Hour of Slack 721

Intro -- Media Barrage 11 intro, The Pink Boys clip

Credits, CD yak and Lamprey Systems music bg

ESO 1-20-00 radio, "King of Cheese," "Robot Sex," "We're Number One, You're Number One"

Drs. 4 "Bob": Legs a Fire

Stang reads Nenslo "Taste" rant w/ Lamprey bg music

KPFA Wellman, Hal and DEVO from HoS 79

Howard the Duck clips, KPFA, great Hal "ad", Doug and Firesign clip

Sternodox "The Brag"


"Pain Staining" rant


Hellpope Huey "What the Hell Do You Think You're Doing" reading

Huey collage

Pope David Meyer preaching (MB 11)

Pufferdome Devival, Einstein's Secret orchestra: "Wilderness of "Bob" w/ Chas and Wei

ESO radio 1-27-00 -- Time Magazine Called Jesus, Stang Stopped Reading News, Hitler Stang and Race of Supermen, caller

"JimBobJoyceSpeak" by Stang and DK Jones


ESO radio 2-4-00 "TIME Mag on "Bob"; Stang and Wei rant on "Bob"

PINK FILTH: "Third Stoner from the Sun"

Rev. Blanket Ass music tape cut 1

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