Introductory Patterns for K.O.N.

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2004 14:56:54 -0500


A colleague continued:

> Folks:
> In response to numerous questions that I've received about "The Internet WON
> the Election!", let me see if I can add a little historical perspective
> regarding recent developments in our collective global media "environment."
> Radio was widely considered to have been causative -- in a formal sense -- of
> the mobilizations of mass audiences in support of authoritarians (both "left"
> and "right") which contributed to the "strategic" attacks on civilian
> populations in WW II. With the advent of the nuclear age after Hiroshima,
> everyone needed to "chill" . . . seriously.
> The treatment of this problem in "The Authoritarian Personality" (Adorno, etal
> 1950) and related works helped launch a new field, Social Psychology. Social
> Psychology was largely conceived and funded by the followons to the
> "psychological warfare" agencies of WW II and was a part of a much more
> extensive effort (including "Communication Science" and various other forays
> in social science) to try to dramatically loosen the grip of "traditional"
> attitudes. It was felt that appropriate levels of "tolerance" for the
> differences between peoples could not be accomplished as long as people held
> strong beliefs rooted in what they presumed to be "authority."
> So, literally as a matter of public safety, "Challenge Authority" became good
> public policy for many people. The BOMB made us all love Elvis. Rock 'n
> ROLL!!
> In this context, television came to be considered to be a medium that could
> "cool" down a population that gotten far too "heated" under the influence of
> radio. Unlike radio -- the effects of which had been studied extensively --
> it was observed that television was generally incapable of supporting strong
> viewpoints. On anything. Senator McCarthy looked like a fool when the
> television cameras started rolling. Henry Luce's attempt to launch an
> "influential" television network were scrapped. "I Love Lucy" pre-empted
> coverage of policy debates. And, so on.
> Later researchers discovered that the neuro-muscular "relaxation" associated
> with starring at a cathode-ray tube -- regardless of what is "on" -- most
> closely resembled a full-body massage. Thus McLuhan's, "The Medium is the
> Massage." Alternatively, television makes us stupid . . . no matter what we
> watch.
> Eventually, everyone's opinions were treated to "equal-time" ridicule on
> television and, in the environment caused by television, authoritative
> "narratives" began to lose intellectual credibility. Post-modernism is mostly
> a rationalization of the experience of this television environment -- to the
> extent that this label describes a critical posture that points to why we
> don't need these narratives.
> However, television is now losing its grip. The commericial viability of
> broadcast television -- in the US at least -- is extremely precarious.
> Crucially, there has been the steady shift of advertising spending away from
> television and towards the Internet over the past few years. This trend is
> accelarating and it now looks like 2005 will be a very bad one for US
> television -- lacking the Olympics and the 2004 Election to boost ad revenues.
> Television's response has been to cut costs -- slashing "news" budgets and
> embracing "reality" programming (based largely on early Social Psychology
> experiments) -- and it is expected that a big effort to attract attention with
> razzle-dazzle high-definition technology is coming next. 2005 is apparently
> going to be an HDTV sorta year, environmentally speaking.
> In sharp contrast to the tranquillized-feelgood-flatland of "stupid"
> television, the new media environment of the Internet is notoriously riotous
> with beliefs and, crucially, the social support to act upon them. In
> Frankfurt School terms, the "authoritarian personality" is back. Apparently
> we are all now "post-social psychology."
> Of course, people didn't discard their beliefs under the influence of
> television. Even 50 years of getting blasted by intergalactic (i.e.
> satellite) "ray-guns" didn't change that. They just became "politically
> correct" and noticed that they could lose their jobs and be otherwise made
> uncomfortable if they got too enthusiastic about these beliefs.
> What apparently just happened in the US election is that people actually voted
> their beliefs. Its not that more of this or that group went to the polls --
> "Evangelical Christians" are the same proportion of the electorate, for
> instance -- it's just that a much higher proportion of the population feels
> much more *strongly* about their opinions than they used to . . . for some
> embarassingly unexplained reason.
> The widely noted "polarization" in the US population is, I am arguing, simply
> the effect of the new media environment. It's the environment . . . stupid.
> So, the Internet won the election and will keep on winning them until an even
> newer environment takes over.
> Oh yeah, you can pretty much give up on trying to influence what people should
> believe. That's been tried -- it was called radio -- as the "community-radio"
> experienced founders of nettime are very well aware.
> VOTE what you BELIEVE!!
> Many thanks to nettime for making all this possible!!

I responded:

[Again, colleague, I¹m going to provide a little more precision here. Your
bounding lines are too unwieldy.

Analog television (back and white, or color) stopped being constitutive by
the Seventies, subsumed by the subsequent computer, satellite, instant
replay, and digital (constitutive) environments. I called this post-TV
convergence ³mixed-corporate media² in the Eighties. I like Kroker¹s phrase
³screenal economy² for that Eighties¹ phase. This is why the old TV flipped
and became ³hot² at that time.

As for the machinations of the ³1984² gang around the Macy Conferences, I
see them as maintaining social goals from the radio era (1934). They held up
what became a meme but it was far from constitutive from the Sixties on,
especially when the screenal economy/body was subsumed by the chip economy
(Kroker¹s ³data body²).

It would be more useful to spell out how the ³social psychology² S&M
discipline was forced to change its colors through these various phases. For
example, why it became the Human Potential Movement in the Sixties and then
cults in the Seventies, only to be completely obsolesced by pharmacology in
the Eighties. And these mandatory effects were just targeting and
programming what I call the ³chemical body² (Kroker¹s ³surplus flesh²,
constituted in the later nineteenth century). This ³1984² gang had no say
over the unforeseen benefits of the TV (hyper-expressive ³pop culture²) and
Chip bodies that circumvented their (Mead-Bateson & Co.) forlorn agenda
(which was limited to mere iconic control). Their last gasp was the
retrieval of the ³Authoritarian Personality² in the Eighties via the
neo-conservative icons of the Reagan-Thatcher mold. The Nineties (the
Android Meme) replayed the mocking hyper-expressive phase (³the nineties is
the sixties upside down²) which was simultaneously (or tetradically)
cancelled out and counterbalanced by neo-con ecstasy via abuse of the
Clinton/Gore icon.

So, the categories ³television², the ³Internet², ³social psychology², etc.,
do not meet the standards of what this list claims to be modeling. I¹m not
saying we always have to meet those aesthetics but they do have to be stated
now and then. And that¹s my role as owner of this realm.

As for today, the ³old AP² (mainly the chemical body/Middle East oil
concerns) is just one panicked meme among many in our ecstatic
quadrophrenia, while the Mystery Body (the ³new AP² - anticipated effects of
cold fusion technology, the Evergreens, MIHR) slips into our intuition
through Peter¹s back door.

OK, enough for now. Resume whittling if this post doesn¹t stop the roar.]

The Great Bob Dobbs

Correspondent:: (Slack Master K.O.N.)
Date: 11 Nov 2004 12:39:09 -0800

You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 10:50:45 -0500

On 11/11/04 3:39 PM, in article, "Slack Master K.O.N."

> You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?

Yes I do, because you have the opportunity to be schooled by Linus and Ad
Absurdum there in Toronto, and you pretend to not take it.

The Great Bob Dobbs

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 16:33:29 -0500


>> You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?
> Yes I do, because you have the opportunity to be schooled by Linus and Ad
> Absurdum there in Toronto, and you pretend to not take it.
> The Great Bob Dobbs

I hate school- that's why I don't go anymore. Actually, I was hanging out
with Linus and Ad Absurdum last night. They took me to the school of
Slobbering Anus and I took them to the school of Bizune. I guess your
school must have been on recess.

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 21:41:16 -0500

On 11/13/04 4:33 PM, in article, "Slack
Master K.O.N." wrote:

>>> You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?
>> Yes I do, because you have the opportunity to be schooled by Linus and Ad
>> Absurdum there in Toronto, and you pretend to not take it.
>> The Great Bob Dobbs
> I hate school- that's why I don't go anymore.

Big mistake.

> Actually, I was hanging out
> with Linus and Ad Absurdum last night.

You're still gonna have to do your homework.

> They took me to the school of
> Slobbering Anus and I took them to the school of Bizune.

No, that's not "school", more like recess.

> I guess your
> school must have been on recess.

No, I was at the Project/Object show. That's neither, more like getting top

The Even Greater Bob Dobbs (since Sunday nite)

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 23:29:34 -0500


"purple" wrote in message
> On 11/13/04 4:33 PM, in article, "Slack
> Master K.O.N." wrote:
>>>> You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?
>>> Yes I do, because you have the opportunity to be schooled by Linus and
>>> Ad
>>> Absurdum there in Toronto, and you pretend to not take it.
>>> The Great Bob Dobbs
>> I hate school- that's why I don't go anymore.
> Big mistake.
>> Actually, I was hanging out
>> with Linus and Ad Absurdum last night.
> You're still gonna have to do your homework.

My HomeWork??? Maybe you should do yours!!! I've known those guys for
I was with them on Friday night where I do recall a 2 man fropping Behind
The Gear. We went to Dark Rave I together, I think they're on #50 or
something now- Countless Froppings and microdot droppings- I love the
BTBrand FROP. My girlfriend ran into them on the street last night. They
performed at an electronic music show of mine and if you comb through my
site you'll even find pictures of them...
Yup, That's right - all close buddies, like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
constantly taking eachother to school BOYO- We even went to your little
channelling episode at the Mcluhan festival together- how do you think I
found out about it? I was the guy sitting on the bench directly behind
them. Where do you think we all went afterward??? See that's the cool thing
about my relationship with Ad and Linus- Even though we may APPEAR to take
different "sides" on this little newsgroup (It's all part of the
Ad-Linus-K.O.N. paradigm), it doesn't affect the friendship at all. In fact
we go sooooooooooo far back that I don't think there is anything that could
alter it.
Happy Digging Purple Nurple!
Do YOU Even Smoke Frop?

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 03:10:48 -0500

On 11/16/04 11:29 PM, in article, "Slack
Master K.O.N." wrote:

> "purple" wrote in message
>> On 11/13/04 4:33 PM, in article, "Slack
>> Master K.O.N." wrote:
>>>>> You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?
>>>> Yes I do, because you have the opportunity to be schooled by Linus and
>>>> Ad
>>>> Absurdum there in Toronto, and you pretend to not take it.
>>>> The Great Bob Dobbs
>>> I hate school- that's why I don't go anymore.
>> Big mistake.
>>> Actually, I was hanging out
>>> with Linus and Ad Absurdum last night.
>> You're still gonna have to do your homework.
> My HomeWork??? Maybe you should do yours!!! I've known those guys for
> years!!!

Now it's time for you to bow down. Not only did I know all about you from
the start, here's the intelligence sent to me on June 2/04:

> >From: "Linus Minimax"
> >To:
> >Subject: doktorband

> >Dude.......... did you have any trouble accessing alt.slack?? I thought it
> >was the whole server........ I can't get any alt.groups posts any later
> >than May 27, except twice it has briefly shown me more recent posts, and
> >apparently people are still going at it. From another computer as well, it
> >won't show me anything past 5-27. But yesterday I saw your post! HA HA
> >HA. Hop! 55 bassline hopped right into my head for a few hours. Would you
> >prefer if I don't tell "Dean and the Deanies" that I know you???
> >
> >Bub

----- Original Message -----

Subject: RE: doktorband

> no tell them!
> don't forget, anti-dean doesn't mean that I am against him or disagree in
> anyway. It is just the revearse of dean himself...
> I had the same prob but everything seems ok now.
> talk to you soon,
{{-- bulletin: slack master K O N is of fairly undiluted yeti blood. 'twas
his house where I was telling of our imminent meeting in new york when
suddenly Argos quarterback Reggie Slack appeared on the screen with the
caption 'SLACK', resulting in much hilarity. his girlfriend (the other half
of bizune) was the owner of the 'Medium and the Light' which featured in the
1/11 synchro's I wrote about in the Joycey pome from mmfwrc. he was
particularly impressed by your explanation of the lizards on C&D, Bob,
having had a rather psychotic episode about the whole thing a year or so
before. --}}

> Yup, That's right - all close buddies, like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-

As you now know, I knew that, too. Note what I said in a previous post:

"and you pretend to not take it." "Pretend", got it?

> We even went to your little
> channelling episode at the Mcluhan festival together- how do you think I
> found out about it? I was the guy sitting on the bench directly behind
> them.

Yes, I remember you.

> Where do you think we all went afterward??? See that's the cool thing
> about my relationship with Ad and Linus- Even though we may APPEAR to take
> different "sides" on this little newsgroup (It's all part of the
> Ad-Linus-K.O.N. paradigm), it doesn't affect the friendship at all. In fact
> we go sooooooooooo far back that I don't think there is anything that could
> alter it.

Yup, I figured that.

> Happy Digging Purple Nurple!
> Do YOU Even Smoke Frop?

Smoke it almost every day.

So you see, I don't miss much.

You can stand up now.

The Even Greater Bob Dobbs (since Sunday nite)

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 04:17:01 -0500

> Now it's time for you to bow down.

Thats the thing about me-
I'll never bow down!
Not until this spinning rock we call home is destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then my mission will be accomplished.

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 11:57:56 -0500

On 11/17/04 4:17 AM, in article, "Slack
Master K.O.N." wrote:

>> Now it's time for you to bow down.
> Thats the thing about me-
> I'll never bow down!
> Not until this spinning rock we call home is destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Then my mission will be accomplished.
Happened in the telegraph era.

The Great Bob Dobbs

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 05:48:03 -0800

In article , "Slack Master K.O.N."

> "purple" wrote in message
> > On 11/13/04 4:33 PM, in article, "Slack
> > Master K.O.N." wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>>> You don't really think I'm 'fucking dumb', do you bob?
> >>>
> >>> Yes I do, because you have the opportunity to be schooled by Linus and
> >>> Ad
> >>> Absurdum there in Toronto, and you pretend to not take it.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The Great Bob Dobbs
> >>
> >> I hate school- that's why I don't go anymore.
> >
> > Big mistake.
> >
> >> Actually, I was hanging out
> >> with Linus and Ad Absurdum last night.
> >
> > You're still gonna have to do your homework.
> My HomeWork??? Maybe you should do yours!!! I've known those guys for
> years!!!
> I was with them on Friday night where I do recall a 2 man fropping Behind
> The Gear. We went to Dark Rave I together, I think they're on #50 or
> something now- Countless Froppings and microdot droppings- I love the
> BTBrand FROP. My girlfriend ran into them on the street last night. They
> performed at an electronic music show of mine and if you comb through my
> site you'll even find pictures of them...
> Yup, That's right - all close buddies, like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO- We even went to your little
> channelling episode at the Mcluhan festival together- how do you think I
> found out about it? I was the guy sitting on the bench directly behind
> them. Where do you think we all went afterward??? See that's the cool thing
> about my relationship with Ad and Linus- Even though we may APPEAR to take
> different "sides" on this little newsgroup (It's all part of the
> Ad-Linus-K.O.N. paradigm), it doesn't affect the friendship at all. In fact
> we go sooooooooooo far back that I don't think there is anything that could
> alter it.
> Happy Digging Purple Nurple!
> Do YOU Even Smoke Frop?

Drugs are bad.


Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 10:51:52 -0500


> Drugs are bad.

People make drugs.
"Bob" made frop!

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 15:38:27 -0800

In article , "Slack Master K.O.N."

> > Drugs are bad.
> People make drugs.
> "Bob" made frop!
> Dummy.

Frop is a mythical substance, like ambrosia or the waters of eternal
youth. That stuff you're smoking is NOT frop. This is a common
misperception that needs correcting from time to time. False drugs may
serve you in the short run, but they're no substitute for the real


Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 23:48:10 -0500


"polar bear" wrote in message
> In article , "Slack Master K.O.N."
> wrote:
>> > Drugs are bad.
>> People make drugs.
>> "Bob" made frop!
>> Dummy.
> Frop is a mythical substance, like ambrosia or the waters of eternal
> youth. That stuff you're smoking is NOT frop. This is a common
> misperception that needs correcting from time to time. False drugs may
> serve you in the short run, but they're no substitute for the real
> thing.
Maybe to you it's mythical, Polar
But what position are you in to comment on what I am smoking?
Huh? Personally, I only indulge in FROP now. I used to do drugs, yeah the
real ones, but I don't go around like a TIGHTASS telling all of my friends
that still indulge that what they are doing is wrong. How UnSubgenius of
you to impose your morals - and on someone you don't even know to boot. I
smell something- could that be the Pstench of Bobby?
I guess if FROP is mythical then "Bob" must be too, eh Polar Bobby?

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 06:10:53 GMT

In article ,
"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:

> How UnSubgenius of
> you to impose your morals - and on someone you don't even know to boot.

I think you just sat down real hard on three separate oxymorons there.

There are a certain number of SubGeeners who get all puffy & outraged
over what they think is an external imposition of "morals" when its just
a natural attempt to fill in a vacuum where there oughta be some basic
manners, even if only under what I personally consider to be a VERY
broad YETI umbrella over the term. No one did jack to you; you went into
auto-outrage xenogenesis, pilgrim!

Besides, you blew it when you said "UnSubgenius." The minute you
started trying to define THAT, you grew a third butt cheek so you could
sit on all three oxymorons. DADDY SPANK.

Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
I'm better than anyone here except Alliekatt, who is my QUEEN, so NYEH


HellPope Huey
Religion is the opiate of people who need a hash break.

"... so here it hangs, like a gym sock on a shower rod."
- "The West Wing"

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems
just with potatoes.
- Douglas Adams

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 01:53:03 -0500


"> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
> I'm better than anyone here

Prove It.

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 17:23:25 GMT

In article ,
"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:

> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
> > I'm better than anyone here
> Prove It.

I already have. You're an eight-bun wanker in a ten-weiner world.


HellPope Huey
I am not a conservative crossdresser, but IT COULD HAPPEN!!
YES!!! MY KIND SHALL something something!!

And if you gaze for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

When you gaze into the abyss,
Mrs. Barstow pokes you in the eye
and screams at you to plug up that hole in her shower stall
- HellPope Huey

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 15:06:46 -0500


"HellPope Huey" wrote in message
> In article ,
> "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
>> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
>> > I'm better than anyone here
>> Prove It.
> I already have. You're an eight-bun wanker in a ten-weiner world.
> --

The only thing you've proven to me is that your an old geezer SHITWAD who
jumps for joy when he actually gets laid! In fact your so pathetic that
when you actually get action you feel the need to announce it to alt.slack-
how SAD! I'd like to see a pic of you. I'll bet your a foul specimen with
some pork around the middle.

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:49:22 GMT

In article ,
"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
> "HellPope Huey" wrote in message
> > In article ,
> > "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
> >
> >> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
> >> > I'm better than anyone here
> >>
> >> Prove It.
> >
> > I already have. You're an eight-bun wanker in a ten-weiner world.
> The only thing you've proven to me is that your an old geezer SHITWAD who
> jumps for joy when he actually gets laid! In fact your so pathetic that
> when you actually get action you feel the need to announce it to alt.slack-
> how SAD! I'd like to see a pic of you. I'll bet your a foul specimen with
> some pork around the middle.

Gee, now I feel sorry for you. I'm an old geezer and a pork-bound
shitwad and you feel the need to "take me down" on a newsgroup? As a
rule, only small people try to build themselves up by diminishing
others. I didn't know you were that fragile. I apologize for pecking at


HellPope Huey
I am not a conservative crossdresser, but IT COULD HAPPEN!!
YES!!! MY KIND SHALL something something!!

And if you gaze for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

When you gaze into the abyss,
Mrs. Barstow pokes you in the eye
and screams at you to plug up that hole in her shower stall
- HellPope Huey

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 21:38:57 -0500


"HellPope Huey" wrote in message
> In article ,
> "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
>> "HellPope Huey" wrote in message
>> > In article ,
>> > "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
>> >
>> >> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you
>> >> and
>> >> > I'm better than anyone here
>> >>
>> >> Prove It.
>> >
>> > I already have. You're an eight-bun wanker in a ten-weiner world.
>> The only thing you've proven to me is that your an old geezer SHITWAD who
>> jumps for joy when he actually gets laid! In fact your so pathetic that
>> when you actually get action you feel the need to announce it to
>> alt.slack-
>> how SAD! I'd like to see a pic of you. I'll bet your a foul specimen
>> with
>> some pork around the middle.
> Gee, now I feel sorry for you. I'm an old geezer and a pork-bound
> shitwad and you feel the need to "take me down" on a newsgroup? As a
> rule, only small people try to build themselves up by diminishing
> others.
Who pecked first?

I didn't know you were that fragile. I apologize for pecking at
> you.
Hey, you just contradicted yourself and proved my point.
Too bad for you!

Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 02:57:12 GMT


"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:

> "HellPope Huey" wrote in message
> > In article ,
> > "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
> >> "HellPope Huey" wrote in message
> >>
> >> > In article ,
> >> > "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you
> >> >> and
> >> >> > I'm better than anyone here
> >> >>
> >> >> Prove It.
> >> >
> >> > I already have. You're an eight-bun wanker in a ten-weiner world.
> >>
> >> The only thing you've proven to me is that your an old geezer SHITWAD who
> >> jumps for joy when he actually gets laid! In fact your so pathetic that
> >> when you actually get action you feel the need to announce it to
> >> alt.slack-
> >> how SAD! I'd like to see a pic of you. I'll bet your a foul specimen
> >> with
> >> some pork around the middle.
> >
> > Gee, now I feel sorry for you. I'm an old geezer and a pork-bound
> > shitwad and you feel the need to "take me down" on a newsgroup? As a
> > rule, only small people try to build themselves up by diminishing
> > others.
> Who pecked first?

The chicken or the aig?

Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 03:45:31 GMT

In article <>,
Konig Pruss, GfbAEV wrote:
> "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:

> > Who pecked first?
> The chicken or the aig?

Actually, I think it was Joe Pyne who pecked first, many years ago on
California TV. He was the godfather of radio shock jocks and
Springeresque talk shows. Joe could rant and foam and carve on people
like a wolverine hopped up on goofballs. Audience ate it up and his
ratings were swell for years. Too bad the whole thing got so popular it
festered and led to Fox News.


HellPope Huey
I am not a conservative crossdresser, but IT COULD HAPPEN!!
YES!!! MY KIND SHALL something something!!

And if you gaze for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

When you gaze into the abyss,
Mrs. Barstow pokes you in the eye
and screams at you to plug up that hole in her shower stall
- HellPope Huey

Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 09:19:34 GMT


HellPope Huey wrote:

> In article <>,
> Konig Pruss, GfbAEV wrote:
> > "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote:
> > > Who pecked first?
> >
> > The chicken or the aig?
> Actually, I think it was Joe Pyne who pecked first, many years ago on
> California TV. He was the godfather of radio shock jocks and
> Springeresque talk shows. Joe could rant and foam and carve on people
> like a wolverine hopped up on goofballs. Audience ate it up and his
> ratings were swell for years. Too bad the whole thing got so popular it
> festered and led to Fox News.
> --

Yeah, I think I remember that guy;
a very angry cripple, right? Sort of
a prototypical Rush Limburger.

At first I thought you were referring
to John Pryne, "There's a Hole in Daddy's Arm"
and "Little Jimmy Joe, the Little Hippybilly Boy"

Correspondent:: Rev DJ Epoch
Date: 18 Nov 2004 17:28:27 GMT

"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote in news:Bp-

> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
>> I'm better than anyone here
> Prove It.

DISprove it.

The Church of Our Lady of Prepetual Motion
Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall- Home of the Traci Lords Memorial Brothel
Rev. DJ Epoch - proprietor and janitor
Divine Southern Redneck Yeti Clench Recruitment site: http://revdjepoch.COM

"Slack & autopsies go together like strap-ons and polishing grit:
the nature of the song depends on which side of the dong you're on."
-- HellPope Huey

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 15:15:25 -0500


"Rev DJ Epoch" wrote in message
> "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote in news:Bp-
>> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you and
>>> I'm better than anyone here
>> Prove It.
> DISprove it.

I'm the fucking best specimen in every respect. The finest Subgenius to
walk the face of this earth. In fact I'm in the realm of OVERMANHOOD. I
can jump up rotate 4 times in the air and land on a quarter inch thick piece
of steel. Oh yeah all done on a slippery patch of ice also - Beat that
pathetic LOSERS.
Come to TORONTO and I will prove that Beeyotch- actually soon you'll you'l
all be able to witness it from the comfort of your living rooms.
Contest this in any way and I will be forced to upload a video of myself
doing it to
Take that bitches.

Correspondent:: Rev DJ Epoch
Date: 19 Nov 2004 13:42:01 GMT

"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote in

> "Rev DJ Epoch" wrote in message
> news:Xns95A57EE54DDB8nunyabiznowaycom@
>> "Slack Master K.O.N." wrote in
>> news:Bp-
>>> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you
>>> and
>>>> I'm better than anyone here
>>> Prove It.
>> DISprove it.
> I'm the fucking best specimen in every respect. The finest Subgenius to
> walk the face of this earth. In fact I'm in the realm of OVERMANHOOD.
> I can jump up rotate 4 times in the air and land on a quarter inch thick
> piece of steel. Oh yeah all done on a slippery patch of ice also -
> Beat that pathetic LOSERS.
> Come to TORONTO and I will prove that Beeyotch- actually soon you'll
> you'l all be able to witness it from the comfort of your living rooms.
> Contest this in any way and I will be forced to upload a video of myself
> doing it to
> alt.binaries.slack
> Take that bitches.

CGI special effects have been around for a while now, Mr. Neutron. Hell,
even Morris the cat is doing backflips now on TV. Take your show on the
ROAD and let them see it in PERSON without Doug Henning and his hidden
wires in the background and then someone might believe you. (NOT)

As for the overman claims, anyone in THIS group who makes claims of
superiority are likely suffering from delusions, drug-induced
hallucinations or have just won the lottery, BEEEE-YOTCH.

The Church of Our Lady of Prepetual Motion
Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall- Home of the Traci Lords Memorial Brothel
Rev. DJ Epoch - proprietor and janitor
Divine Southern Redneck Yeti Clench Recruitment site: http://revdjepoch.COM

"Slack & autopsies go together like strap-ons and polishing grit:
the nature of the song depends on which side of the dong you're on."
-- HellPope Huey

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:00:12 -0500


>>>> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you
>>>> and
>>>>> I'm better than anyone here
>>>> Prove It.
>>> DISprove it.
>> I'm the fucking best specimen in every respect. The finest Subgenius to
>> walk the face of this earth. In fact I'm in the realm of OVERMANHOOD.
>> I can jump up rotate 4 times in the air and land on a quarter inch thick
>> piece of steel. Oh yeah all done on a slippery patch of ice also -
>> Beat that pathetic LOSERS.
>> Come to TORONTO and I will prove that Beeyotch- actually soon you'll
>> you'l all be able to witness it from the comfort of your living rooms.
>> Contest this in any way and I will be forced to upload a video of myself
>> doing it to
>> alt.binaries.slack
>> Take that bitches.
> CGI special effects have been around for a while now, Mr. Neutron. Hell,
> even Morris the cat is doing backflips now on TV. Take your show on the
> ROAD and let them see it in PERSON without Doug Henning and his hidden
> wires in the background and then someone might believe you. (NOT)
No effects or wires- I can guarantee - levetation - 4 rotations - land on a
razor sharp quarter inch piece of steal, all on ice. My show has been on
the road now for about 14 years. I'll have to dig up an old video and
transfer it onto computer as I am recovering from a herniated disk in my
back (due to all my magic tricks.) If my back is ready, my show will be in
Italy in Feb and Moscow in March.
If I ever get around to getting a vid together, You will know it's real by
all of the fans visibly cheering.
The K.O.N.

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 07:36:44 -0800

In article , "Slack Master K.O.N."

> ">>>>
> >>>> "> Anyway, I have the right to say this because I know more than you
> >>>> and
> >>>>> I'm better than anyone here
> >>>>
> >>>> Prove It.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> DISprove it.
> >>
> >> I'm the fucking best specimen in every respect. The finest Subgenius to
> >> walk the face of this earth. In fact I'm in the realm of OVERMANHOOD.
> >> I can jump up rotate 4 times in the air and land on a quarter inch thick
> >> piece of steel. Oh yeah all done on a slippery patch of ice also -
> >> Beat that pathetic LOSERS.
> >> Come to TORONTO and I will prove that Beeyotch- actually soon you'll
> >> you'l all be able to witness it from the comfort of your living rooms.
> >> Contest this in any way and I will be forced to upload a video of myself
> >> doing it to
> >> alt.binaries.slack
> >> Take that bitches.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > CGI special effects have been around for a while now, Mr. Neutron. Hell,
> > even Morris the cat is doing backflips now on TV. Take your show on the
> > ROAD and let them see it in PERSON without Doug Henning and his hidden
> > wires in the background and then someone might believe you. (NOT)
> >
> No effects or wires- I can guarantee - levetation - 4 rotations - land on a
> razor sharp quarter inch piece of steal, all on ice. My show has been on
> the road now for about 14 years. I'll have to dig up an old video and
> transfer it onto computer as I am recovering from a herniated disk in my
> back (due to all my magic tricks.) If my back is ready, my show will be in
> Italy in Feb and Moscow in March.
> If I ever get around to getting a vid together, You will know it's real by
> all of the fans visibly cheering.
> The K.O.N.

Pretty impressive. Now imagine what you'd be capable of without all
that false frop you've been smoking.


Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:01:50 -0500

Of course I suffer from delusions.
Doesn't everybody???

Correspondent:: Rev DJ Epoch
Date: 22 Nov 2004 12:42:21 GMT

"Slack Master K.O.N." wrote in

> PS
> Of course I suffer from delusions.
> Doesn't everybody???

Only in the time space between waking up in the morning and going to bed at

The Church of Our Lady of Prepetual Motion
Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall- Home of the Traci Lords Memorial Brothel
Rev. DJ Epoch - proprietor and janitor
Divine Southern Redneck Yeti Clench Recruitment site: http://revdjepoch.COM

"Slack & autopsies go together like strap-ons and polishing grit:
the nature of the song depends on which side of the dong you're on."
-- HellPope Huey

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:05:41 -0500

On 11/19/04 12:01 PM, in article, "Slack
Master K.O.N." wrote:

> PS
> Of course I suffer from delusions.
> Doesn't everybody???

The Great Bob Dobbs

Correspondent:: (Linus Minimax)
Date: 17 Nov 2004 23:24:57 -0800

like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-

Yes that's right folks, the new Slobbering Anus EP "Suckle Your Beat
Belt" has just been dropped, and boy does it stink. (It's the one we
were dancin' to the other eve, KON) Bob informs me it's Wyndham
Lewis' birthday today, so this one's in honor of delerious
hypervorticism. Yeee-hoo!!

Anyway, it's Ad 'n' I that are fortunate enough to be print-addicts so
we can do some proper 'homework', but part of the quest is whipping
that shit out coherently in live conversation. KON is one of our
favourite screamers, he knows that it's all about pushing it to where
our eyes are bulging with disbelief and dangerously intense laughter
and the mad shit we've just said, roaring to banish (or just
CONFUSE???) the astral surveillers who CRAVE our slickslack slipstack
so NAKEDLY. I try to anagram you into the mix (as if I could not!)
but this guy's INNATE, I hardly need to, except to feed his
ever-ravenous hunger for MIND-BLOWING SLACK REVELATIONS!!!

Although, I still give them an F for not escaping the thrumming well
of all those electronics to witness the Reverend Venetian Snares a few
ago, but they made it to Skinny Puppy and we didn't, so FUCK US.

Anyway, I wanted to say, regarding that whole 'Mario Twin Towers' mad
synchronicity you had there KON...... it's odd that the three voices
who warn that such coincidences may be sinister or programmed (whether
by apotheosized media environments on auto-replay, awe-sucking energy
demons lurking in the spaces between spaces, or just the black comedy
of rival conspiracies toying with mass mind control) are ALL NAMED

Glug, glug, glug, glug.

Correspondent:: "Slack Master K.O.N."
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 02:40:49 -0500


"Linus Minimax" wrote in message
> like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
>> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-
> Yes that's right folks, the new Slobbering Anus EP "Suckle Your Beat
> Belt" has just been dropped, and boy does it stink. (It's the one we
> were dancin' to the other eve, KON) Bob informs me it's Wyndham
> Lewis' birthday today, so this one's in honor of delerious
> hypervorticism. Yeee-hoo!!
> Anyway, it's Ad 'n' I that are fortunate enough to be print-addicts so
> we can do some proper 'homework', but part of the quest is whipping
> that shit out coherently in live conversation. KON is one of our
> favourite screamers, he knows that it's all about pushing it to where
> our eyes are bulging with disbelief and dangerously intense laughter
> and the mad shit we've just said, roaring to banish (or just
> CONFUSE???) the astral surveillers who CRAVE our slickslack slipstack
> so NAKEDLY. I try to anagram you into the mix (as if I could not!)
> but this guy's INNATE, I hardly need to, except to feed his
> ever-ravenous hunger for MIND-BLOWING SLACK REVELATIONS!!!
> Although, I still give them an F for not escaping the thrumming well
> of all those electronics to witness the Reverend Venetian Snares a few
> ago, but they made it to Skinny Puppy and we didn't, so FUCK US.
> Anyway, I wanted to say, regarding that whole 'Mario Twin Towers' mad
> synchronicity you had there KON...... it's odd that the three voices
> who warn that such coincidences may be sinister or programmed (whether
> by apotheosized media environments on auto-replay, awe-sucking energy
> demons lurking in the spaces between spaces, or just the black comedy
> of rival conspiracies toying with mass mind control) are ALL NAMED
> BOB!!!
> Glug, glug, glug, glug.

Hey Linicus!
Got that frop today from Mich- oooooooooooohhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
that's what I'm talkin' bout!
Been a while since I've had Frop of this quality-
let the good timez roll.
Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.
I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.
Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
started to pick up steam.
Seeya soon.
The K.O.N.

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 07:35:12 -0800

In article , "Slack Master K.O.N."

> "Linus Minimax" wrote in message
> > like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
> >> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-
> >
> > Yes that's right folks, the new Slobbering Anus EP "Suckle Your Beat
> > Belt" has just been dropped, and boy does it stink. (It's the one we
> > were dancin' to the other eve, KON) Bob informs me it's Wyndham
> > Lewis' birthday today, so this one's in honor of delerious
> > hypervorticism. Yeee-hoo!!
> >
> > Anyway, it's Ad 'n' I that are fortunate enough to be print-addicts so
> > we can do some proper 'homework', but part of the quest is whipping
> > that shit out coherently in live conversation. KON is one of our
> > favourite screamers, he knows that it's all about pushing it to where
> > our eyes are bulging with disbelief and dangerously intense laughter
> > and the mad shit we've just said, roaring to banish (or just
> > CONFUSE???) the astral surveillers who CRAVE our slickslack slipstack
> > so NAKEDLY. I try to anagram you into the mix (as if I could not!)
> > but this guy's INNATE, I hardly need to, except to feed his
> > ever-ravenous hunger for MIND-BLOWING SLACK REVELATIONS!!!
> >
> > Although, I still give them an F for not escaping the thrumming well
> > of all those electronics to witness the Reverend Venetian Snares a few
> > ago, but they made it to Skinny Puppy and we didn't, so FUCK US.
> >
> > Anyway, I wanted to say, regarding that whole 'Mario Twin Towers' mad
> > synchronicity you had there KON...... it's odd that the three voices
> > who warn that such coincidences may be sinister or programmed (whether
> > by apotheosized media environments on auto-replay, awe-sucking energy
> > demons lurking in the spaces between spaces, or just the black comedy
> > of rival conspiracies toying with mass mind control) are ALL NAMED
> > BOB!!!
> >
> > Glug, glug, glug, glug.
> Hey Linicus!
> Got that frop today from Mich- oooooooooooohhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
> that's what I'm talkin' bout!
> Been a while since I've had Frop of this quality-
> let the good timez roll.
> Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.
> I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.
> Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
> started to pick up steam.
> Seeya soon.
> The K.O.N.

The Frop you can smoke is not the true Frop

polar bobby

Correspondent:: (Linus Minimax)
Date: 20 Nov 2004 17:35:43 -0800

> The Frop you can smoke is not the true Frop
> polar bobby

See I always though 'Frop was mythical, or at least meant whatever
makes the particular 'Genius get his/her freak on, whether booze,
green, shrooms, water, mad beatz, pushups, manic 'pataphysical "media
theory", whatever, etc......... One of my major disappointments on
alt.slack was learning that it was apparently just a code for pot.
Glad you clear that up. *cough cough*

Correspondent:: (Linus Minimax)
Date: 21 Nov 2004 23:17:38 -0800

> Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.

If I minded something would be very wrong.

> I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.

I still find it funny when people do that and say "what a dumbass! he
doesn't even realize I'm burning him!" when all he does is keep

> Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
> started to pick up steam.

He has this knack for denying he ever stumbled by claiming to be
moving relative to an entirely different plane of galactic inertia. I
hear a lot of testimony that it's instantly and obviously annoying,
but I never quite hear that myself.

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:51:01 -0500

On 11/22/04 2:17 AM, in article, "Linus Minimax"

>> Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.
> If I minded something would be very wrong.


>> I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.
> I still find it funny when people do that and say "what a dumbass! he
> doesn't even realize I'm burning him!" when all he does is keep
> chuckling.

Correct. But I'm still the only serious one in this domain and I can back it
up. Everyone else is a mere Menippean. Pity.
>> Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
>> started to pick up steam.
> He has this knack for denying he ever stumbled by claiming to be
> moving relative to an entirely different plane of galactic inertia.


> I
> hear a lot of testimony that it's instantly and obviously annoying,
> but I never quite hear that myself.

Neither do I.

The Great Bob Dobbs

Correspondent:: purple
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:03:40 -0500

On 11/18/04 2:40 AM, in article, "Slack
Master K.O.N." wrote:

> "Linus Minimax" wrote in message
>> like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
>>> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-
>> Yes that's right folks, the new Slobbering Anus EP "Suckle Your Beat
>> Belt" has just been dropped, and boy does it stink. (It's the one we
>> were dancin' to the other eve, KON) Bob informs me it's Wyndham
>> Lewis' birthday today, so this one's in honor of delerious
>> hypervorticism. Yeee-hoo!!
>> Anyway, it's Ad 'n' I that are fortunate enough to be print-addicts so
>> we can do some proper 'homework', but part of the quest is whipping
>> that shit out coherently in live conversation. KON is one of our
>> favourite screamers, he knows that it's all about pushing it to where
>> our eyes are bulging with disbelief and dangerously intense laughter
>> and the mad shit we've just said, roaring to banish (or just
>> CONFUSE???) the astral surveillers who CRAVE our slickslack slipstack
>> so NAKEDLY. I try to anagram you into the mix (as if I could not!)
>> but this guy's INNATE, I hardly need to, except to feed his
>> ever-ravenous hunger for MIND-BLOWING SLACK REVELATIONS!!!
>> Although, I still give them an F for not escaping the thrumming well
>> of all those electronics to witness the Reverend Venetian Snares a few
>> ago, but they made it to Skinny Puppy and we didn't, so FUCK US.
>> Anyway, I wanted to say, regarding that whole 'Mario Twin Towers' mad
>> synchronicity you had there KON...... it's odd that the three voices
>> who warn that such coincidences may be sinister or programmed (whether
>> by apotheosized media environments on auto-replay, awe-sucking energy
>> demons lurking in the spaces between spaces, or just the black comedy
>> of rival conspiracies toying with mass mind control) are ALL NAMED
>> BOB!!!
>> Glug, glug, glug, glug.
> Hey Linicus!
> Got that frop today from Mich- oooooooooooohhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
> that's what I'm talkin' bout!
> Been a while since I've had Frop of this quality-
> let the good timez roll.
> Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.
> I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.
> Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
> started to pick up steam.
> Seeya soon.
> The K.O.N.
I don't need legs.

The Great Bob Dobbs

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:53:48 -0800

In article , purple

> On 11/18/04 2:40 AM, in article, "Slack
> Master K.O.N." wrote:
> >
> > "Linus Minimax" wrote in message
> >
> >> like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
> >>> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-
> >>
> >> Yes that's right folks, the new Slobbering Anus EP "Suckle Your Beat
> >> Belt" has just been dropped, and boy does it stink. (It's the one we
> >> were dancin' to the other eve, KON) Bob informs me it's Wyndham
> >> Lewis' birthday today, so this one's in honor of delerious
> >> hypervorticism. Yeee-hoo!!
> >>
> >> Anyway, it's Ad 'n' I that are fortunate enough to be print-addicts so
> >> we can do some proper 'homework', but part of the quest is whipping
> >> that shit out coherently in live conversation. KON is one of our
> >> favourite screamers, he knows that it's all about pushing it to where
> >> our eyes are bulging with disbelief and dangerously intense laughter
> >> and the mad shit we've just said, roaring to banish (or just
> >> CONFUSE???) the astral surveillers who CRAVE our slickslack slipstack
> >> so NAKEDLY. I try to anagram you into the mix (as if I could not!)
> >> but this guy's INNATE, I hardly need to, except to feed his
> >> ever-ravenous hunger for MIND-BLOWING SLACK REVELATIONS!!!
> >>
> >> Although, I still give them an F for not escaping the thrumming well
> >> of all those electronics to witness the Reverend Venetian Snares a few
> >> ago, but they made it to Skinny Puppy and we didn't, so FUCK US.
> >>
> >> Anyway, I wanted to say, regarding that whole 'Mario Twin Towers' mad
> >> synchronicity you had there KON...... it's odd that the three voices
> >> who warn that such coincidences may be sinister or programmed (whether
> >> by apotheosized media environments on auto-replay, awe-sucking energy
> >> demons lurking in the spaces between spaces, or just the black comedy
> >> of rival conspiracies toying with mass mind control) are ALL NAMED
> >> BOB!!!
> >>
> >> Glug, glug, glug, glug.
> >
> > Hey Linicus!
> > Got that frop today from Mich- oooooooooooohhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
> > that's what I'm talkin' bout!
> > Been a while since I've had Frop of this quality-
> > let the good timez roll.
> > Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.
> > I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.
> > Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
> > started to pick up steam.
> > Seeya soon.
> > The K.O.N.
> >
> >
> I don't need legs.
Neither do the Vancouver Police. The native people call them Men With
No Legs because they never get out of the car.


Correspondent:: König Prüß, GfbAEV
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 00:04:09 GMT


polar bear wrote:

> In article , purple
> wrote:
> > On 11/18/04 2:40 AM, in article, "Slack
> > Master K.O.N." wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > "Linus Minimax" wrote in message
> > >
> > >> like 3 pees in a pod- And yup we're
> > >>> constantly taking eachother to school BOYO-
> > >>
> > >> Yes that's right folks, the new Slobbering Anus EP "Suckle Your Beat
> > >> Belt" has just been dropped, and boy does it stink. (It's the one we
> > >> were dancin' to the other eve, KON) Bob informs me it's Wyndham
> > >> Lewis' birthday today, so this one's in honor of delerious
> > >> hypervorticism. Yeee-hoo!!
> > >>
> > >> Anyway, it's Ad 'n' I that are fortunate enough to be print-addicts so
> > >> we can do some proper 'homework', but part of the quest is whipping
> > >> that shit out coherently in live conversation. KON is one of our
> > >> favourite screamers, he knows that it's all about pushing it to where
> > >> our eyes are bulging with disbelief and dangerously intense laughter
> > >> and the mad shit we've just said, roaring to banish (or just
> > >> CONFUSE???) the astral surveillers who CRAVE our slickslack slipstack
> > >> so NAKEDLY. I try to anagram you into the mix (as if I could not!)
> > >> but this guy's INNATE, I hardly need to, except to feed his
> > >> ever-ravenous hunger for MIND-BLOWING SLACK REVELATIONS!!!
> > >>
> > >> Although, I still give them an F for not escaping the thrumming well
> > >> of all those electronics to witness the Reverend Venetian Snares a few
> > >> ago, but they made it to Skinny Puppy and we didn't, so FUCK US.
> > >>
> > >> Anyway, I wanted to say, regarding that whole 'Mario Twin Towers' mad
> > >> synchronicity you had there KON...... it's odd that the three voices
> > >> who warn that such coincidences may be sinister or programmed (whether
> > >> by apotheosized media environments on auto-replay, awe-sucking energy
> > >> demons lurking in the spaces between spaces, or just the black comedy
> > >> of rival conspiracies toying with mass mind control) are ALL NAMED
> > >> BOB!!!
> > >>
> > >> Glug, glug, glug, glug.
> > >
> > > Hey Linicus!
> > > Got that frop today from Mich- oooooooooooohhhhhhh yyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
> > > that's what I'm talkin' bout!
> > > Been a while since I've had Frop of this quality-
> > > let the good timez roll.
> > > Hope you don't mind my picking on Bob.
> > > I thought I would whip out the old flame-thrower and see what he's made of.
> > > Seemed to stumble out of the gate but he eventually found his legs and
> > > started to pick up steam.
> > > Seeya soon.
> > > The K.O.N.
> > >
> > >
> > I don't need legs.
> >
> Neither do the Vancouver Police. The native people call them Men With
> No Legs because they never get out of the car.
> pb

If they don't get out of the car, how do they
wind-up the Steam Clock?

Correspondent:: polar bear
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:05:59 -0800

In article <>, König Prüß, GfbAEV

> polar bear wrote:
> > In article , purple
> > wrote:
> >
> > > >
> > > I don't need legs.
> > >
> > Neither do the Vancouver Police. The native people call them Men With
> > No Legs because they never get out of the car.
> >
> > pb
> If they don't get out of the car, how do they
> wind-up the Steam Clock?

Glad you asked. Like everything else in this city, The Great Clock of
Steam is a fake. It runs on electricity and is hooked into the city
steam supply which runs under the street. At approriate moments the
clock chimes, opens a valve, and lets off some steam to impress the
tourists who don't know any better.

Kind of like the riverboat ride at Disneyland* which is actually just a
fancy pants railway car. (Second biggest disappointment of my life.
The first was discovering that the submarine ride didn't actually


* I was there when the place first opened - some of it was still under
construction. You should have seen Orange County in those days.
Nothing but oranges, as far as the eye could see.