He's dead, Jim
Correspondent:: dblspace@aol.complex-sex (David Langlois --- Ball serves Baal)
Date: 11 Nov 2004 06:35:08 GMT
Mr. Arafat, meet Schroedinger's Cat.
out of the box,
the Rebi "Slash" Foreskin
Correspondent:: phy
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 14:52:42 -0000
dblspace@aol.complex-sex (David Langlois --- Ball serves Baal) wrote in
> Mr. Arafat, meet Schroedinger's Cat.
> out of the box,
> David
> aka
> the Rebi "Slash" Foreskin
> (R/4)
About damn time. The world is ready for the next news cycle. Will Sharon be
next? I bet Kali would have voted for Bush. Who did Bob vote for?/