time forgets

Correspondent:: IMBJR
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 20:22:24 +0000


Sky has just shown the Simpson's episode "Lisa the Simpson" with the
"When Buildings Attack" segment uncut.

Correspondent:: "EllisDee"
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 00:32:29 GMT


"IMBJR" wrote> Sky has just shown the Simpson's episode
"Lisa the Simpson" with the
> "When Buildings Attack" segment uncut.
Is that the one where Homer's car is stuck in the Plaza of the World Trade

I live in the NYC metro area. It has not been seen broadcast on our
affiliate since 9/11/2001

Correspondent:: mshotz@aol.commonkeypo (Rev. Richard Skull)
Date: 09 Nov 2004 18:35:26 GMT

>I live in the NYC metro area. It has not been seen broadcast on our
>affiliate since 9/11/2001

As afr as I know, that episode was taken ouot of the rotation after 9/11 by the
Syndicators. It is still on the DVD Box sets.

MSHOTZ: The Post Post Modern Man

"War hath no Fury like a non-combatants"

Charles E. Montague