HoS #550

Side 1:
Open w/ Nick Nolan collage-clips of Bob Larson, Compu-Titles mix from old Sound Edit experiments, Sosodada Tilton clips

Stang happily yaks about having cleaned up the station, with Nina Rota 8 1/2 theme music bg

JESUS lecture clips, "L is for Luck Plane"

"Bald Headed Jesus" reggae song (unknown)

Ken Nordine "Where Am I Going?" w/ Dobbsian undermix

Badsong "Stepping High"

Misc. media barrage cuts, old & new

JESUS on "Bob's" Mistakes

DR. LEGUME rant on Rev. Ed Strange's show about the evil cult of Christians,

Stang credits, discusses Legume's death

Roy Acuff song: "The Wreck on the Highway"

THE JUDGEMENT (old album by hick Xians depicting Judgement Day... Stang follows up with SubG version

The Rainmakers song: "Let My People Go-Go"

Bob Larson clips

JESUS on The Conspiracy

KPFA with GGGordon guest, Glassmadness, Gary G'Broagfran, Puzzling Evidence, Howll, Vreedeez -- amazing classic cuts from 1983 or so.

Side 2:


Susie the Floozy and Nolan Voydd, "Susie's Yard Sale" excerpts from WREK "Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse,

ESO clips from Best of '96 -- Hiroshima Schwartz Nuclear Warehouse, Stang and Dave on Greys whispering in your ear

KPFA classic cuts from '83 -- great Howll intro, "Good Conquors Evil and the Future Promises Nothing"...

Jesus on "K is for Kill "Bob""

THE FLYIN' RYAN BROS: "Corporate State of Mind" and instrumental beneath:
credits and
PO Box
Jesus enters office, he and Stang discuss poebucker-watching at the Texas State Fair

More classic KPFA to end (Stang guest, '85)

(end of show)


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Original file name: HoS 550

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