1 Mighty Intro Music Title 00:32
2 Michael Peppe song#6 05:23
3 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 "Great UnWashed; Spelunker
"Bob"; Bonobo! 05:04
4 Old Stang Rant from Hour of Slack : "How To Subvert
The Conspiracy" 09:22 (Mangled by Will O'Dobbs)
5 Capt. Beefheart redone on Plunderphonics by John Oswald 01:25
6 "Burgers on the Grill" -- Bob Rivers 02:26
7 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 -- "The Girls of Madison,"
Saint N intro 04:58
8 "3v1l 5c13nt15t"-- Saint N & Hellena
Handbasket w/ Armand Geddyn 03:08
9 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 -- Helena, Lonsome Cowboy
Bill 03:14
10 "Brake for God" -- The Button, Ten Family
Minutes 03:20
11 ESO 4-13-01 "Nicotine Trip Or Die" 00:46
12 H106c-SubG Tapes 00:34
13 Happy Flowers - "My Evil Twin" 02:21
14 ESO 4-13-01 "WindRape Stang," '98, Meatball
SubEnema" 01:38
15 ESO 4-13-01 "Meatball SubEnema" 01:11
16 "Lazy Man Blues" -- Allergic to People 01:00
17 Radio Patapoe, Amsterdam, "Pope Black - Slack
In Germany" 01:43
18 "Teddy Bear" -- Red Sovine 05:05
19 ESO Swamp Radio 5-04-01 "Euclid Tavern devival
promo, END"! 04:23
20 Japanese Pop.? from HoS 106 02:29
Thanks to nu-monet, whyaskwhyaskwhy, Artema Salina for posting fine music to alt.binaries.slack
Original file name: HoS 785 Euclid - converted on Friday, 25 May 2001, 02:03
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