Limbaugh Audio Alert
Correspondent:: asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
Date: 15 Nov 2004 17:34:48 GMT
Rush Limbaugh airs here at noon --
I just heard the opening of the show
and I swear he says "what's Bush
going to do with all of these cabinet
niggers resigning?" during the first
two minutes of broadcast.
Perhaps I misheard, but I think the
oxycontin may have loosened his lips
where he meant to say "members" --
listen and RECORD if possible.
Shortly thereafter he says
"I am the media!" which would
also make a nice audio sample.
Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease,
Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.
Correspondent:: Zapanaz
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 11:07:50 -0800
On 15 Nov 2004 17:34:48 GMT, asscoassc@aol.comsucks (AssCo Assc)
>Shortly thereafter he says
>"I am the media!" which would
>also make a nice audio sample.
Limbaugh as Judge Dredd. That works.
International Satanic Conspiracy
Customer Support Specialist
Particle and observation -arise together-. And even though we
can only -observe- this at a quantum scale, the implication is
unavoidable. This is true of all reality.
Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 23:50:15 GMT
In article ,
Zapanaz wrote:
> Limbaugh as Judge Dredd. That works.
Limbaugh as Osmocote plant food. That works, too.
HellPope Huey
I want for Donald Trump's prostate
to grow to the size of a weather balloon
"If you can't do business with the evil and the greedy,
then who CAN you do business with?"
- "Tripping the Rift"
Useful phrases for the next 4 years, part 3:
"I am a political refugee. The reason?
My former country has been overrun
with morons and rednecks."
<"Je suis un refugee politique. La raison?
Mon ancien pays a ete deborde
avec des morons et des cous rouges.">
Correspondent:: "rev_cletus"
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 01:33:59 GMT
"HellPope Huey" wrote in message
> In article ,
> Zapanaz wrote:
> > Limbaugh as Judge Dredd. That works.
> Limbaugh as Osmocote plant food. That works, too.
Especially if yer feedin' a corpse flower...
.sig thinkin' about seein' El Rushbo in a real-life version of a scene from
'Little Shop of Horrors"...