But Daaaaaad, I WANT one!

Correspondent:: modemac@modemac.com (Modemac)
Date: 11 Nov 2004 04:00:06 -0800

From the "Way Too Much Time On His Hands" department:


Still, there are worse things you can do besides spending all this
time building something for your kids.

Correspondent:: "Rev. Beergoggles"
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:06:57 -0600

Modemac did pass the time by typing:
> From the "Way Too Much Time On His Hands" department:
> http://www.wizkidsgames.com/mwdarkage/mw_article.asp?cid=36984&frame=news
> Still, there are worse things you can do besides spending all this
> time building something for your kids.

.sniff. byoooootiful!
