An Open Letter to the Citizens of Iraq and the Middle East
Correspondent:: Don Radford
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 22:32:27 GMT
Many of us in the West are of the opinion that the military action taken
in Iraq is unjust, and was "sold" to us via lies and misrepresentations.
The issue at hand is: What can we do about it?
To approach a viable solution, I believe that it is necessary to
redefine our understanding of who the Enemy is. I submit to the common
citizens and men of good will on all "sides" that we have a common
enemy. It is an enemy that has deemed it satisfactory to engage in
heavy-handed tactics and destroy lives for one simple goal: Profit.
Our common enemy is the International Oil Market and it's combined
corporate players.
Fortunately, the Nation of Iraq has a viable weapon to use against this
enemy -- the second largest reserve of crude oil on the planet.
I propose the following: If you want Western Corporate interests and
interference out of your lands, you must destroy the marketplace. I do
not suggest that anyone destroy oil production equipment, or to take the
lives of anybody. Quite the opposite -- this course of action has
already raised the market value of crude oil to over $50 US, and made
Western involvement in your lives even more profitable. You need to
CRASH the market. Flood the market with oil for pennies on the dollar.
I figure that putting roughly five times as much oil on the market at
one fifth of the current price ought to do it.
We have a saying in the West: Follow the Money.
Until Oil is no longer profitable, you will always face outside threats
and interference in your affairs. Target the Money.
the Mystical RevvedErrand Rockin' Don Radford
Certified God by the holy authority of
the White Lotus Fortune Cookie Company
June 23, 2004
The Future is coming out of the wall a few inches above the toilet.
Correspondent:: Xc9-A4_88-16_99
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 18:36:15 -0400
Don Radford wrote:
> Many of us in the West are of the opinion that the military action taken
> in Iraq is unjust, and was "sold" to us via lies and misrepresentations.
> The issue at hand is: What can we do about it?
We didn't go to war for oil or money..
We went to war for a bunch of hook-nosed Neocons.
Is Iran Next?
News/Comment; Posted on: 2004-10-03 13:16:11 [ Printer friendly ]
Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target.
by Tom Barry (In These Times)
SHORTLY AFTER 9/11, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith began
coordinating Pentagon planning for an invasion of Iraq. The challenge
facing Feith, the No. 3 civilian in the Defense Department, was to
establish a policy rationale for the attack. At the same time, Feith?s
ideological cohorts in the Pentagon began planning to take the
administration?s ?global war on terrorism,? not only to Baghdad, but also
to Damascus and Tehran.
In August it was revealed that one of Feith?s Middle East policy wonks,
Lawrence Franklin, shared classified documents?including a draft National
Security Presidential Directive formulated in Feith?s office that outlines
a more aggressive U.S. national security strategy regarding Iran?with the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Israeli officials. The
FBI is investigating the document transfer as a case of espionage.
This spy scandal raises two concerns for U.S. diplomats and foreign policy
experts from across the political spectrum. One, that U.S. Middle East
policy is being directed by neoconservative ideologues variously employed,
coordinated or sanctioned by Feith?s Pentagon office. And two, that U.S.
Middle East policy is too closely aligned with that of Israeli hardliners
close to U.S. neoconservatives.
Feith is joined in reshaping a U.S. foreign Middle East policy?one that
mirrors or complements the policies of the hardliners in Israel?by a web of
neoconservative policy institutes, pressure groups and think tanks. These
include the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS), Center for
Security Policy (CSP) and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)?all
groups with which Feith has been or still is closely associated.
First Iraq, now Iran
In the months after 9/11, rather than relying on the CIA, State Department
or the Pentagon?s own Defense Intelligence Agency for intelligence about
Iraq?s ties to international terrorists and its development of weapons of
mass destruction, neoconservatives in the Pentagon set up a special
intelligence shop called the Office of Special Plans (OSP). The founders,
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Feith, are fervent advocates of
a regional restructuring in the Middle East that includes regime change in
Iran, Syria and, ultimately, Saudi Arabia.
Not having its own intelligence-gathering infrastructure, Feith?s office
relied on fabricated information supplied by Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi
expatriate who led the Iraqi National Congress (INC). In 1998, Chalabi?s
group was funded by the Iraq Liberation Act, a congressional initiative
that was backed by neoconservative institutions such as AIPAC, CSP, Project
for the New American Century (PNAC) and the American Enterprise Institute
At the same time that Chalabi and other INC militants were visiting Feith?s
office, so were Israeli officials, including generals, according to Lt. Col
Karen Kwiakowski, who formerly worked in the Near East and South Asia
office under Feith?s supervision. Like the neoconservatives in the United
States, Israeli hardliners believe that Israel?s long-term security can
best be ensured by a radical makeover of Middle East politics enforced by
the superior military power of the United States and Israel.
It now appears that Feith?s Office of Policy, which was creating dubious
intelligence rationales for the Iraq war, was also establishing a covert
national security strategy for regime change in Iran?most likely through a
combination of preemptive military strikes (either by the United States or
Israel) and support for a coalition of Iranian dissidents.
Covert operators
This covert operation is now the subject of an FBI espionage investigation
and inquiries by the House Judiciary Committee and Select Senate
Intelligence Committee?inquiries that have been postponed until after the
Without notifying the State Department or the CIA, Feith?s office has been
involved in back channel operations that have included a series of secret
meetings in Washington, Rome and Paris over the last three years. These
meetings have brought together Office of Policy officials and consultants
(Franklin, Harold Rhode and Michael Ledeen), an expatriate Iranian arms
dealer (Manichur Ghorbanifar), AIPAC lobbyists, Ahmed Chalabi, and Italian
and Israeli intelligence officers, among others.
Franklin, an Iran expert who was pulled into Feith?s policy shop from the
Defense Intelligence Agency, met repeatedly with Naor Gilon, the head of
the political department at the Israeli embassy in Washington. According to
U.S. intelligence officials, during one of those meetings, Franklin offered
to hand over the National Security Presidential Directive on Iran. For more
than two years, an FBI counterintelligence operation has been monitoring
Washington meetings between AIPAC, Franklin and Israeli officials.
Investigators suspect that the draft security document was passed to Israel
through an intermediary, likely AIPAC.
Franklin, who is known to be close to militant Iranian and Iranian-American
dissidents, is the common link to another series of meetings in Rome and
Paris involving Ledeen (an American Enterprise Institute scholar who was a
special consultant to Feith), Harold Rhode (a cohort of Ledeen?s from the
Iran-Contra days, who is currently employed by Feith to prepare
regime-change strategy plans for Middle Eastern countries on the
neoconservatives? hit list), and Ghorbanifar (an arms dealer who claims to
speak for the Iranian opposition). These meetings addressed, among other
things, strategies for organizing Iranians who would be willing to
cooperate with a U.S.-spearheaded regime change agenda for Iran.
...In early 2002, Leeden, along with Morris Amitay, a former AIPAC executive
director as well as a CSP adviser, founded the Coalition for Democracy in
Iran (CDI) to build congressional and administration support for Iran
regime change. AIPAC and CDI helped ensure passage of recent House and
Senate resolutions that condemn Iran, call for tighter sanctions and
express support for Iranian dissidents.
...The CDI?s Ledeen, Amitay and Sobhani were featured speakers at a May 2003
forum on ?the future of Iran,? sponsored by AEI, the Hudson Institute and
the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. The forum, chaired by the Hudson
Institute?s Meyrav Wurmser, the Israeli-born wife of David Wurmser (he
serves as Cheney?s leading expert on Iran and Syria), included a
presentation by URI Lubrani of Israel?s Ministry of Defense. Summarizing
the sentiment of neoconservative ideologues and strategists, Meyrav Wurmser
said: ?Our fight against Iraq was only a battle in a long war. It would be
ill-conceived to think we can deal with Iraq alone. We must move on, and
JINSA, a neoconservative organization established in 1976 that fosters
closer strategic and military ties between the United States and Israel,
also has its sights on Iran. At a JINSA policy forum in April 2003 titled
?Time to Focus on Iran?The Mother of Modern Terrorism,? Ledeen declared,
?The time for diplomacy is at an end; it is time for a free Iran, free
Syria and free Lebanon.?
JINSA, along with CSP, serves as one of the main institutional links to the
military-industrial complex for neoconservatives. Ledeen served as JINSA?s
first executive director and was JINSA?s ?Godfather,? according to Amitay.
Amitay is a JINSA vice chair. JINSA board members or advisers also include
former CIA director James Woolsey, former Rep. Jack Kemp and the AEI?s
Joshua Muravchik. After he joined the administration, Feith resigned from
JINSA?s board of advisers, as did Vice President Dick Cheney and
Undersecretary of State for Arms Control John Bolton.
Like other neoconservatives, Feith sees Israel and the United States sharing
common national-security concerns in the Middle East. In 1996, Feith was a
member of a study team organized by IASPS and led by Richard Perle that
also included representatives from JINSA, the AIPAC-related WINEA, and
Meyrav and David Wurmser.
The resulting report, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,
advised Israeli Prime Minister-elect Benjamin Netanyahu to ?work closely
with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize and roll back? regional
threats, to help overthrow Saddam Hussein, and to strike Syrian military
targets in Lebanon and possibly in Syria proper. It recommended that Israel
forge a foreign and domestic policy based on a ?new intellectual
foundation? that ?provides the nation the room to engage every possible
energy on rebuilding Zionism.?
Ideology alone does not explain Feith?s close connections to Israel. His old
law firm Feith & Zell, which has an office in Israel, specialized in
representing arms dealers and missile defense contractors. The firm has
boasted of its role in facilitating technology transfers between U.S. and
Israel military contractors.
...Feith?s own Zionism is rooted in his family. In 1997, the Zionist
Organization of America (ZOA) honored Dalck Feith and his son Douglas at
its annual dinner, describing the Feiths as ?noted Jewish philanthropists
and pro-Israel activists.? The father was awarded the group?s special
Centennial Award ?for his lifetime of service to Israel and the Jewish
people,? while Douglas received the ?prestigious Louis D. Brandeis Award.?
...Meanwhile tensions with Iran deepen?which suits the Iran war party just
fine. ?Stability,? Michael Ledeen once said, ?gives me the heebee jeebies.?
On September 21, Iran?s President Mohammed Khatami warned that Iran may
withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty if Washington and the
International Atomic Energy Commission demand that the country desist from
plans to enrich uranium. The Iranian government says that it has no plans
to develop nuclear weapons, and international inspectors have not
determined otherwise. However, if Iran does proceed with its plans to
enrich nearly 40 tons of uranium, which it says will be used to generate
electricity, it is commonly acknowledged that in a few years it could
produce several nuclear bombs.
...From the point of view of the Middle East restructurers, Iran represents
an increasing threat to regional stability. Not only does it already have
long-range missiles, and might be developing nuclear weapons, its close
ties with the Shiite majority in Iraq do not bode well for the type of
political and economic restructuring the Bush administration planned for
Iraq. Moreover, neoconservatives and Israelis have long complained that
Iran backs the Hezbollah militias in Lebanon and is fueling the Shiite
rebels in Iraq.
Effectively, Washington has already declared war on Iran. Being named by
President Bush as part of the ?Axis of Evil? triad targeted in the global
war on terrorism and the new U.S. strategy of preemptive war has made Iran
increasingly nervous.
"When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains--however
improbable--must be the truth."
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Correspondent:: (Mass Deceptions)
Date: 03 Oct 2004 23:20:04 GMT
>Subject: An Open Letter to the Citizens of Iraq and the Middle East
>From: Don Radford
>Organization: interrupt driven...
>User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)
>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Newsgroups: alt.slack, alt.politics, soc.culture.iraq, alt.conspiracy,
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Lines: 46
>Message-ID: <%5%7d.5948$>
>X-Trace: 1096842747 ST000 (Sun, 03
>Oct 2004 18:32:27 EDT)
>Xref: lobby alt.slack:612330 alt.politics:2045352 soc.culture.iraq:319635
>Many of us in the West are of the opinion that the military action taken
>in Iraq is unjust, and was "sold" to us via lies and misrepresentations.
>The issue at hand is: What can we do about it?
Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 16:35:02 -0700
On 03 Oct 2004 23:20:04 GMT, (Mass Deceptions)
>>Subject: An Open Letter to the Citizens of Iraq and the Middle East
>>From: Don Radford
>>Organization: interrupt driven...
>>User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)
>>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>Newsgroups: alt.slack, alt.politics, soc.culture.iraq, alt.conspiracy,
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>Lines: 46
>>Message-ID: <%5%7d.5948$>
>>X-Trace: 1096842747 ST000 (Sun, 03
>>Oct 2004 18:32:27 EDT)
>>Xref: lobby alt.slack:612330 alt.politics:2045352 soc.culture.iraq:319635
>>Many of us in the West are of the opinion that the military action taken
>>in Iraq is unjust, and was "sold" to us via lies and misrepresentations.
>>The issue at hand is: What can we do about it?
with friends like this ...
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
"You expect me to have sex with a LIVE Lawn Gnome?!?!? You're
crazier than I thought. Go get the Worschester Sauce!"
Correspondent:: Rev DJ Epoch
Date: 6 Oct 2004 11:51:59 GMT
Zapanaz wrote in
> On 03 Oct 2004 23:20:04 GMT, (Mass Deceptions)
> wrote:
>>>Subject: An Open Letter to the Citizens of Iraq and the Middle East
>>>From: Don Radford
>>>Organization: interrupt driven...
>>>User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803)
>>>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>>Newsgroups: alt.slack, alt.politics, soc.culture.iraq, alt.conspiracy,
>>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>>Lines: 46
>>>Message-ID: <%5%7d.5948$>
>>>X-Trace: 1096842747 ST000
>>>(Sun, 03 Oct 2004 18:32:27 EDT)
>>>Xref: lobby alt.slack:612330 alt.politics:2045352
>>>soc.culture.iraq:319635 alt.conspiracy:1107872
>>>Many of us in the West are of the opinion that the military action
>>>taken in Iraq is unjust, and was "sold" to us via lies and
>>>The issue at hand is: What can we do about it?
> with friends like this ...
... then who needs to learn English composition?
The Church of Our Lady of Prepetual Motion
Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall- Home of the Traci Lords Memorial Brothel
Rev. DJ Epoch - proprietor and janitor
Divine Southern Redneck Yeti Clench Recruitment site: http://revdjepoch.COM
"They can have my penis when they pry it from my cold, dead hands." --
Cardinal Vertigo
"if you stand on my instep, lean into my face with your salami-breathed
bad manners and bellow "HOWYADOIN' THERE, BUCKO?," you ultimately have
no one to blame but YOU for the pineapple suppository."
- HellPope Huey
Correspondent:: "nu-monet v7.0"
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 16:44:15 -0700
Don Radford wrote:
> Many of us in the West are of the opinion that
> the military action taken in Iraq is unjust,
> and was "sold" to us via lies and misrepresentations.
And I think I speak on behalf of many Iraqis to let
you know that you are a twit, and that life without
a dictator is ass over elbows better than before.
No, really! Come to the Middle East. Visit a place
like Syria or Iran or Libya or Qatar or Bahrain or
Saudi Arabia. And then do something the dictator
doesn't like. See how much you like being beaten or
shot and buried with a backhoe. It sucks, dood.
And it's like that ALL THE TIME. Never any let up.
Never any bitching and whining allowed. If you want
to protest, you gotta go to the government ordered
protest against Israel.
Even being WHAT YOU ARE is illegal, you fool. You
would be arrested just for getting off the plane.
Because you come from the west you are a Crusader
Christian Zionist Pig who MUST DIE. And you can't
even open your mouth up to say otherwise, you eater
of pork. You are an infidel and unclean and all
most Arabs want you to do is just DIE. Will you do
that and make them happy? Is that asking too much?
But, speaking for Iraqis, thanks for getting rid of
the asshole Saddam and his murderers. And double
thank you for not being like the damned British and
French who dicked the Iraqi people over good years
ago, though the Brits are behaving themselves this
We look forward to being your friends for many years
to come, and joining with you in sticking it to as
many other dictators as we can.
Your buddies, The Iraqi People
p.s. hope GW Bush gets reelected twice more!
Yah-hah, evil spider woman! I have captured you
by the short rabbits and can now deliver you
violently to your gynecologist for a thorough
-- Hong Kong movie subtitle
Correspondent:: "Efftard K. Donglemeier"
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 04:53:06 GMT
Learn how to spell.