Jesus Bows Down In DUHbya Yawn.

Correspondent:: "Rev. 11D Ricardo MadGello"
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 17:05:38 -0700

Once there was a fair and balanced planet. Ever Tuesday the people on
it would yawn in unison for its Persondont, GeeDUHbya Boosh. Gee DUHbya was
the least capable of all persons and that why nobody ever elected it to him.
There was a fairy dog father that had so little money it was frightening to
nobody. Whenever bombs flew over Detroit, the DUH would tremble in fury.
Some sort of meandering thing grabs his mother and smothered her in tears of
dread. When schools closed for lack of fun a fog rolled over DUHbya's
smear. On land and sea smog from DUHbya's ass gasses killed a throng.
Where Q came, they left immediately. If not sooner.