1 HoS 52a Title recut -Doug Smith Cheese 01:58
2 Story O Man 5-Who Speaks 4 Man? collage 00:20
3 Captain America 00:18
4 Jimi Hendrix "Star Spangled Banner" (studio) 02:40
5 Droopy 00:02
6 "I'm So Worried" -Monty Python 03:16
7 Osama_hunter 01:29
8 Rolling Stones -- "High Wire" 03:45
9 "If this had been an emergency- Schlitz"
collage by LeMur 00:21
10 Bob Dylan "The Times Are A Changing" live
boot NYC 91 02:42
11 "Too Late.v2.1" - BlindFold (mix of Falwell/Robertson) 02:56
12 Jimi Hendrix "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
clip 01:44
13 Monty Python "Bright Side of Life" 03:21
14 "All Your Base" lounge style -NetPoet &
Xenon 03:12
15 The Bobs - "Strawberry Fields" 00:41
16 KPFA 1991 -- Papa Joe, Dr, Howll, PuEv War4 02:12
17 "The 3rd Oompa Loompa Song" 00:52
18 Abbot & Costello parody (SCTV) 01:55
19 credits 01:45
20 "I Married Bob" -Rudy Schwartz Project 03:39
21 ESO Swamp Radio 9-6-01-- SubGenius Vs. Genius 00:47
22 "Smoked Squid" -- Champion jack Codini 02:16
23 Wolf-coolman.aif 00:01
24 ESO 9-6-01-Vagina's Box & The Diverter 02:06
25 "The Last Oompa Song" 00:58
26 ESO 9-21-01-- Differently Abled Scientist 00:27
27 KPFA-91 - Papa Joe, Howll, PuzEv "Plastic Genius" 00:28
28 ESO 9-21-01 "Start Yr Own Religion" 00:42
29 KPFA1-11-91 "Superman" Papa Joe, Dr. Howll,
puz Ev 05:36
30 thulsa doom 00:11
31 Credits (music by Vagina Jones) 01:35
32 ESO 9-6-01 --Your Lung-Death- "Bob!" 02:13
33 EatHelOut of It 00:06
34 ESO Skynyrd 00:39
35 Jimi Hendrix -- End of "Rainbow" clip 00:54
36 ESO End- Find Cost of Freedom clip 01:10
1 001HoS52a Title-DougSmithCheese 01:58
2 002StoryOMan5-WhoSpeaks4Man? 00:20
3 003CaptinAmerica 00:18
4 004Star Spangled Banner 02:40
5 01Droopy-covered.aif 00:02
6 02I'm So Worried-MontyPython 03:16
7 03osama_hunter.aif 01:29
8 03RollingStones HIGHWIRE 03:45
9 04bd_ifemergency-LeMur 00:21
10 04TimesTheyAreAChanging 02:42
11 04toolate.v2.1- BlindFold 02:56
12 05-Hendrix SomehwreOverRainbow 01:44
13 05BrightSideoLife 03:21
14 06AllYourBase-NetPoet-Xenon 03:12
15 06The Bobs - Strawberry Fiel 00:41
16 07KPFA War4 02:12
17 07The3rdOompasong 00:52
18 A & C parody (SCTV).mp3.aif 01:55
19 acredits 01:45
20 bIMarriedBob-RudySchwartzProj 03:39
21 cESO9601B-SubGeniusVs.Genius! 00:47
22 dSmoked Squid-codini.aif 02:16
23 dWolf-coolman.aif 00:01
24 ESO9601D-Vagina'sBox-Diverter! 02:06
25 fTheLastOompaSong 00:58
26 mESO92101-17DifAbledScientist 00:27
27 nKPFA-PlasticGenius 00:28
28 oESO92101 StartYrOwnReligion 00:42
29 pKPFA1-11-91b Superman 05:36
30 thulsadoom.aif 00:11
31 uCredits 01:35
32 uESO9601H-Lung-Death-Bob! 02:13
33 vEatHelOut of It 00:06
34 xSkynyrd 00:39
35 yHendrixEndoftheRainbow 00:54
36 zzzEnd-FindCostFreedom 01:10
Original file name: HoS 806 War - converted on Friday, 21 December 2001, 20:42
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