Our Latest Hours of Slack:

Hour of Slack 710

"8 Weeks to Y2K"

Lots of collages from The Bran Flakes interspersed throughout show. ESO Radio 11-11-98 "Arachnid Power," "A Moon Market Economy," "Keith Richards' Pock Marks"; misc. ancient KPFA SubG radio collision; My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult "Velvet Edge"; Satan: "More Souls, "Bob";" ESO 11-4-99 "The Sky is Falling"; "8 Weeks to Y2K, The Sun Will Go Out, Countries will become Moons -- EngPlan"; The Firesign Clones "How Can You Be in 2 Places at Once" clip, Starwood 99; Hemorrhoy Rogers "Run Like the Wind" theme; Eddie the Rat collage#5; Dr. Bizarro "Live to Work"; Connie Dobbs meets Susie the Floozie ("Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse show); Susan Rawcliffe "Aqua Knots" from Gavikords CD; Stang on Clyde Lewis Ground Zero talk show: "Where the Escape Vessels Go on X-Day"; Stang describes Bob Larson show, GOOD Christian caller rebuttal; Dr. P. Ellis from WREK Subshow, "How to Succeed at X-Day"; Peachy Neitches, "Cocaine"

HoSlack 709
GOOD all-purpose Y2K show! Pat Paulsen and Fr. Guido Sarducci on "Bob"; Puzzling Evidence Lost in the Desert radio sequence; spontaneous Stang sermon re: XXX-Day, Y2K, Slack; KPFA SubGenius radio from 1-98 -- Dr. Howll on Bible Sinners; Negativland collage "THE ABCs of ANARCHISM" (whole thing interspersed throughout show); Stang Warpvoice "This is Satan!"; Hemorrhoy Rogers, "Hemorrhoy Rogers Theme"; ESO radio 11-4-99 "The Neutral Zone" -- NOTE: This improv routine predates the airing of the Futurama episode featuring a "Neutral Zone" by one week; Stang reads "Work Vs. Prison" comparisons; ESO radio on y2K; KPFA radio "Pull the Wings Off Your Own Flies"; ESO 10-28-99 "12-Tone Music Sucks"; Dr. Bizarro "The Conspiracy"; Bill T. Miller/Orgy of Noise "Auditory Meatus"; ESO and Stang, Pufferdome Devival, Starwood 99: "We want out cake and to EAT IT TOO!" rant

HoSlack 708
"Y Too Kay?"
New ESO (10-22-99) mixed with old KPFA SubGenius radio; Stang reads more from Wilhelm Reich's "Listen Little Man"; Boffo Bros: "Habafropzipulops" collage; Howll , Puzzling Evidence and Papa Joe on Gen X, Hell; ESO End of the World rants re: "Earth Tone Harmonics"; Cthulhu "Hate 4 a Pink Planet"; excerpts from 1983's Media Barrage 9; Sister Melodious Chops' song "Why Too Kay"; Dr. Biizarro "Duck Tape Mummy"; ESO rants on vampires, Falwell's a Teletubby, Howard Stern is sucking testosterone

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