Hour of Slack 820 Stang rant

(mixed new mini-MB "MB 820" from old one-liner clips and Kollapse bg music)

1 WhatdoesthatButtondo? 00:09
2 The World Crippled - Alien attack 00:34
3 Title 00:12
4 "Perilous times" remix 00:15
5 Resort to Hypnosis 00:06
6 Weird? deadfish swim upstream 00:17
7 Curly: Hey, I'm NotNormal"-xenu 00:03
8 Carlin: happiness 00:16
9 Nickie-Gasm Mix 820MB 00:46
10 Soul_Food.mp3.aif 00:05
11 This proves Bob...ob2 00:10
12 bobfollowed through - $13g 00:14
13 ESO 1-04-02 Build Yr Own Ship at Home 03:13
14 Earth Food.aif 00:10
15 Timothy Leary, 1987 Minn "Escape Risk!" 01:54
16 NyukNyuk2.aif 00:01
17 ESO 1-11-02- WAR rant 03:30
18 MB-820-End o the World 01:53
19 Stang Reading from Poul Anderson's "Brain Wave", Kossy's S"Strange Creations" review, "The WTC Conspiracy," Stang rant on rich bastards War ,
Stang reads Lemuel Atom rant from alt.slack, Huey imitation; Atom activism rant, Stang Slack-AntiSlack History Loop notion,
KPFA 10-02 Philo on the Heaps of Technology 27:54
20 MB-820-Sexy 00:33
21 an open_letter_to_my_teenage son 00:30
22 Your Wasting My Time 00:06
23 MB-820 Polished,Philo,cred 02:40
24 BUCKETHEAD Intro 02:23
25 Buckethead - "Sow Thistle" 04:23
26 "Puzzling Evidence Intro "-Gary G'broagfran 00:55
27 KPFA END, stang Time Machine PO Box! 05:23

1 000 WhatdoesthatButtondo? 00:09
2 000The World Crippled.aif 00:34
3 001TitleOnly 00:12
4 003perilous times.aif 00:15
5 004Resort to Hypnosis.aif 00:06
6 005deadfishkill.mp3.aif 00:17
7 006notNormal-stoogexenu 00:03
8 009hapyness.aif copy 00:16
9 010Nickie-GasmMix820MB 00:46
10 011Soul_Food.mp3.aif 00:05
11 011This proves Bob...ob2 00:10
12 12 bobfollowed through - $13g 00:14
13 12 ESO10402BuildYrOwnShipatHome 03:13
14 12Earth Food.aif 00:10
15 12Escape Risk! 01:54
16 2NyukNyuk2.aif 00:01
17 5ESO 1-1102-aatapedWAR ran copy 03:30
18 7MB820-EotW 01:53
19 820StangWarRant,LemuelAtom,KP 27:54
20 9MB820-Sexy 00:33
21 aopen_letter_to_my_teenag 00:30
22 awm2waste-xenu.aif 00:06
23 b820Polished,Philo,cred 02:40
24 BUCKETHEAD Intro 02:23
25 Buckethead-SowThistle 04:23
26 zPuzzlingEvidenceIntro-GaryG 00:55
27 zz820END-KPFA,PO Box! 05:23

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Original file name: HoS 820 - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47

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