ESO 3-9-00 Side 2 "Chas vs. Canada; Legume quits Holocaustals; Stang on Yankee Redneckery; Legume on The Sword in Mary's Heart
Winterstar 2000 "Our Alien Ancesters" Stang
Euclid Tavern Stang rant continued
Hans Reichel "LE BAL" from Gravikords album
ESO 3-9-00 Stang passes a "Bob"
uclid Tavern Stang rant, "Involuntary Slack,"
Susan Rawcliffe "Aquaknots" (from gravikords)
Winterstar 2000 Stang rant cont
YMA SUMAC "Earthquake"
Winterstar Stang, "Definition of the CXhurch"
ESO 3-2-00 The Unclean Future
Stang at Euclid -- Rocket Away, XXX-Day, Alien Science = Magic or... COINCIDENCE?? -- God, "Bob" and the Devil
ESO 3-2-00 (2) Dave Schedules the Euclid Show
ESO, Stang at Euclid Tavern: Sex & Frop, Riders on the Storm, FROP, Animated Bathroom Walls, Improv rant, Slack Off! HELP US SELL OUT, our new slogans
ESO 3-2-00 Dave's "Pain CDs"
ESO/Stang at Euclid "We Want the World and we Want it Now", Have Your Cake and Eat it Too
ESO 3-2-00 FARTS
Original file name: HoS 729
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