It took a genius to invent it, but it only takes a monkey to detonate it. Boom, boom, boom! Retrograde Evolution, winding down, down, down!
In a world in which fear is man's dominant emotion-fear of insecurity, loneliness, inferiority, love, sickness, death-what can one do to relieve the bad-tasting jokes of impending doom-and-ultra-gloom?
Just in case there was no war, the trigger was set to go off forty years
in the future anyhowl No one at the lab knew that; just the quiet little
henpecked guy that everyone made fun of, the only person who had
access to the long delay mode on the seemingly benign timer that was
directly connected to the Atomika trigger.
"Monkeys have better orgasms than humans," according to one
hardworking and detail-oriented animal husbandry expert.