death of a giant
Correspondent:: "nu-monet v7.0"
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:19:59 -0700
(Truly a man who deeply influenced our theology.
"Bob" himself will bring him aboard the saucer.)
EDMONDS, Wash. (AP) - John Frederick Davis, a
longtime Shell Oil Co. chemical engineer who
helped develop the lightweight plastic
polypropylene, died Nov. 4 after a long decline
caused by dementia, relatives said. He was 75...
...Davis played a key role on a team that worked
to refine and develop uses for polypropylene, a
polymer with uses ranging from dishwasher-safe
plastic food containers to fiber for the indoor-
outdoor carpeting found at swimming pools and
miniature golf courses...
--Kino Beman, brand name
Correspondent:: Shining Path of Least Resistance
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 16:39:15 +0900
On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:19:59 -0700, "nu-monet v7.0"
>(Truly a man who deeply influenced our theology.
>"Bob" himself will bring him aboard the saucer.)
>EDMONDS, Wash. (AP) - John Frederick Davis, a
>longtime Shell Oil Co. chemical engineer who
>helped develop the lightweight plastic
>polypropylene, died Nov. 4 after a long decline
>caused by dementia, relatives said. He was 75...
>...Davis played a key role on a team that worked
>to refine and develop uses for polypropylene, a
>polymer with uses ranging from dishwasher-safe
>plastic food containers to fiber for the indoor-
>outdoor carpeting found at swimming pools and
>miniature golf courses...
remember...the first time you touched the holy Astroturf....?
Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 03:11:35 GMT
> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 20:19:59 -0700, "nu-monet v7.0"
> wrote:
> >EDMONDS, Wash. (AP) - John Frederick Davis, a
> >longtime Shell Oil Co. chemical engineer who
> >helped develop the lightweight plastic
> >polypropylene, died Nov. 4 after a long decline
> >caused by dementia, relatives said. He was 75...
I've been demented since age 4 and I'm still... uh... whatever you call
what I'm doing. Hell, we'll probably be at it when we are TWO HUNDRED
AND SEVENTY-FIVE. I hate to imagine the smell.
HellPope Huey
You got 25% of my Slack,
'cause the Luck Plane crashed on my house years ago.
If I had that 25% back,
I'd be 75% less likely to kill 80% of the Church
when I lose that last 10% of my grip.
I do begin to have bloody thoughts.
- William Shakespeare, "The Tempest," Act 4
Man does not live by bread and "Justice League" cartoons alone;
he must also venture out
and frighten people in person from time to time.
- HellPope Huey