1 FaithHealer Warp Title 00:25
2 Media Barrage 11 Intro Montage 00:46
3 1 min Sexrite- from wishbone 00:24
4 ESO Swamp Radio 1-04-02-1- Brain Tuner & The Internet
Future 05:35
5 wiz_oz: "I AM OZ" 00:07
6 Media Barrage 11: Parrot; "Bob Was A Robot" 00:48
7 MB11: Cult "Bob" Montage 00:45
8 MB11: Burroughs, "Bob" Montage 00:49
9 "Crunch" clip - stAllio 00:17
10 Wiz_oz: Can I Have My Dog? 00:03
11 ESO Swamp Radio 1-04-02 "Time Intersection;
Mean Chimp Evolution!" 09:27
12 MB11: Scary Montage 00:34
13 MB11: SternoHeadRant 00:16
14 "Helter Skelter" - TheNecrotonz 02:34
15 Credits 01:31
16 MB11: KPFA TheShow: Dobbstown 00:36
17 wiz_oz: Lions, Tigers, Bears 00:08
18 Timothy Leary - Minneapolis 1987 - Original Sin 06:45
19 "crunch!" by stAllio 02:13
20 Starwood 2001 Pufferdome: Stang Rant "Throwing
Away My Comic Books," Einstein's Secret Orchestra
"Midnight Growing Pale"! 12:40
21 ESO 10-25-01- Fred Sanford & Hendrix 01:00
22 acid clip 00:05
23 Philo: fropfrop zippy-fropfrop 00:08
24 Leary- "Not My Fault" 00:18
25 MB11: "SexMoneyBobFreePills" 01:05
26 "Smokin" clip 00:02
27 "The Experiment" Part 2 by FEDCOMS 02:32
28 Credits 00:32
29 ESO Swamp Radio 1-04-02 "Clevelandisqaatsi" 05:31
30 POBox w/ MC KevRock 00:42
31 wiz_oz: I'm Melting 00:29
The Nekrotonz: www.lastbeatrecords.com
FEDCOMS: http://digimind.tripod.com
ESO: PO Box 81555 Cleveland OH 44181
ACE (Leary lectures): www.rosencomet.com
1 00-00FaithHealerWarpTitle 00:25
2 00-03 Intro Montage 00:46
3 1minSexrite-wishbone 00:24
4 aESO10402-1- Brain Tuner 05:35
5 bwiz_ozI AM OZ 00:07
6 c60 Parrot;BobWasRobot 00:48
7 c61 Cult Bob Montage 00:45
8 c62 Burroughs,Bob Montage 00:49
9 crunch1 00:17
10 daWiz_oz_CanIHaveMyDog? 00:03
11 ESO10402-2-Time Intersection 09:27
12 f62 Scary Montage 00:34
13 f63 SternoHeadRant 00:16
14 HelterSkelter-TheNecrotomz 02:34
15 hxCredits 01:31
16 i64 TheShow Dobbstown 00:36
17 mgwiz_ozLionsTigersBears 00:08
18 t04 Leary Darwin contXX! 06:45
19 tcrunch! by stAllio2 02:13
20 tStangComicBookRant-Midnight! 12:40
21 vESO102501-FredSanford&Hendrix 01:00
22 vesoacid.-for ESo 00:05
23 vfropfropzippyfropfrop 00:08
24 vLeary-NotMyFault 00:18
25 vSexMoneyBobFreePills 01:05
26 vSmokinXenu.aif 00:02
27 vTheExperimentFEDCOMS2 02:32
28 wCredits 00:32
29 wESO10402-3 05:31
30 zPOBox w/ MC KevRock 00:42
31 zwiz_oz_I'm Melting 00:29
Original file name: HoS 819 - converted on Sunday, 13 October 2002, 17:47
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