Hour of Slack 818 -

1 Time to Brainwash 00:03
2 Intro Montage(MB11) 00:17
3 Bleepo Title 00:16
4 Bypass Your Forebrain 00:05
5 stuck on puter 00:04
6 Doin'Great-AAARGH 00:05
7 Unfair -- Tesla Coil 00:03
8 "Slackcenter Chant" clip- DrNeuroburger 00:14
9 Spurts 00:12
10 "What the Hell" - Hellpope Huey from MB11 01:28
11 credits 01:08
12 ESO-12-7-01-Dave Drugs,Leary 01:59
13 Timothy Leary - on The Pope, "Cheerleader 4 Change" 02:32
14 They Want To Believe 00:17
15 ESO 11-30-01 Internet; Neural Buttplug 06:29
16 kpt_vortex by IMBJR 00:05
17 Stang/ESO, Starwood 01- Bob Rant-"I Put a Spell On U"! 06:13
18 SpudDom & Bob - Mark Mothersbaugh 00:31
19 They Protec Walk into a FistTesl 00:09
20 Pope Meyer - "WhatsGonnahappenChildrn" 00:39
21 Smite the Conspirators (Stang) 00:23
22 Oingo Boingo- "New Generation" 05:14
23 credits 01:40
24 ESO 12-21-01 TheFakedNews 01:41
25 John Wayne war mix 01:06
26 AmerPeople Hav Spoken from Xenu 00:06
27 Credit 00:20
28 I Like 2 Watch - Chris Korda 03:58
29 Credits 00:41
30 Leary- Fundamentalists 01:26
31 Emergency_News_Bulletin 00:22
32 crunch!by stAllio! 01:16
33 credits 01:00
34 mistake.Xenu-AfterStang 00:05
35 ESO 12-7-01-Dobbies Elves 01:20
36 Poster O Dobbs - GaryG'Bo 02:20
37 Credits 00:49
38 "I Love The Dead" - The NekroTonz 02:34
39 Doin'Great-AAARGH 00:05
40 "Mahala Mothra" 00:53
41 Meet the Parents clip, GayFalker 00:32
42 Ron'sAppliance-ShariElf 02:19
43 Credit 00:48
44 "sbboD" -IMBJR 00:28
45 "Weeeeee!" by Threebrain 01:18
46 Credits 00:18
47 ESO 12-7-01-END desperados 02:52
48 hos-promo by Modemac 00:45
49 Shut Up Like Hell 00:13
50 LoneCowDave(evangela) 00:04

1 0000Time to Brainwash.aif 00:03
2 0002 Intro Montage 00:17
3 000BleepoOrigTitle-tohost- 00:16
4 000Bypass Your Forebrain.aif 00:05
5 000stuckonputer.wav.aif 00:04
6 000xDoin'Great-AAARGH 00:05
7 01UnfairTesla.aif 00:03
8 02 Slackcenter-DrNeuroburger 00:14
9 03Spurts 00:12
10 03WhattheHell-Huey 01:28
11 04 credits 01:08
12 04 ESO12701-DaveDrugs,Leary 01:59
13 04Dumb Evolution-Pope, Darwin 02:32
14 04Want To Believe.aif 00:17
15 05ESO113001Internet;NeurlButplg 06:29
16 06kpt_vortex IMBJR 00:05
17 07 Stang BobRant-"PutSpellOnU"! 06:13
18 09 SpudDom&Bob-MarkM 00:31
19 0TheyProtecWalk into a FistTesl 00:09
20 23 WhatsGonnahappenChildrn 00:39
21 54 Smite the Conspirators 00:23
22 55 Boingo- New Generation 05:14
23 55 credits 01:40
24 56ESO12-21-01 TheFakedNews 01:41
25 6-war.mp3.aif 01:06
26 7AmerPeopleHavSpokenXenu.aif 00:06
27 7bCredit 00:20
28 7I Like 2 Watch - Chris Korda 03:58
29 7jCredits 00:41
30 7Leary- Fundamentalists 01:26
31 8Emergency_News_Bulletin 00:22
32 crunch!by stAllio! 01:16
33 d-credits 01:00
34 d-mistake.Xenu-AfterStang 00:05
35 ESO12701-DobbiesElves 01:20
36 esPosterODobbs-GaryG'Bo 02:20
37 fCredits 00:49
38 I LoveTheDead-NekroTonz 02:34
39 lDoin'Great-AAARGH 00:05
40 Mahala Mothra.aif 00:53
41 Meet the Par~.aif 00:32
42 Ron'sAppliance-ShariElf 02:19
43 rxCredit 00:48
44 sbboD-IMBJR.aif 00:28
45 Weeeeee! by Threebrain 01:18
46 xCredits 00:18
47 zESO12701-END desperados 02:52
48 zhos-promo.aif 00:45
49 zzShut Up Like Hell 00:13
50 zzzzzLoneCowDave(evangela) 00:04

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