If You Want To Survive

Correspondent:: "ren"
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 10:35:04 -0700

I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.

Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
beings will be able to live in.

Correspondent:: Alexander Mulligan
Date: 10 Oct 2004 19:07:38 GMT

In alt.magick, ren wrote:
> I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> beings will be able to live in.

Japan and Korea and China have incredibly high population densities.
They are the last places on Earth that a 'survivalist' would choose.
Try the Rockies and, a distant second, the Andes.

And it won't matter what languages you know. You don't need
to be able to even speak to grow gardens and spin and weave
cloth and build shelters, etc.

Your concern will not be communicating with most of the people
around, but hiding from them (if you have half a brain).

But the concept of choosing a _relatively_ harsh climate is
a good one, though cold-temperate is the most extreme you
should consider. Less than about an 80 day growing season
and life becomes very hard indeed.

No. You won't be hunting and trapping for a living. Almost
every slob hunter that fancies himself a 'survivalist' will
be attempting to make a living this way, and basically there
won't be a large (bigger than a mouse) game or domestic
animal left on the planet in 6 months.

In the wild areas, more people will die fighting over
hunting rights than from any other cause. It takes a *lot*
of land to support a family living this way, particularly
in harsher climates (thousands of acres), and there will be
a *lot* of families struggling to live off the land in these

Clue: If you really want to survive the inevitable collapse
of this extraordinarily destructive civilization, learn how
to create what you need to live from plant sources, and
ignore much of what the so-called 'experts' teach. Their
alleged knowledge is based upon a world that no longer
exists, when the planet was in pretty good shape and the
population densities were a fraction of what they are now.

For example: Around 1850, the population of the U.S. was
1/10th of what it is now.

Tom: Shut up. You don't know anything about living off the
land. You couldn't live long enough to starve to death
without stores and whoever it is that pays for your
rent and groceries now.

(Not that ignorance has ever stopped you from running your
punk mouth in the past....)


Bells Ring Under Cerulean Ecstasy


Correspondent:: "ren"
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 12:33:51 -0700

Alex, I can eat bugs to survive. I'm Renfield! However, you've got to be
careful of contaminated soil, bugs, and everything else. Most of us are
going to die.

I'm not even sure I will live. What if my future self is just a future
posibility? A possible future of many?

Correspondent:: Alexander Mulligan
Date: 10 Oct 2004 20:22:05 GMT

In alt.magick, ren wrote:
> Alex, I can eat bugs to survive.

They are scarcer than you think in regions with harsh climates.

Insects and such are 'cold-blooded'.

> I'm Renfield! However, you've got to be
> careful of contaminated soil, bugs, and everything else. Most of us are
> going to die.

True, if you mean 'before their time'.

> I'm not even sure I will live.

You sound as if you have a better chance than most, to me.

> What if my future self is just a future
> posibility? A possible future of many?

All probabilities are real. Any future self you can
imagine right now is as real as rain.

Whether *you* will be any particular probable self
is a different matter.


Bells Ring Under Cerulean Ecstasy


Correspondent:: hy
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 20:42:39 GMT

All we are is dust in the wind.

Correspondent:: Alexander Mulligan
Date: 10 Oct 2004 21:00:23 GMT

In alt.magick, hy wrote:
> All we are is dust in the wind.

Yes! And a great tune. Kansas.

Tracy Nelson put it somewhat differently (slow blues):


You may be happy all the time.

You may never look my way.

But Mother Earth is going to get you.

There's a debt that you've gotta pay.

I don't care how rich you are.

And I don't care what you're worth.

When it all comes down,

You gotta go back to Mother Earth.


Which is why Don Juan and other Teachers recommend
that we use Death as an advisor.

Only ignorant fools believe that so-called 'science' will
find a way to cheat Death.


Bells Ring Under Cerulean Ecstasy


Correspondent:: Don Radford
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 21:12:41 GMT

Alexander Mulligan wrote:

> Japan and Korea and China have incredibly high population densities.
> They are the last places on Earth that a 'survivalist' would choose.
> Try the Rockies and, a distant second, the Andes.

I've got dibs on Porcupine Mountain State Park in northern Michigan.

Also, I doubt that anything as organized as a civil war would ever
happen in the United States. I believe that unfocused rioting, such as
what followed the Rodney King verdicts, would happen.

There simply isn't any leadership for focused, directed agression with
tactical skill here.

the Mystical RevvedErrand Rockin' Don Radford
Certified God by the holy authority of
the White Lotus Fortune Cookie Company
June 23, 2004

The Future is coming out of the wall a few inches above the toilet.


Correspondent:: Alexander Mulligan
Date: 10 Oct 2004 21:46:20 GMT

In alt.magick, Don Radford wrote:
> Alexander Mulligan wrote:
>> Japan and Korea and China have incredibly high population densities.
>> They are the last places on Earth that a 'survivalist' would choose.
>> Try the Rockies and, a distant second, the Andes.
> I've got dibs on Porcupine Mountain State Park in northern Michigan.

You and a million others...Maine and vicinity would be a much better
choice for anyone in that part of the world.
> Also, I doubt that anything as organized as a civil war would ever
> happen in the United States. I believe that unfocused rioting, such as
> what followed the Rodney King verdicts, would happen.
> There simply isn't any leadership for focused, directed agression with
> tactical skill here.

Sound reasoning, but you are lacking some critical data.

The industrial infrastructure will collapse as a result of the
recently disenfrachised middle class of America, using their
*considerable* practical technological know-how, in very organized
attempts to form dozens of new city-states across N. America.

America will be a third-world country by then (2015 or thereabouts),
as will every other country in the world. The Haves, living in
'gated' communities will be the only real benefactors of said
industrial infrastructure.

This is when the nukes will by used, by America, on Americans.

(I'm giving the above scenario a 90% probability based upon the
utter refusal of Americans in general to face the fact that their
incredibly materially destructive lifestyle is un-sustainable and
needs to be dropped like the radioactively hot potato it is. A
major overhaul is called for, not all the re-arranging of the
deckchairs on the Titanic proposed and implemented by the so-called
'progressives and liberals' in America.)


Bells Ring Under Cerulean Ecstasy


Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 17:02:55 -0700

On 10 Oct 2004 21:46:20 GMT, Alexander Mulligan

>Sound reasoning, but you are lacking some critical data.
>The industrial infrastructure will collapse as a result of the
>recently disenfrachised middle class of America, using their
>*considerable* practical technological know-how, in very organized
>attempts to form dozens of new city-states across N. America.
>America will be a third-world country by then (2015 or thereabouts),
>as will every other country in the world. The Haves, living in
>'gated' communities will be the only real benefactors of said
>industrial infrastructure.
>This is when the nukes will by used, by America, on Americans.
>(I'm giving the above scenario a 90% probability based upon the
>utter refusal of Americans in general to face the fact that their
>incredibly materially destructive lifestyle is un-sustainable and
>needs to be dropped like the radioactively hot potato it is. A
>major overhaul is called for, not all the re-arranging of the
>deckchairs on the Titanic proposed and implemented by the so-called
>'progressives and liberals' in America.)

I'm giving the above scenario a 95% probability of having been pulled
out of your ass.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver (Psalm 50:22)

- A short message from your loving God

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 12:46:39 -0700

ren wrote:
> I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> beings will be able to live in.

I recommend you kiss my ass.

Correspondent:: "Tom"
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 01:51:06 GMT


"nenslo" wrote in message
> ren wrote:
> >
> > I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> >
> > Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> > beings will be able to live in.
> I recommend you kiss my ass.

Nenslo! I'm surprised at you! Heckling a kook like some insensitive
passer-by rather than the experienced and skilled psychoceramicist I know
you to be.

Would you have said such things to Francis "Frankenstein Radio" Dek, Esq?

This lad has potential. Let's not discourage him from becoming all that he
can be.

Correspondent:: nenslo
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 22:42:31 -0700

Tom wrote:
> "nenslo" wrote in message
> news:4169919E.9B1182CA@yahoox.com...
> > ren wrote:
> > >
> > > I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> > >
> > > Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> > > beings will be able to live in.
> >
> > I recommend you kiss my ass.
> Nenslo! I'm surprised at you! Heckling a kook like some insensitive
> passer-by rather than the experienced and skilled psychoceramicist I know
> you to be.
> Would you have said such things to Francis "Frankenstein Radio" Dek, Esq?
> This lad has potential. Let's not discourage him from becoming all that he
> can be.

Everyone has potential. This guy is a lightweight, and the only thing
that could possibly turn him into a real kook is to be brutally rebuffed
at every turn. Francis E. Dec Esq. was Gappa the Triphibian Monster;
this kid is just a burnt lizard. Yet, even the impossible sometimes happens.

Correspondent:: "Tom"
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 04:31:01 GMT


"nenslo" wrote in message
> Everyone has potential. This guy is a lightweight, and the only thing
> that could possibly turn him into a real kook is to be brutally rebuffed
> at every turn. Francis E. Dec Esq. was Gappa the Triphibian Monster;
> this kid is just a burnt lizard. Yet, even the impossible sometimes

Aspire! Aspire! In adversity, find strength!

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:01:20 -0700

In article , "ren"

> I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> beings will be able to live in.

Move to the Amazon and get adopted by an indian tribe.
It's your only chance.


Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 19:24:12 GMT


polar bear wrote:

> In article , "ren"
> wrote:
> > I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> >
> > Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> > beings will be able to live in.
> Move to the Amazon and get adopted by an indian tribe.
> It's your only chance.
> pb

Move to Vancouver and adopt some Tlingit
and Kwakiutl junkies! Drink lots of vanilla extract!
Tell German tourists on Robson Street that the bus
is leaving in half an hour!

Correspondent:: "Tom"
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 04:32:21 GMT


; "GfbAEV" wrote in message
> Move to Vancouver and adopt some Tlingit
> and Kwakiutl junkies! Drink lots of vanilla extract!
> Tell German tourists on Robson Street that the bus
> is leaving in half an hour!

Ah, an anarchist.

Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:49:37 -0700

On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 12:01:20 -0700, polar bear wrote:

>In article , "ren"
> wrote:
>> I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
>> Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
>> beings will be able to live in.
>Move to the Amazon and get adopted by an indian tribe.
>It's your only chance.

they can get you books and CD's cheap too.

International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
"...there is no need to worry. The numbers are being assigned
according to the system, but I don't know what the system is. I have
discussed this around the office, and no one has received any
information on what the system is doing."

- quoted from a reply e-mail from eBay customer support posted on RCC

Correspondent:: whyzard@mail.com (whyzard)
Date: 11 Oct 2004 12:18:13 -0700

if the global warming word is accurate and the globe will warm, then
only places that are very cold now will be comfy warm later while
places that are warm now will be very very hot. then america can
invade the eskimo territories of alaska and turn their igloos into
casinos. russia will suddenly be good property. america will be
attacked by hurricanes and drought

"ren" wrote in message news:...
> I recommend you start learning Chinese, Korean, and or Japanese.
> Other than very harsh climates these places will be the only ones human
> beings will be able to live in.