HoS 706 "Zontar's Halloween EcoHorror"
Rerun of classic show #259. Twin Peaks "Bob," Tilton Bob; KPFA old SUbG great clips; Queen Bee Bah-Bee-Que spots; extremely morbid old WATER POLLUTION HORROR rant by Stang; lots of great End of the World clip-collage cutting, Arnold Mathes instrumental music, ZONTAR THING FROM VENUS speaks!
HoS 705 "Third Cleveland Show"
Fine general all-purpose Hour of Slack. Dr. Bizarro new song "Cheesy Nights", Scatterbrain "Down with the Ship" cover; Stang reads many Great Thoughts and expounds on lofty things; Mojo Nixon song; The King "Something Else"; Connie Collage from Susie the Floozy; The Bran Flakes great collage/music clips; Dr. P. Ellis from WREK "Frop Fields of Tibet" from Fisting Around the World; Therion song; Paul Mavrides and Puzzling Evidence, Hal Robins on KPFA "The '60s"; ESO radio "Lonesome Retard Pimp Dave"
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