Vote Buddy Wanted
Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 17 Oct 2004 00:21:39 GMT
I will promise not to vote for Kerry
if someone promises not
to vote for Bu(ll)sh(it).
That way we can both stay home.
Correspondent:: Cardinal Vertigo
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 00:49:07 GMT
AssCo Assc wrote:
> I will promise not to vote for Kerry
> if someone promises not
> to vote for Bu(ll)sh(it).
> That way we can both stay home.
You can get an absentee ballot by mail without ever getting up off your
ass, you lazy bastard, as long as you check a box saying you plan to be
away on Nov 2.
Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 17 Oct 2004 00:53:38 GMT
<< You can get an absentee ballot by mail without ever getting up off your
ass, you lazy bastard, as long as you check a box saying you plan to be
away on Nov 2. >>
How many of those were lost
during the previous election?
Correspondent:: "Rev. 11D Ricardo MadGello"
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 00:57:57 GMT
"AssCo Assc" wrote in message
> << You can get an absentee ballot by mail without ever getting up off your
> ass, you lazy bastard, as long as you check a box saying you plan to be
> away on Nov 2. >>
> How many of those were lost
> during the previous election?
Correspondent:: Cardinal Vertigo
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 02:03:03 GMT
AssCo Assc wrote:
> << You can get an absentee ballot by mail without ever getting up off your
> ass, you lazy bastard, as long as you check a box saying you plan to be
> away on Nov 2. >>
> How many of those were lost
> during the previous election?
What do you care? You weren't going to vote anyway.
Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 17 Oct 2004 02:32:00 GMT
<< What do you care? You weren't going to vote anyway. >>
Hell, I was an asshole that voted Nader -- but ONLY
because ALL the news stations on TV (except FOX)
AND the RADIO predicted the win for GORE not
COUNTING on the possibility that there would be
a coup of the fascist elements involved.
Correspondent:: Cardinal Vertigo
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 03:09:58 GMT
AssCo Assc wrote:
> << What do you care? You weren't going to vote anyway. >>
> Hell, I was an asshole that voted Nader -- but ONLY
> because ALL the news stations on TV (except FOX)
> AND the RADIO predicted the win for GORE not
> COUNTING on the possibility that there would be
> a coup of the fascist elements involved.
If everyone who didn't really want to see four more years of Bush but
otherwise couldn't be bothered to care actually got to the polls and
voted, the election would be such a landslide it'd be all but unstealable.
But remember, it's in the corporate interest for people to become and
remain disillusioned with electoral politics. That's so important I'm
going to say it again: It's in the corporate interest for people to
become and remained disillusioned with electoral politics.
Apathy is massively profitable, so keep sitting in your La-Z-Boy eating
Doritos and watching advertising on your new Wega. You're too cool for
it all. You KNOW BETTER.
Just keep on consuming. After all, that's what you're for.
As a general aside, a lot of states have new provisional-ballot laws.
This means that even if you didn't register, you may be able to vote
anyway if you show up to the polls on Nov 2 with sufficient gov't-issued
ID. Usually a driver's license and a Social Security card is enough for
those kinds of things. A passport will probably work if you have one,
or if you've taken the Mark they can just scan it and you're all set.
Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 17 Oct 2004 04:29:12 GMT
Thanks for the info.
That would be more appreciated if I haven't been
voting for a quarter of a century by now.
Correspondent:: Cardinal Vertigo
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 16:59:35 GMT
AssCo Assc wrote:
> Thanks for the info.
> That would be more appreciated if I haven't been
> voting for a quarter of a century by now.
It was a general aside, not directed specifically at you. I should have
made that more clear.
Correspondent:: phy
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 06:05:20 -0000
Cardinal Vertigo wrote in
> If everyone who didn't really want to see four more years of Bush but
> otherwise couldn't be bothered to care actually got to the polls and
> voted, the election would be such a landslide it'd be all but
> unstealable.
I noticed today that it doesn't matter how or if I vote because I know who
is getting Alabama's electoral votes.
Correspondent:: (HellPopeHuey)
Date: 17 Oct 2004 09:42:56 -0700
phy wrote in message news:...
> I noticed today that it doesn't matter how or if I vote because I know who
> is getting Alabama's electoral votes.
The electoral college system is a destructive and woefully outdated
mechanism for fucking the actual vote. HueyBob sez check it out and
weep/curse/gnash teeth/piss on a national monument/spit on Nenslo.
HellPope Huey ~
This church is like watching a 450-pound black waitress
breakdance nude in a wading pool filled with Crisco.
"Kerry works a crowd the same way
Frankenstein's monster worked villagers."
- Nick Gillespie
- Rev. Unclaimed Mysteries
Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 10:18:50 -0700
AssCo Assc wrote:
> << What do you care? You weren't going to vote anyway. >>
> Hell, I was an asshole that voted Nader -- but ONLY
> because ALL the news stations on TV (except FOX)
> AND the RADIO predicted the win for GORE not
> COUNTING on the possibility that there would be
> a coup of the fascist elements involved.
I was an asshole that voted Nader for the idiotic reason that he
expressed ideas with which I actually agreed, instead of being the usual
half of the Siamese Twin plutocracy we get with the fraudulent one party
system of the democratic republicans.
Correspondent:: (AssCo Assc)
Date: 17 Oct 2004 17:40:58 GMT
<< I was an asshole that voted Nader for the idiotic reason that he expressed
ideas with which I actually agreed. . . >>
You still are.
Correspondent:: "Rev. 11D Ricardo MadGello"
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 00:52:37 GMT
uh. okay.
I won't vote for either then.
And blow both those dumb ass twerps out of DeeCee...
Bwah! ha? Ha?
who's sucking a vacuum cleaner dry now, eh?
"AssCo Assc" wrote in message
>I will promise not to vote for Kerry
> if someone promises not
> to vote for Bu(ll)sh(it).
> That way we can both stay home.
Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 19:12:11 -0700
AssCo Assc wrote:
> I will promise not to vote for Kerry
> if someone promises not
> to vote for Bu(ll)sh(it).
> That way we can both stay home.
I will promise not to kick your fucking ass if you will shut up.
Correspondent:: Shining Path of Least Resistance
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 11:19:04 +0900
Vote Fuck Buddy offered