Hour of Slack 728

ESO Radio 2-24-00 near end "Is There Anybody Out There?"

DEVO "Praying Hands" live, "Jerking Back and Forth" muzak

ESO radio 2-24, END Cowboy Song

Matrix clips

Media Barrage 10 side 2: R. Stevie Moore "Intelligence", old Stang

Euclid Tavern 3-3-00 old Stang, Part One, "Don't kill yourself, let "Bob" do it!"

Rev. STILL WRIGHT at Euclid Tavern, on Connie

Matreix/ MB10 Meyer

Credits w/ Henry Mancini music

ESO 3-9-00 Lonesome Cowboy Dave on the Iceman and The Ancient Americans on the moon... Homo or Neanderthal? Dave was once a Neanderthal babe. "They Left the Planet." Legume calls in.

Media Barrage 10 KPFA "Themapods vs. Usapods"

Stang at Euclid Tavern

Stang at Winterstar 200 -- Time Magazine "Bob" Vs. Ghandi -- Chas live music

KPFA 8-99 "Brain Exercise"

Dr. AHMED FISHMONGER "Conspiracy Song"

ESO 3-9-00 "Bob" in the trusckstop shower w/ Chas and Legume -- War with Canadia -- PIGMAN calls in, Pigman and Legume discuss cacass scorching and the Rat in Legume's Heart that eats cholesterol.


Drunks at Euclid Tavern -- Stang on drunks and "Meaning of Life," interrupted by drunks

ESO 2-24-00 END of radio show, song

MB 10 -- Wellman and LIES mug the Show

ZZ TOP "Just Got Paid"

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