All except Lil's "So This is Frop" and the ESO sequence are from Hour of Slack #52 & 53, the Anti-Anti-Drug Special, from 1986.
1 HoS # 52 Title 02:10
2 New Intro -- Pro & Anti Drugs 00:44
3 Stang Frop Rant 1 (from BOOK OF THE SUBGENIUS) 02:19
4 Bleepo Abernathy, "Frop Without Slack" 01:47
5 Drs. 4 "Bob" at 1981 Dallas SubCon on Frop,
Philo in Malaysia 01:27
6 Mark Mothersbaugh - "Bob" fx, R U Experienced 00:45
7 THE SWINGING LOVE CORPSES "Backside of Reality,"
Interview 05:13
8 FROP Rant 2 from BOOK by Stang 04:04
9 Dokstok I (1983) clips, Repo Man clip 04:39
10 DEVO: Not Beautiful But Mutated 00:11
11 ESO Swamp radio, WCSB Cleveland, 6-8-01 "God
in prison for Growing Pot" 07:50
12 Stang BOOK Hangover Rant - music by Stang 04:13
13 "So THAT'S Frop" - Popess Lilith, The Sheldon
years CD ( 04:47
14 Stang FROP RANT con't. 03:46
15 Junkie Opera clip (?) 00:47
16 "Glad to be a Dingaling" - Frank Jr. &
Nancy Sinatra (clip) 00:57
17 RU Experienced 00:55
18 HoSlack # 6- Dr. G. Gordon Gordon on "Prep.
of Normal Souls" 05:34
19 The Dogmatics: "Teenager on Drugs" 02:21
20 Dingaling clip 2 01:13
21 PO Box 00:48
22 Credits 01:54
23 The Effects Will Continue (Stang, Ray Hey at Dokstok)00:15
24 "PILS" - Fart Dog Explosion at Dokstok
I 00:34
25 NHGH/"Bob" Loves You - loop 00:16
1 01HoS52a Title- 02:10
2 02 NewIntro 00:44
3 021 Frop Rant1 02:19
4 1 DRUGSbar 2 Fropw/Slak 01:47
5 125 Drs,PhiloOnFrop 01:27
6 3aFX,RUExp 00:45
7 3Backside Reality;2 much acid 05:13
8 4 HoS52eFROPRant from BOOK 04:04
9 50 52e2Dokstok-Repo 04:39
10 50NotBeutifulButMutated 00:11
11 51ESO6-801-2 GodinPrison4Frop 07:50
12 52c Srang BOOKHangoveRant! 04:13
13 5So THAT'S Frop- P-Lil 04:47
14 6HoS52f Stang FROPRANTcon'tTeen 03:46
15 6HueyJunkieOpera 00:47
16 7HoS51-Dingaling 00:57
17 7RUExp 00:55
18 8Hos6-GGG on NormalSoul1 05:34
19 9Teenager on Drugs 02:21
20 pDingaling2 01:13
21 PO Box 00:48
22 PzCredits2 01:54
23 qEffectWillContinue 00:15
24 uPILS-Drs 00:34
25 zNHGHBobLovesYou-loop 00:16
Original file name: HoS 789 Drugs 2 - converted on Saturday, 30 June 2001, 15:31
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