Patrick Volkerding

Correspondent:: "Talysman the Ur-Beatle"
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 06:35:29 GMT

has anyone from alt.slack, particularly those who are X-Day regulars, been
checking up on Patrick Volkerding?

I've seen the reports on Slashdot on how badly he's doing right now, and I
find it greatly disturbing. I didn't know him that well, but he was pretty
damned friendly to me at X-Day. and I can think of a number of people I'd
rather see catching some debilitating potentially fatal condition instead
of him.

Talysman the Ur-Beatle, STRAWGRASPER

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 17:56:35 GMT

In article ,
"Talysman the Ur-Beatle" wrote:

> has anyone from alt.slack, particularly those who are X-Day regulars, been
> checking up on Patrick Volkerding?
> I've seen the reports on Slashdot on how badly he's doing right now, and I
> find it greatly disturbing. I didn't know him that well, but he was pretty
> damned friendly to me at X-Day. and I can think of a number of people I'd
> rather see catching some debilitating potentially fatal condition instead
> of him.

The gist is that he began to show signs of illness that led to a
too-short and not-powerful-enough regimen of antibiotics, causing it to
worsen over that time. It finally got pinpointed, but looks like
left-field toughie that's apparently going to call for heavy pills AND
some semi-regular time on an IV for the heavy hitter drugs that are not
of a pill nature. Ouch.

There has been mention of some MRI time and other lovely things, yet
this sainted fucker is still worried about adding updates to Slackware!
Now THERE'S a Yeti trooper for ya.

This will seemingly have a similarity to the time Bon Jovi's keyboard
player David whatsit contracted some nasty plasmoid on a South American
tour and barely survived it after they finally had to drag out Flagyl,
the then-flagship antibiotic for the worst cases. There are tougher
drugs now, but you know how beseiged antibiotics are through misuse and
merrily mutating pathogens, soooooo...

His posts to the Yahoo group indicate that there is a fairly clear
diagnosis and he is on the treatment trail, but as you might imagine,
its still tres scary. He has those disquieting moments when its right up
his nose, but as I said this morning, he seems to be on his way to the
mid-point, after which you can breathe easier. He is armed with the
right knowledge and procedure now, which takes some stress off, at

I met Patrick at X-Day 3 and he is a nice, righteous cat who did a
great job recording all of the stage wankery. I hope he and his nice
wife now have a good footing for going through this nastiness and that
he can make XD8 because things pan out well. Praise Patrick, ayuh.


HellPope Huey
Religion is like dropping sea urchins in your pants
and then trying to convince others
that they should do it too, because its "good."

The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible.
- Mark Twain

"Smoking and drinking go together,
like porn and nachos."
- "The Oblongs"