I've shortened "post post-modern man" into "moderne" for short in my profile.
FYI I think Zappa would have used "monde".
the Rebi "Slash" Foreskin
Correspondent:: "Anachron" Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 15:40:32 GMT
"My son has a political T-shirt, but he knows better than to wear it to
school," Huot said. "When you wear a shirt like that, you're wearing it for
attention. ... The fact that you can call your own government terroristic
after Sept. 11 ... it creates more division than unity."
I Agree. Children should all wear brown shirts with the stars-n-stripes on
the sleeve. Like the boy scouts. In fact boys should be provided with
target practice as a part of their studies. It's never too early to learn
how to kill. We need to prepare for them for the President's ongoing
Crusade to win back the holy land.
"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning, it smells like victory."
Rev. Anachron
Correspondent:: asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
Date: 21 Nov 2004 17:17:36 GMT
<< Children should all wear brown shirts with the stars-n-stripes on the
sleeve. >>
They should waer uniforms that match the
color of the dried watery mucous that con-
tinually runs from their nose and the odd
ooey things that drool from their mouths.
They all smell funny beginning at birth. The
annoying olfactory essence doesn't dissipate
with time, it merely changes noxious flavor
from shitty, pissy diapers and baby powder
to stinky socks and underwear as they age.
The odor of the male of the species is particularly
abhorrent, especially during the period of
pubescence, and by "pubescence" I mean
"PEE-YEW-bescence" rife with the stink
of a slugs trail of ripe popped zit residue,
stale Dentene chewing gum and rancid
dried jizzum they wipe on their old tube socks
stuffed in their pockets with feotid found
objects that might include anything from
medical waste to dead and rotting bird & mice
skeletons to chunks of pliable brown nuggets
found on the floor that later will be attempted
to be smoked in the delusion that it might
actually be hashesh or something.
They shouldn't be allowed to wear anything.
Easier to hose 'em down en masse if they're
already naked.
Those hi-pressure hoses they sell at Home Creepo
are good to have around. Just get thirty or forty
of the little bastards naked in the driveway, and
hose 'em down with one of those. I recommend
using a feeder-attachment on them filled with
a mixture of bleach, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide,
baking soda and USP-grade eucalyptus oil.
"Smells like teen spirit."
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.