Dear Kevan, Cloning Question?

From: iDRMRSR <>
Newsgroups: alt.slack

Since you seem to know all about these things, I wonder if you could ask
Jesus how much it hurt when that lab cloned the first human embryo. I
mean, this poses all kinds of perplexing questions, like, who gets to
eat the soul that was created when the thing divided into two cells!
And if the scientist that did it (created the life unnaturally) and/or
the one that eventually kills the little human, go to hell?

Basically, I have always wondered if He would be hurt enough to say
"ouch"? I mean, is cloning a human enough of a sin to hurt like a paper
cut, root canal, or maybe a migraine headache? And how long does it
last, a few seconds, or all eternity? Enough to make Him weep do you
suppose? Or does He hop around like He stubbed His toe on the bedpost
in the middle of the night?

And if that is so, what do you suppose He yells to get rid of the pain?
Certainly he doesn't go "J....M-F...C..." or "M-F...G...D...Cloner!"
Maybe He yells something like "ForGive YOU!" since He is merciful.
Well, I'm sure you'll clear that all up for everybody real soon...


From: Kevan <>

>Jesus how much it hurt when that lab cloned the first human embryo.

You don't have to worry about it if you're unsaved. If you are saved, then you
know that things will be taken care of. JEsus takes the worries from your mind
and replaces them with His Everlasting Peace.


From: "irk" <KevanBlows@me.dry>

Jesus alleviates you from your mind and replaces it with His EverPlastic


From: (Joe Cosby)

Just remember, "Jesus" spelled BACKWARDS is SUSEJ, which is DAMN
NONSENSE, but "Bob" spelled backwards is STILL "BOB", yes, "Bob" is

Think long and hard on these things pink boy.


From: "The Not-Quite-Sane One" <>

> Jesus alleviates you from your mind and replaces it with His
> Piece.

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