1 as_shuffling sucking.aif 00:10
2 FaithHealer WarpTitle 00:25
3 CCC-Day Jesus - Hail Connie 00:13
4 Hour of Slack 693/ESO You Missed It 00:17
5 Godzilla That Strangely Tragic Monster 00:55
6 ESO Swamp Radio 6 14 01-weirdIntro 00:47
7 The TimE Machine-Worklessness 01:12
8 ESO Swamp Radio 5-31 01 04:55
9 HoS 106 --PuzEvidence radio, Glassmadness Art Police! 03:11
10 Sister Krys: "ItsNotJustThe" 01:33
11 ESO Swamp Radio 6-14-01- Smoke Yrsf -- Circus 04:51
12 "Come Vulnavia." lamprey-systems@home.com 03:19
13 credyts 01:07
14 ESO Swamp Radio 6-8 01 Zappa on SubGenius 05:28
15 9Monster Club rant 02:22
16 9Einstein's Secret Orchestra: "Sympathy 4 the
Devil" live 05:47
17 ESO Swamp Radio 5-31-01-I got married, but no kids
yet 02:12
18 Media Barrage 11 Nina Hagen's Close Encounter (Matt
Groening is the interviewer) 00:34
19 ESO Swamp Radio 6-20-01 "01d-Reagan" 03:10
20 ESO Swamp Radio 6-8-01 The BushGirls 01:26
21 ESO Swamp Radio 6-20-01 Reagan Rap 01:21
22 HoS 106 Tevis - GGG gives Stang drugs 01:51
23 ESO Swamp Radio 6-801-Drill My Ears! 01:42
24 PO Box from ancient tape 00:49
25 credits 01:11
26 Hour of Slack 106 - old KPFA Public Evidence 02:09
27 ESO Swamp Radio 6-14-01 Your Mystic Eye 01:22
28 P-P-P-praise"Bob" 00:01
29 "Blame God" lamprey-systems@home.com
1 0000cas_shufflingsucking.aif 00:10
2 0000FaithHealerWarpTitle 00:25
3 005-HailConnie 00:13
4 00693- BangaGong 00:17
5 00GodzillaThatTragicMonster 00:55
6 0ESO61401-weirdIntro 00:47
7 2TimEMachine-Worklessness 01:12
8 3ESO5-3101-2 04:55
9 4H106PuzEv,Jim! 03:11
10 4SrKrysItsNotJustThe 01:33
11 5ESO61401-2CSmokeYrsf-Circus 04:51
12 6Come Vulnavia.aif 03:19
13 7credyts 01:07
14 7ESO6-801-1 Zappa 05:28
15 9 MonsterClub 02:22
16 9 Sympathy 4 the Devil 05:47
17 aESO5-3101-3married 02:12
18 bNinaHagensCloseEncounter 00:34
19 gESO620-01d-Reagan 03:10
20 gSO6-801-3BushGirls 01:26
21 hESO620-01e Reagan Rap 01:21
22 k-Tevis-GGGdrugs1 01:51
23 oESO6-801-Drill My Ears! 01:42
24 PO2 00:49
25 tcredits 01:11
26 uH106iPuzEvDoug! 02:09
27 xESO61401-1tMysticEye 01:22
28 yP-P-P-praise"Bob" 00:01
29 zBlame God.aif 08:11
Original file name: HoS 793 - converted on Saturday, 30 June 2001, 15:31
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