HoS 814 -- Xmas 1 of 3

1 Title -- StretcherBleepo1 00:21
2 "White Xmas" - collage by Corporal Blossom, "A Mutated Xmas" 03:19
3 credit 00:59
4 ESO Radio 12-1-00 Xmas Open 01:19
5 "Jingle Bells" - Mill Valley Taters (from Tarquin Xmas) 00:12
6 "All The Money You Got" collage - Obtuse 00:46
7 "Angels We Heard On High" - Philistines 00:44
8 Dokstock: Toy Marketting Scheme (Stang-Mavrides) 01:50
9 Credit 01:34
10 Gloria 00:36
11 The Real Story of Xmas" - MichaelShelly 01:01
12 ESO Radio 12-7-0 Lonecow Dave, "Bob" & Santa 04:54
13 "Have Your Self a Merry Little Xmas" -No-L !!! collage 03:31
14 Credit 00:42
15 The Jethros - "We Wish Youb a Merry Xmas" GARGLE 00:51
16 SantaBob - Stang, Buck Naked, 1986 01:07
17 "How The Jinx Stole Xmas" - Advanced Dogmatic Studies 01:25
18 Credit 00:35
19 "Little Drummer Boy" collage - Corporal Blossom 03:49
20 Credits 00:31
21 Jethros - "Silent Night" 00:45
22 ESO Radio 12-7-00 Santa 01:12
23 Rod Serling Xmas 00:52
24 "Santi-Bob" Stang 1986 00:36
25 "The Night Santa Went Crazy " by ?) 03:58
26 "Santa Is Coming" - Advanced Dogmatic Studies 01:07
27 Credits 00:34
28 "Sleighride to Heck" - James Kochalka 04:45
29 St.N and Hellena Handbasket - "Welcome to Helle" 03:20
30 "X-Day Song" - Gary G'Broagfran! 01:56
31 CREDITS 01:52
32 Stang, KNON 1986: God's Hankerchief rant 03:44
33 "Soylent Night" - Rev. Mark Mothersbaugh 05:12

Advanced Dogmatic Studies: electricelf@loop.com
Background Fart music by Slim Spincter, www.slimspincter.com
St. N & Hellena Handbasket: www.minitru.org
FREE Obtuse album: http://obtuse.iuma.com
Tarquin Records, James Kochalka, A Mutated Xmas, all from: www.triagemusic.com
Corporal Blossom "A Mutated Christmas" also at www.detritus.net/illegalart
James Kochakla also at: indyworld.com/kochalka
The Jethros: 212 1/2 Miller Ave., Portsmouth NH 03801
ESO Radio/ Einstein's Secret Orchestra: Box 81555, Cleveland OH 44181

1 02StretcherBleepo1.aiffu 00:21
2 03White Xmas- Corporal Blossom 03:19
3 04credit 00:59
4 0ESO 12-1-00 Xmas Open 01:19
5 0JingleBells -MillValleyTaters 00:12
6 All $ You Got - Obtuse 00:46
7 AngelsWeHeardHigh-Philistines 00:44
8 bXmas04-Marketting Scheme 01:50
9 cCredit 01:34
10 dGloria 00:36
11 dRealStory Xmas-MichaelShelly 01:01
12 ESO12-7-0 Dave, Bob & Santa 04:54
13 fHavUrSefMerryLitXmas-No-L 03:31
14 gCredit 00:42
15 gJethros-WeWishYuMerryXmasGARGL 00:51
16 gXmas07 - SantaBob 01:07
17 HowJynchStoleXmas-AdvDogStu! 01:25
18 iCredit 00:35
19 iLittleDrummerBoy-CorpBlosso 03:49
20 jCredits 00:31
21 Jethros - Silent Night 00:45
22 oESO12-7-00 Santa 01:12
23 Rod Serling Xmas 00:52
24 rXmas16 Santi-Bob 00:36
25 Santa Went Crazy (The Night) 03:58
26 SantaIsComing-fromAdvanDogStu 01:07
27 sCredits 00:34
28 SleighridetoHeck-Kochalka copy 04:45
29 St.N- Welcome to Helle 03:20
30 sX-DaySong-GaryG'Bo! 01:56
31 tCREDITS 01:52
32 tXMas09 - Gods Hankerchief rant 03:44
33 uSoylentNight - Mothersbaugh 05:12

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