Also with music clips from Cuthulu's HATE FOR A PINK PLANET -- "Beef" "song"
Chas Smith Media Barrage clips,
Phylesha's Own SubGenius Mix media Barrage
KPFA Hal Robins "Witching Hour" Show intros, title)
WCSB - ESO - Chas re-intros Stang -- discussion of "Bob" and Bug Porn -- Bug Porn in Recent Movies -- Movies as Conspiracy Prophecy/propaganda, relation to Dobbs prophecy -- Why do the bad guys' minions always look like you?
Dept. of Crux: "Plan 9 from Outer Space"
Ween: "Tales of the Golden Eel"
Prozak Free Radio: Slackabilly, Jesus Bobs, Hick Bobs -- Teelg -- Sbbod and The Backmaskers -- on Pat Boone
Pat Boone: "No More Mister Nice Guy" clip
ESO: The ANCIENT DAVE MEN vs. THE ANCIENT "BOB" MEN" -- Dave Men try to invent the Pipe and Religion -- God Is a Bug and You are His Bug and He Will Swat You -- The Dave Men Sacrifice the "Bob" Man -- HUNTERS AND GATHERERS INVENT RELIGION -- The Dave-o-phile
Phylesha mb, Pink Planet clips
Prozak Free: The Jews and Heaven -- THE EVIL LUTHERANS AND THE KILLING CLONES OF JESUS -- Steal Communion Wine for Cloning Purposes !! (Great Legume rants)
ESO: KRSHNA DAVE and the Cowherd Gopies -- VISHNU DAVE creates the world and insects -- DAVE IS GODHEAD -- Kai's Power Evolution RPG -- DaveGod and THE JUDGEMENT -- The Fallen God -- "If for once in your life you could be smart enough to realize you're God" -- TURN THE TABLES ON GOD! WAR ON GOD ddeclaration -- "QUESTION AUTHORITY -- OR ELSE!!"
Phylesha MB
Evolutionary Control: RAP SONG mixed w/ PINK MUSIC
PROZAK FREE END RANTS: Anti-Con Cubicle Rant; The Gleet and the Device; You Get Your Own Planet -- But Who'll protect you from US? -- The Book of Life Won't Boot Up, Lord -- MOONPANTS
Original file name: HoS597
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