSE 00:33
14 2 Choices, Bernice 00:06
15 Media Barrage 5 --Hambone Testify 00:08
16 such creatures 00:13
17 MB5 --- Songs-Glassmadness,Drs 00:32
18 MB5 - BreakOutThat Glass Box 00:16
19 MB5 - RememberWhereBobIs? 00:31
20 MB5 - OurDogma 00:13
21 What are we waitingfor? 00:11
22 Susie Collage: Bush, Suse & Bob! 01:46
23 Lymph Node Institute: Mort Bookman rap 07:02
24 KPFA w/ Philo and Wellman 05:06
25 Lymph Node Institute: PostGor Werejackal 00:39
26 Two Beans -- "Superior Mutants" 1 01:17
27 Lymph Node Institute Sex Ad 00:50
28 Susie -- War Collage-Osama Bob! 06:23
29 Susie -- War Collage End 03:58
30 Walls of Genius (Little Fyodor)-- "Theme from
a Summer Place" 01:30
31 credits 02:44
32 Lymph Node Institute: Bilge ad 01:16
33 KPFA-Philo: TarTarNuts 02:03
34 Lymph Node Institute: Are Yout the Werejacka 01:04
35 MB 5 Copyright 00:04
36 sft-spider end 00:29
Little Fyodor:
Midnight Voicejail: http://i.am/dapper.com
1 3 RadioSchool Title 01:10
2 5 sftsaucer1-intro 01:06
3 6 M503-Cha4News-SongMontage 00:47
4 7 ESO12502 Thoughts-Truth 02:20
5 8 Susie-Pony, reagan! 03:24
6 9 Bad Times song 02:36
7 10 TwoBeans "Transreality" 00:07
8 11 KPFA-Webvan&Future! 01:46
9 12 M507- Mark of the Beast 00:13
10 13 VoiceJail-"ChapIntheHood" 04:41
11 13 xCredits 02:03
12 14 M502-I LoveThat Area, JR 00:17
13 15 Human to CHOOSE 00:33
14 16 2 Choicesm Bernice 00:06
15 17 M504-Hambone Testify 00:08
16 18 such creatures 00:13
17 19 M508-Songs-Glassmadness,Drs 00:32
18 20 M511-BreakOutThat Glass Box 00:16
19 21 M513-RememberWhereBobIs? 00:31
20 22 M514-OurDogma 00:13
21 23 What are we waitingfor? 00:11
22 24 Susie Bush, Suse&Bob! 01:46
23 25 LN02-MortBookman rap 07:02
24 26 KPFA-philo1--01 05:06
25 27 LN18- postGor Werejackal 00:39
26 30 Two Beans Superior Mutants1 01:17
27 31 LN32 Sex Ad 00:50
28 32 Susi11-WarCollage-OsamaBob! 06:23
29 33 Susie 13-WarCollageEnd 03:58
30 34 WallGenius-Theme Summer Pla 01:30
31 35 credits 02:44
32 35 LN19 Bilge ad 01:16
33 36 KPFA-2Married,TarTarNuts 02:03
34 37 LN43 Are Yout the Werejacka 01:04
35 39 M501-Copyright 00:04
36 40 sftspider1 end 00:29
Original file name: HoS 824 - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
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