KPFA Subshow (Puzzling Evidence, Hal Robins) 7-27-96 collage MIXED WITH:
Fernandinande's HEBEPHRENIA collage, mixed with:
Bill T. Miller Kings of Feedback "Turn On," mixed with:
STUPID APOCALYPSE collage by Yetis for "Bob"
All of the above are recombined by Rev. Stang into an ongoing "STUPIDITY" media barrage/collage that slithers in and out throughout this whole show.
Stang spews a lot of bumper-sticker type slogans copped from Net graffitti, as if he were making it up off the top of his head.
SILICON ENMBRACE by John Shirley -- Stang reads the explanation of the Greys (Zetans) vs. the Metas from this great sf novel
Collage of Fernandinande, Puzzling Evidence and STUPID APOCALYPSE continues.
Stang rant excerpt from Rutgers Devival
KPFA "More Than An Hour, Less Than a Show" 2-28-97 puz-ev collage recut by Stang
Stupid Apocalypse collage continued.
NEGATIVLAND: "The Greatest Taste Around" and "Taste in Mind" (sneak previews from upcoming album, "Dispepsi")
KPFA SubShow 2-28-97 -- Howll and Puzzlin' interview a FAKE STANG who sounds just like St. @ndrew
someone else speaks
DUKE OF MADNESS (radio comedy plays by Rev. Bleepo Abernathy and Billy West (voice of Ren & Stimpy) -- from 1982 -- Dog skit... Cat skit.
Nina Hagen clip from Susie's show (song title unknown)
PLASMATICS: "Say Goodbye to the World As We Know It"
THE KLINGONS "Space Things"
Original file name: HoS583
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