HellPope Huey is the Strongest Character ever!
Correspondent:: Unclaimed Mysteries
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 07:36:40 GMT
And I do mean STRONG. Of course I'm one to talk, having ingested several
garlic cloves whole last weekend.
It Came From C. L. Smith's Unclaimed Mysteries.
Correspondent:: HellPope Huey
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 17:07:23 GMT
In article ,
Unclaimed Mysteries
> And I do mean STRONG. Of course I'm one to talk, having ingested several
> garlic cloves whole last weekend.
I charm like a lobbyist for the condom industry, rant like a functional
schizophrenic, fuck like a beast, compose like a resolute revolutionary
on a skimpy budget and natter sideways like a Rosicrucian Cenobite, yet
am eternally hampered by the problem of SMELLING like a HELLPOPE.
There is no real greatness without a flaw by which to measure it.
Still, P.U.! Once you have the stink of Dobbs on you, you'd have to wear
a skunk on a necklace to even make half a dent in the first layer of
molecules. Hold your noses, you fucking Normals.
HellPope Huey
Pull my lever, you lush hottie
Doesn't matter who you vote for,
the Goverment gets elected.
- Mr. M. J. Lush
"Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos."
- Homer Simpson